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D. 19---��.,--, at...............11:.45- --- - �- -----o'clock-----._..�...✓12'. �; <br /> � ... ..._.......................:.......... ....................................................._............ �larrantp � <br /> To �eea - � <br /> _ ----- -- --- ---- ----- ------ ---------- -� -- <br /> Re�ister of eeds, � <br /> '-- --Ch�rl�s._P, Craf.t....�n�. Fr�ink....%�_........ ,', <br /> ; <br /> B�._---- - -- ------ - � <br /> ------- -- - - --- <br /> ��g A rt�n Deputy i <br /> - - _. __ __ _ __ <br /> - - - - -- - - _ _ __. <br /> �.r�o� �Y� �er� �p ��je�e �re�er�t�: <br />'' That - - ---IrLllcs.__.�:..C.1<;;.r�t,_vV.ld_s��9.__ --- ---- - -__ --- - - --- - � <br /> - -__ _. -- .-- --- - <br /> - - --- - ,. <br /> 'of the Count�J af-- --- B-o-OTle- ---- ----.and State of-- ----------H_�b�'uSki�.------------------ --------------------- <br /> Grantor.__________., in eonsideratiorz � <br /> ' ii <br /> 'o the sum o rot�r 7ha�s�nd & -na l�4 .._ .. - . -- -- - -- - - --------------D OLL.�RS, �, <br /> f f.._ ----- - -- - -- --- -- - � <br /> in hand paid, do._ ._. _--- ----_herebz� GR./1,NT, B./1RG✓IIN, SELL, ✓1ND COJV'VEY' ur�to __ ----_Ch����3_. P.�I'u.f t----c��d---Fra,rlk_�.-_----- ; <br /> �d�e rt on <br /> - ----- --- -- - - -- - - -- -- --- -___ - -- - -- ---- - - .- _ - -- _ - <br /> of the County of------ --,---�i�T7111t_Qri-- -------------and State of----.- ---N�=qTa,Ski3.:;: ----- ------._------., Grantee--�------, the followin� <br /> T • <br /> described �remises;:situated in, the Countr� of.______ ___.__ __.__:i:x�.7._________ _ ________ _._.and State of Nebraska, to-wit: ' <br /> -------S-�u�h_�ust----Q�a�.x-t��-r_--�f the �art:n_�;.et �u�:rtmr 'of� Sscti.a� TwQ__�2_�,-�ow_r�ship--El�r-?n---��_l� _No_�th ;; <br /> , ---------Run�e_-�Iin_e.--�-�-� -V�est --of �thP--bt.n_�xin�i�;:�l__Mpr.i�ii�i.n-- _ ----- , <br /> - -- ---- - -- - <br /> - _ ----- - -- - --- ----. �� <br /> , � ;�� <br /> ---------- <br /> '--- - -- -- - --- ----- -- _ _ -- - ----- - -- -- - ` <br /> - - -_ 4�3.oo -z.�.��.�� } -- <br /> --- - -- <br /> ------ - <br /> C�.nc�sll�d ... . _..�w_,__-�� '' <br /> �- -- - - - ._ _ - <br /> ----- _----- - -- -- ---- <br /> - ---- -_ _- <br /> - - -- <br /> - -- - --- --- <br /> - -- ---- ----- - <br /> - - . , <br /> '------ ----------------- ---- - - ------------------------ - --, - -- <br /> ___ <br /> ----------- --- --- � <br /> --- ------ - - - ------ . .. _ __ __ _ - -- -__ _ ----..-- - -- --- - - -- --- _- -- - <br /> - - --- -- - -- „ <br /> _ _ _ _ --- - <br /> ; <br /> , <br /> To��ther wat7i all the tenements, hered.itaments, and czppurt.enances thereunto belorz�i�i�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, '� <br /> !Dower, Curtesy, Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grarztor._8., and of either ofl them, of, in or to the. same, or any part thereof. ;i <br /> �u �abP anD ta �olD� the above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee__S:___and to___#�hP.,�_�..__.____ �! <br /> � <br /> ;heirs and assi�ns forever. ✓dnd____�Rt�_______herebz� couenant _____.zvith the said Grantee.__3__.__that_______ ____.k1t6--_-_ ____.__hold______�_said premises ! <br /> by 5ood and perfect title; that__-----___,.�!u_�___________.ha`I_�___�ood rieht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are ';; <br /> � <br /> ��free and clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever._________PX��-�;�_t__,t;_oS����_._of_____t_vYe1_V?___hu2ldr?d___dD11�s____(_�12��_,__ai0) <br />' ; t_o_Albion.-N�.tion�.l �su.rik_til=�_i_on,_��p�rusk�,.--�nd ._t:;;�e� _�1�.�.__��'__wh�_�;�t_�ru�.t�_�sr�s�_u.�ne---��d ��xAp ; <br /> E-- � <br /> �- ___ . _ <br /> ��� - t4-P��'� _ _ _ - - - _._._ - - __ _ __ _ _ -- _ - _.._�----- _ � �;� <br /> - <br /> -- -- � <br /> __ ___ - - <br /> - -_ <br /> `�nd______ _____ _________ _I_ ___ _ _ __ ___ __. .___covenarat___, warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful elaims of all �; <br /> persons whomsoever -- -- - _ _ _ - -_. _. _ _ _____. _---- - -- - -- - --__ .. - -- ---- '' <br /> - - -------- ---- - <br />, - - _ _ ---- - <br />�' ` --- - -- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ <br />, -- - - __ --- - - <br /> � Dated the--- - 2�3_�h ---da�J �J�----_ -��u�x-- - -_�. D. 19__.22. _ ; <br />, , <br /> ; W7TNESS ----------- -----E1�c�,.--.�._C.l�s.rk.._-�------ --- --------- 'i <br /> ,, <br /> ;� <br /> .. -- _ _ - - - -- - - <br /> - <br /> ____ . y.�.�ri4.e I <br /> -- --- i <br /> . __- -_ - <br /> _ ----- __ , <br /> __ _- - -- _ _ ----- i <br /> ST�TE OF NEBR�SIL'�4, ;; <br /> ss. � <br /> ----------FL C31�- --.-- --.Countz�, On this -------- -------2&tYl__._----daJ of.----- --------�`iugtl8-t---- ----------�1. D. 19__2�-------, before me, ,': <br /> ;the undersi+�ned, a ✓Y'otarz� Public __. __ _. _ _ _____within and for said Countz�, personallz� came_____.;llr�__E..C1a.I'k�_�Yj_d�I�___ ? <br /> ;i <br /> to rne personallz� Icrcowrz to be the identical person__,__.___wlaose name._____ ..l,s-____.________.._____.affcxed to the �''; <br /> ` above instrument as �rantor________, and___.______ Sh�_______severally acknowled�ed the same to be_ h�_T____ ;; <br /> ' �'`����Z� voluntarJ act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> �i <br /> IN W'IT✓VESS W'HEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my nayrce and af�"ixed mz� ofj"ieial seal at ,'+ <br /> , <br /> �lb i o n-N 8 b r�skd--- <br /> __--__ _-__ _---___on the date last above wratten. � <br /> Ij ii <br /> --- - -- --- - -----1�._�_,_�ria�--,-----------�___.._----�--------- ! <br /> � <br /> .N'otarr� Publie. <br /> ' ii <br /> ',� .My eommissiora expires.---..... __�I_AY__�7_t�'Y1_.1_923 __----- --.. ------ _.__----- _-----_ .,__.19.-------- -- ' <br />---_=- --- --.— _ ,- -- -_ -- --------. <br />-- ��--_--_--_ _ , __--- ---- <br /> ;; <br /> ; , <br /> 4 <br /> , <br /> ' -___ _ - ___ _ �I <br />