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.� <br /> ►. <br /> ��� <br /> �JJ��!���� ��L�-�.'IJ�L✓�� ����� ��0 � <br /> _� __. _ __� � _ _._^_.._._ —_.. <br />��. `] -S7ATE JOURNAL COMPANY LINCOLN NEB`� �� �� - � �-- � � <br />:......�..... . . -- �.. <br /> ._,_ _,..�.. _._..._�__,._..____ _.._ _ ... ...._ . . ..,_ __�_.,.. _...__._....,�_.__�w.,.. . � <br /> Ij <br /> i� <br /> I+'1�O�VI I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on ✓Y'umerical '! <br /> Index and filed for record this____________.2__ ____________day of._._______SPg'��mb.eT <br /> '►�-rY----�--�f--------------��--�---........._-------- <br /> ' . �aCCalltp .1. D. 19----2�-----, at-------�-----------..3...3i�-�--- ._.........o'clock---�----�?._.�M. ' <br /> ........... ....................................................... ............................................ �eea <br /> . <br /> : TO <br /> --. _._ _ _.- -- -�--- �-�------ -�---_. ....�. __....._ ' <br /> Re�ister o Deeds, <br /> - G_1�.ude--T_._Pow�ll......... ........... ............. <br /> B� - - - - __ - - - --- ---� <br /> -----.. <br /> Deputy. <br /> �.�o� �Yr �er� �p ��je�e �re�er�t�: <br /> That_-.-- --- __C�.yda-V-..7ury_ �.nd_�Ten-ni-e---I-•-.T-ur�r-,-Husband_and_I�ife--- - ---__-- -----. -----_ _. ._------ - <br /> - _ _- - - - <br /> __ - - - _ ._ _ _ . . . - - _ --- _- - _ - - -- - _ ___ -- -- - _ . <br /> _-- __ . -- <br /> i . _ - -- - <br /> of the Count� of.---------�I311-�-------------._.and State of----------- I�.�l���,skdtir-._-,-------------------------------,GTantor.--S------, in consideration <br /> !of the sum o}.. -- --- ---_ _ -. Qne `��housand._�,nd .I�o,�l�OU )-D.ollara - - - -, ._.-- ----------..�fX,���, ' <br /> !in hand paid, do_.____ __hereby GR�1NT, B�RG�lI✓V', SELL, .F1ND COJV'VEY' unto._.___C1<:;.t1de.-T,-�-O-We-1l ------- <br /> -- - - ---- <br /> - ----- - --_ - - - --- -- ---- - ---- -- - - - - -- ._-- __._ .____.. ______ _ - -- -_ _ <br /> - - ----___..- - <br /> I 'of the County of------ ------------:tiall�--- ------- -ared State of----- ----- -N6b�'<a.skq------ ----------.., Grantee _--------, the followin� <br /> H' . <br /> . <br /> I '!described remises situated irz the Cour�t o .___..______.__ . ______...�nd State o Nebraska to- ' <br /> P , y� �J � - -�,�,�-, - -- - f , wat. <br /> ----Lnte--��in�---(_Sj-_.and._T_�n _(lfl� . in _�31��k__Forty-onP_-(41� o_f -Gh�rles__I��mer'-�---�e�cQn��iQn__.t_fl thi� <br /> , ---__Cit�r _of---G.r_�nd- 231,�d�as_.�ur�ey_�dt�-la��_�Ge_�__�nnd ------- ---- ' <br />� __'__ __._._...__. ._______� _-____._. ..________ -_-_____. ......_.__. _____.���+�-f�-��-�-f��.�.���-�-�r�a� ._______� ._________ ________. _�___..__ ___...__.______.._._ _____._.._______- <br />� (�i.00 i.x. st�ps � <br /> -- - ---- - --- ------ <br /> __----- - - ---_ - - -- <br /> --- - _ . <br /> ---� -- <br /> �- - . . - <br /> Caric e lled -- ------ __-- ----- � <br />' ,_- - -- -- ----_ -- - .. _ -- --- - ------- ------ ---- -- - <br /> --- - - --- - <br /> -----_-- --------- ---- ---- <br /> - -- - - --- <br /> - ------ <br />' '--- -------- ------- ---- - -- -- ----- -- ___. __ <br /> __- -- -_ _ --- <br /> --- ---- <br /> - ---- ---- <br /> ------ ---- - - <br />' --------__._._._----- --- - -------------- ------ - <br /> -- -- ------- - <br /> - ------ ------- --- ---- ----- ------------------ - ----- ------ -- <br /> . <br /> ---- - ------- ----- - -_ -- -- _ _ __ - - <br /> ---- __ - _--- -- <br /> --- - -- <br /> ---- -_ _- -- <br /> ---- -- - -. <br /> I' - - - - - - - ---- -- - - -- - - -_ - <br /> - --- <br /> - -- - - - __ <br /> ;: <br /> --- -- --- <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtercances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Rd�ht, Title, Interest, '; <br /> 'Dower, Curtesy, Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor,_�, ar�r�ef�eit�cer�o+�tke�ra, of, in or to the same, or any part thereof. ' <br />' �0 �ab8 ariD t0 �OID the above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee________and to. __.________�.g._ <br />��,. heirs and assi�ns forever. .gnd___QP8_.____laereby c.ovenant_______.with the said Grantee___._._.that.__ WQ .___.._____:__hold_______.said premises i! <br /> by �ood and perfect title; that__________.�i�e ____________.ha�e_____�ood ri�ht and Zawful authority to sell and corcuey the same; that they are f <br />' !free and clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever____,_ _.121;_lu:3in�;___t�axe�-_.f_�:s_._t1�_:_y.P�ir___1_Sl9____}�nrl__�xiur__yr PdrS� ' <br /> -- -- ---- -- - -__ -- - --- -_ _- ---- " <br /> __---- --- <br /> __ - - ---- <br /> - _- - -_. -- �, <br /> .qrcd _ _ ___ ;4S__ _____ ____. _._____..._.._._covenant..________to zvarrant and defend.the said premises a�ainst the lawful elaims of all ; <br /> . <br /> persons whomsoever - - - - ---- -__ _ `' <br /> --- ----- - --- - ---- - _ - __ ---- ------- -- -- --- -- ____. .- - <br /> Dated the-- -- - -19 th_ -- ---daJ �f--: ---- �'.uriE - -- - - - �. D.,19__.__2Q-- ' <br /> W7TNESS. : ------ -----Cly:de._V._,Tl,t-?y. --- - -- - --- '' <br /> ` __ _ _--JAnni.e I.Jz�.ry - - --- - '! <br /> C..T._Flower _ _ -- -- <br /> � <br /> - - - - - .. , . __ -- - - -----------� � <br /> ST�TE OF NEBR�SK�1, <br /> : �ss. � <br /> - - Hcill - - .County, On this _ -- -- -7,.1_th- --da�J �f�-- - - - --�t113.? - -- -�.q. D. 19---?Oi-, before me, ii <br /> ;; <br /> the undersisrLed, a ✓l�'otarz� Public _ _ _- _ _________within arcd for said County, persorially came_.____G1.�-ciS--V-.tTuly----z�23d---�T-�ri�i1;1� <br /> _ I,,Tury,xuaband__�.nd__�ti_fe----- -- ______ _ . __ _- ------ ,i <br /> '.' to rne persoraally kizown to be the identical person_S____whose name._8________.c,yr_g.______.___..____afj�'ixed to the !', <br /> (.^�EAZ� above instrument as �rantor__.S____, and_....___t h6y.___ ___.severally ae.knowled�ed the same to be_ . ��_Qj„r i <br /> voluntarz� act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. � <br /> IN W7T✓Y'ESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subseribed my name and af�"'ixed my of�'icial seal at 'i <br /> Grii.tld Igla,t�dt127, $a,J,d_.�_OU�'�y_,__ _ _______on the date dast above written. ' <br /> -- - - -C._T._F�ow��--- ----=--------------------��--- --------- , <br /> • ✓Yotarz� Public. <br /> .My commission expires.-- � --------A1a.�;u.B_�.-27_�h.•19-26� _ _ - _ -- -19.-------------- i _ <br />=___�.-::-._ -:_- _�-. __,-- , , ----_-_-��.--- <br /> �, <br /> � '' <br />�—�_- ---- ---___ ____ <br /> �; <br />