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�'�� ~ <br /> �����'� � � �'�'��� �.��a Q��O <br /> . __ __ — — ----- ___,_ _ _______ ___._ . ---_.____ _ ______-- <br /> .. ....- -'I.Z�I�O—STATE JOU&NAL COYPANY LINCOLN NEe. . .. ... . . .. . . .. . . . ... . .. . .._. . . ._. ..__.....__.__ <br /> i� �'R�� I herebz� certifz� that this instrument was entered on .N'umerical '� <br /> �� _ fL f � -------da� of. --Se}����b_�Y' -- ;, <br /> Index and led or record this___. ________�.M <br /> ---M:a.ud__�._D.!�a,rr.�.n-,-a.-ai-ng,l Q -;�-�an---- <br /> _... -_.. . _. TO___ -- ---- - -�- <br /> �1CC81ltp �1. D. 19..-22t--, at------- - 4.-.1J - --o'clock-----P-•-----.M. ' <br /> �eea _ - <br /> , -- __ ��,1���c. ��-------------- ' <br /> --------- � <br /> `' i Re�ister f Deeds, <br /> '�� <br /> - C_�.xxol--��.�i�,r_�h--�,nd...��,�.�li_s.:�.a...�dar.s.h �; <br /> B�- -- _ - --- ._--- ------- ' <br /> -- - - - <br /> Deputz�. ':; <br /> _._husb�n3_and vri_fs�-- --- - - _ _ <br /> ,� <br /> � <br /> : '; <br /> �.r�o� �Y� �l'er� �p ��je�e �re�er�t�: � <br /> ; <br /> That _--�:;.ud--�..0±_G orma�n,_�.._sin�.l�--�r-�ma.n.: --_- --_ - - -- - _ ---- - - ---- -_-- _ -- -_ ---- ''' <br /> , <br /> ,� <br /> o}the Count�J ��---------- Hd.l l ------ ------ -----------------Neb2't:�»Ska�---------------------------------------.Grantor_------, irL consideration ;� <br /> : -s .and State of_________ <br /> ! o} the sum of.---- --_ _ --Thi-rt;�-eight-_Hundr_Pd_.u.nd-Fif��r -- --- - --- ----- - -----..D OLL.�RS, ;I <br />�, in hand paid, does----__-__-herebz� GR.gNT, Bd4RG�LN', SELL, .-4ND CONVEY' unto.___�d_�'x U.�__l'�._;I�..�TS-h_-ciLl-d-_PF?11.�.��.-_���'��.►-__-- ,.J <br /> --hushan�i--�.nd__.�zife,--- --- ------ --- -- -- --- -_ - - ------- - --- -- -.._-- - ._ --- - -- ---- - ''� <br /> , <br /> ' f �J � s -------and State of------ ---_... - -_N�brc�.3ku.� - - ------ -, Grantee-S--------, the followin� ', <br /> o the Count o -----------------H�11 --------------- <br />- described premises, situated in the County of.______________. .._Hall�_____,____._____._______.___ ___._____.and State of Nebraska, to-wit: 'i <br /> ---I.nta--Twn----(-2-�--v.nd__ 5�v-e-n--(?)- i.n--B].c�ck .Si�- ��i) _o#'-Kern-ah�n-& �ck�-r-'-s-Rdd-i t�-ar� to--�-Y�a---Gi-t3� -a�'--- ;! <br /> ----�-rd.nd--Isl-�,r�d,-�i�.11---Ga�nty,�,s�b�ect �o �z�y-�i�hts--af -tY�s- Ur��on- ��.c�€iE �.-R.Go. ,irr-�,�d- '. <br /> ! ----t-Q--sr.�i-d---,Lot_. Two-- (2� f-or---ri.�;ht-s�.f-�r�'--pur�o.s.�s---and----�.1�_o__.sub-,�-?c�.--�-�- 4 -mQStg�ges__s_p�or_cle-d -r_��pe�t- <br /> ---.�.v_e,�y--�s_f.Q1l���..In_.B.00k_48___�st P�A �28,_�n_ok._52- at_ .Puge -112_,�o.ok_-5-2--a.t-�'ag-e._-2�Q-.-and---�.QOk__52-- '; <br /> ----at---P�a 4_79_rall-_in_thp_of:£�ce----of--th�--RP�gi.a-t?-r---o-f-_Ilseds--of--H�.11--Co.unty-,-N-eb-�as-ka,-and _said -4-mD�t- <br /> �r,;�es b�in� in favor of the n�uitable Buildin� & Lo�n A�s' n of Gr�.nd Island,�Tebrask�,which ;� <br />� - fox �.nd�on�hich s�i irraort -�pAs�withsinter?st�theretis�dus��:.s�ofdthis�d�te thessumrof1S xtee� <br />� ---- - ' - - �'`-''b� ------ - � <br /> - - - - - - <br /> - - <br /> un re �.n L1Qvpn �.nd 10/100 �1611. 10 �olldrs, the assumption of which is d Pa.rt of the ; <br /> -__T_r��_r_�;�_ ai.�;h�__ :3un�i_rpd �.nd Fifty .G�_3850. 00� d_ollars,cc�nsidPr�._ti_on__he_reinbPfors_ mPn�ione�.-_ _ ; <br /> :i <br />�- To�ether witTz all the tenerrcents, hered�taments, arcd appurterzances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, ',; <br /> r �'i <br />� :Dower, Curtesz�, Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor___., arar�trf eetke�r�'�t�e�n, of, in or to the same, or anz� part thereof. !I <br /> �0 �d�1P flTiD t0 �OYD the above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee__8__.and to____.t_Y1�3T...__.__ �i <br /> l <br /> heirs and assi�ns forever. .gnd_. ____�- .___.herebz� covenant_______.with the said Grantees.___.that____ _ _ ___I--._.-- - -__.__.__hold_______said premises '; <br /> ; by �ood arzd perfect title; that____________�_ _..ha_IC_�__�ood ri�ht arad lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they ¢re 'j <br /> � <br /> ,; <br /> ; free ared clear of all lier�s and iracumbrances wh¢tsoever.______Sc1,y_-e---arid____P„3CC_S$t_-_dS---hesplxlb-Sf-o.'�'n---2ri�-21'�lIIriBL�-.----------_____. <br /> - 'I <br /> !� <br /> ii <br /> ' -- - - - - - - -- __ . __ - -- - - - - .-- - _ _ - -- -- -- -... -- --- - --- - _ _ - _--___ --- i <br /> -._.-- - -- ------ <br /> .Flnd________ _ . _ __._ _I _ _ _ __.____ _.coaenant ________to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all ',; <br /> . <br />, • persons whomsoever- - -__ .._ _. __ _._ _ _ - ____._ . _ _ --- ----- --- ---- --- ---- --- - - __ __ _ - - - i� <br /> i <br /> - -- -- _. .- -. __..._ _ ---- -- - __ _ --_. ___ _ _ - ___ _ _ _ _. -- - -_ _ ___.--__---- -..._ _ - ___-- --- -------- <br /> . i� <br /> Dated the- -.�_._._.lp_ -- -da o .._- - - -S? t�mb_�T �. D. 19_22__-- �) <br /> - - ✓ f � i ... <br /> I� <br /> W'ITNESS _�,...---------------- <br /> - --- -- - ----.-l�wud -E._0!_�_�rru�.n. -- -- - � <br /> {�2.50 I.R. Starrips ) - i <br /> (C�►nc elled ) - - - -- - -. --- -- ---- <br /> .- �, <br /> � <br /> -- _ -- --- J.�.-�1��ry __ __ - _ __ - _--- ! <br /> ,� <br /> - -- --__ - - - -- - - -- --- - -- � <br /> !; <br /> ---- - -- -__ _- - -- -- - <br /> - - _ -- .._ ---- -------- <br /> ' ___-___ _ -- _ __ _ - -_ - �� <br /> -_ _ __ <br /> - I� <br /> ST�TF OF NEBR�SK�, > ' ' ,� <br /> ss. <br /> ' - .._...�ta��.l - - Countr�, Ora this---- - - 1�-- --- - --da�J �f�--- ---- ---$?pt���jPr------.g. D�19__-22--- before me �� <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notarz� Public__._ ..______ _ _ _.__ __.____.__.within and for said County, personally came__-__-�,Lld--.E.-D�-�ir-OTID�i-t�. - --- _ �� <br /> _ -- s i n�;l.p_w ornan,_ _ _ ___--- - -_ - -- ---- -- - - --- ___ ----- - -- --- . - . -- ;' <br /> �� � �I <br /> _ , <br /> _ ; <br /> ___ . -- -- <br /> - -- .._ __ _ <br /> _ - --- __ _- <br /> , _ --- --_ --- - i; <br /> � <br /> • - i to me personally known to be the iderztieal person____.__.whose name________ ____-_-_f8.__. afjixed to the ii <br /> �` _ , (SE�'iL� above instrument as �rantor___._..___, and__.____ghg- ---------severallz� acknowled�ed the same to be.__ h�Y'_____ ;'i <br /> voluntarz� act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. �I <br /> IN W'ITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and afj"'ixed my ofricial seal at I� <br /> i� <br />, . <br /> i•: ., <br /> GT���.- IS1�z.Tl d�T36bTuSl�c4��ri-_S�,�d--�_O_UYl�y--�-..on the date last above written. ;i <br /> i� <br /> ---- - - -- - ---J._L._.C-leury---- -- ------------ --- ;; <br /> Notary Public. i� <br /> i� - _ .My commission expires----- --� l��xi� �8 al�_2�_. _ _ ._ _ - ___ -_ _ _..19.-------------� ; <br /> � '��� ' � �I <br /> I�-� �I <br /> , ;; <br />�" � I� <br /> ,; __ _, <br />