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��� <br /> ����'� ���'���� �.��a � � 0 <br /> � <br />�.��____._._._._____ ____ ._ _.__ <br /> _ ._.� ________�__ ___._ ___.__ <br /> ___ .__._ <br /> �IZ�ISO-StATE JOIIRNAL CONPANY.LINCOLN.NE6. - � <br />.�_...__...._._...� ..--�-...�..�.,..�_,. �. ..,.... ,�..,..... ... .._. .. . ___.., ..._..,._. .._.._.......__._ . <br /> _ ..�.� . .._. 4 <br /> I�, <br /> T+1�D�Vl I herebz� certifz� that this instrument was entered on Numerical '� <br /> Index and itled for reeord this----------------� of..----_--ALi�u$_t,.._- ---- ' <br /> ...---....Fth.el.......��lly..--&.--.Y�u�h...--��-�-----�-�-�----�-�-----... <br /> . ........ . .. ............._.......... ....-�-�-- <br /> �larrantp �. D. rs--�2-----, at-----�-2- --.......- - -- -- �-------o��ao�k------�-•--.�r. <br /> T� �eea -- -- ��-L�O�=��--�- -------- ---------..__ <br /> ----�_�'��, <br /> Re�ister of Deeds, <br /> - -w�a._t e�_w.�.nd_hii�.e._..:�._�u.nay...... ...... <br /> 8�--._- __ - -- __-- <br /> --- - - ------- <br /> Deputy. <br /> �r�o� �Y� �er� �p ��je�e ��e�er�t�: <br /> ' That.-------- ----------1�A,-�vt_�el Ke-� _ G.nd--�i�:.r- - .a..Kel- v�i_fe-�a,nd---husb�a.nd Qf__�r�.nd-Is1�a.nci -----_- - - -------- <br /> � �'.Y- lY• . �- <br /> of the County of.----------tiU.11�------------------..and State of-----------------------------I��hTi�.B_kc��------------- --__---.Grarator9---------, in eonsideratiorz ' <br /> ',of the sum of._ _-- -- T�ire�__Tn�usanc� _N.�n.� Huz�dxed Fifty .�nd__nof_ll?0_-----_ __ ------------.DOLL�RS, ; <br /> in hand paid, do___________________herebr� GR�NT, B�RG�lI✓V', ,,SELL, ./1ND CO�1�'VEY' unto.___�g.1_�!3�___W._�311T1C1y. u.rid__l�lf_C_8._�3....BLiYldy_�______ ' <br /> --- - _ - -- - --- -- -- -- - --- -- - - -- -- -. ... - - _-- -_ ..--_ _ _ ---- , <br /> 'of the County of----- --__il.cilli ------___ ___------ -____...and State of------ ---.--_-- ---.1�I�bT'ra8_k�i ---------------, Grantee---�-----, the followin� ;' <br /> 'described remises situated in the Count o � _._-____ ______ _________and State of Nebraska, to-wit: � <br /> ,� , ✓ f----- - . Hd7.1 --_ - <br /> _------L_Q_t___T_hre-s---(-3-)---in__�l�ck _Fiv-e- -(-5-�-�usssll _Wh�_sl_er's_.�ddit_ion--t_o__.t_he__ Ci-ty---s�f__�r�s.rid--Isl;3nd,---- -- ' <br /> ---- ----N--�b.r�.$k�,_a$_ .surv_�s�ec�.-}al�.t�ed _�nd--r_e�_�rd�si._- Sub�j-ec_t,h�w�yer_kt_�___�hP_unp_�,id--��.ee--�s_�_��js- <br /> ---°-d--ug�.ins_t-- said .�.�-r-�ni-�ps-a.nd--sub-�j-ec�--�l-sn---to-_ t�P--�n��.i-d--b�lanae--af--Lhp--m-or--tg-a,gs---i-n--fdyor a�` the <br /> -----._--Egui.t����--8��.�,d.i n�- �;--11�an--�;s s o c i;�.t i�n - �f__�_ranc�._I_�l�:�nc��Nel�.r.a�k�f v�hi.c h-m�r_tg�,g?--w��---ox.f�_i n�l�;y <br />, ,------execu-tESi--in-__the-,--sum--af--�22�Q.t�0.-.-G-��.n���s---h�r�in--ds�urn� __�nd---�-r-e�--ta--p�.�--���.-d--pa�:ing --t�ces ;';and <br /> --------b�..��.r�ce ��z�---cn--s:wi� .mortg�e. _ �2oss���ior� -of _s�id-�r�r�ia�� t� bs--�;i�r�sn__ -��g��►t--7t�t,-�a22. ; <br /> ---------- ----- - -_ ---- - <br /> --- - -- ---- ----- <br /> --- <br /> -------------�---------`- <br /> -- --- <br /> (�z.�t3__I.R.S'�amps � --- ----- <br /> . ___ C�,neslled ) <br /> __. . .------ - - -- -- _ --- --- - <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditamer�ts, and appurtenaT2ces the,reurcto belo�2�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Int.erest, ; <br /> 'Dower, Curtesy, Claim, and Dem,and whatsoever of the said Grantor.__A, c�a��'.ea�,J�ea•.�t.t�v,a� of, in or to the same, or any part thereof. ". <br /> �Q �abC ari0 tP �OYD the above described premzses, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_8____and to ._._.___th.8_�_T �i <br /> heirs and assi�ns foreaer. �nd._ �N.6__.__hereby covencnnt:_______.with the said Grantee�_____.that______..___�P.6__._ ___ ..___.__hold________.said premises '� <br /> by �ood and perfect title; that.._._____;_YY�_____.__.._____.ha_V.�__dood ri�ht and lawful authoritz� to sell and convey the same; that they are ,�� <br /> 'free and clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever_________6XC_gp�t__ri.s____�,i�Q_V__�___�_�_�___f�,rth�___ _______ _____ _______ ' <br />�� --- ---- -__ - ----___ - - - - --•-- _-- --- - -- __ _ ___ _ _- --- ---- ' <br /> ', <br /> i«4nd_____,_ _ _ 'Ne,_ ______ _ _.._ _______._covenant._____.___to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all %' <br /> 'persons whomsoever_-_?xC_e�t----u.8_._ab.OY_e--s.8t_ f0.�'Gh.------ ------- ------- ----- ------- -_.---- <br /> -- ------ --- -- - - - -- --- � <br /> ' Dated the-- __ _28 th --- =da�9 �f---- -=------ -Ju1,Y r ✓[. D. 19.22--- <br /> : w'ITav'ESS ,----- --- :�,�n�l--Kel�3r --- - -- - - - ' <br /> � _ Harr�' �.KPll,y - - <br /> __. _ . __ - __- <br /> - . ____ _ <br /> _B..J.Cunningh�.m _ _ - __� ' <br /> ST.qTE OF NEBRd4SK.,4, i; <br /> ss. _--- <br /> - ------H�;.,�1- -------.-.County, On this_ _..__------_ �$�Yl--------day of.----- ------�71i1y .5[. Dy19--�2--__-, before me, � <br /> 'the undersi�ned, a Notarz�Public_ _ _ _____. __ ___.__within and for said County, personally came____�t_h?1__K.P7t'ly.__ �.21.d__HdZ']� ' <br /> ' �;.K?liy�w�.�'s---�.nd__hu�-gand,_of_ Grand__I_s_land-.Nebra.ska_ ___-- __ _-- ___ _ .__ __--- <br /> to rne personallr� known to be the identical person.__8___.whose name.__S-- -_t�T6----- --------af�'ixed to the <br /> , ( SEAL) <br /> above instrument as �rantor_4_____, and__ _th@y ____ _.__._.severally acknowled�ed the same to be_ the3.T I <br /> voluntary act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> ; IN I�TT.�"ESS W'HEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed mr� name and afjixed mz� of�'icial seal at !�� <br /> GT�:«t1d IS1�:�,21d,_I�T�_b_rus_ksa._�.lri_��i1,d ..�9U,21�y�._on the date last above written. <br /> -- - - _---- - .-- :u-•-,T-._C_unnin�.ham----�- -------,�----------- � <br /> NotaTy Public. ' <br /> .Mr� commission expires.--- ---.--hUl�u�.t�__5_th{_�.92-3•-� - - ---- -. _---- _ -----_- ----.19-------------- <br /> .. .-,. --� -_ -_- ----- — <br /> —_, �-_:- -- _:__-. <br /> -__:_- ---= =_----------_=---------- <br /> ;,, <br />_ �. ii <br />