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i�� <br /> � <br /> ��j��� L.9��J1�J�-�.�� ���a ��%�0 <br /> _ _____�_� ______� __, _.._._ _.____—_ ��� - — <br /> _..m_ ._. .:�-�:�.�-:- <br />_.. �f].']C3O-5TA7E JOURNAL COMPANY,LINCOLN NEB. � � '� <br />�_��.__ ,..__.__..___._._.�._...�.�..._ ............... . .. _._ -...._... .. ,.. ..... _..,._._........_....____._..__._..Y____._ __..�._..�_.., . <br /> i <br /> � j+'j�Q,J�j I certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical <br /> , � Index and fcled for record thzs-----------------7---------------daJ of.--._-----�►-u�LiS�---- -- ' <br /> ' -----�--...�lbert...R..�G��J..�ck---�C...�f-----------------------��- <br /> � .. �larrantp .q. D. 19._..22.�..., at.....................4............---............----o'cloek---..._.P.a.Jt2. <br /> ......................................................TO......... .............................,.............. <br /> �eea <br /> �- ----- -������r---___..�....�..�-�-�- _ <br /> --- . -------------- ---�- ------.._ . <br /> Re�'ister of�eeds, <br /> -- --Adolph I3�e?�n_............ .... ........... .................... <br /> B� -- - _ _ --- ---- -- � <br /> Deputy. <br /> -- _ - _ <br /> __ _-- - --- -- -. _. _. _ -- � <br /> 1 <br /> �.r�o�a ��� �er� �p ��je�e ��e�e�t�: �� <br /> ; That----- -------'�t.�-,-Alhert -�.Wa,llick and--Z-enia--�.9VallickF-huaband---rxrad-�vife,--�r-�,nd--Ie,lu-nd,---------- -__ ' <br /> � <br /> of the Countz� of.----------H::�ll�-----------_----_.and State of-----------------------------NB�_�'"si�-kci.�----------,----------------------_Gra�tor.--S------, in consideration'' <br /> o} the sum of�-- - --- --_ _ - _ Qn-e-Dallr�r -and o-t-her--consi-dPra.tion -- - - ----------����,�r�- <br />, iit hand paid, do-------------_- .hereby GR.,4NT, B✓1RG.-4IN, SELL, .,4.ND CONVEY' urato_----------�1.34-1ph- �iQeY]ai------------------------------------- ' <br /> - - .._-- ---- ----- --- - - - -- - - -- --- - - -- .... .__- ---- -..----- - --- - --- - -- - . - - - -__ - - , <br /> --------------and State o ------------------._----1!I.6.b�Y'is�f3.kd- -- Grarctee-----,---- the foZlowin�!� <br />'� of the Courat�9 �f---- - - -Hc��.l-s ----- } t - --- � , <br /> II, described remises situated in the Count o ._____________________�Idll_ . ____________..__.____and State o Nebraska, to-wit: i! <br /> P , �J f a – - -- 1� <br />� --------C_ommEnc_in�--dt_ a_ gaint 444-f��-t -e�st of t�ie-Nar�hvaest cor�e� -a€-�ot- ���c--(-6� o-�--I�oz�v-aoc�-�ib-- :� <br /> -------:T����sion ��' ��rt- af �Y�e Wes� :��zlf--of �he-�1ar�i�-west--�udr�te� -{NT�--Id��}- �f-�eetion-�er� (lf3). - i <br /> -----Ta�amshi}�- P�ev�n- (ll)i Nc�rt���a�ge--I�i�e 4�) -�i18s�-of �he _6t� -P.�E.tY��nce eds�_218-f ee�,�Y�er�ee '' <br /> -------S�u_th--18-Q -f e-�-�-�-zizenc e--�est__218 f-eet,�.�e�c e North 180 _f e�#� t a-tY�� -plass -o�---b8g�r��i�g.--4-S�b,�eEit <br /> �- -�o-411,_un}�did -taxes) �r�.r���r-s �sr ein �+�a p�.�t-�r�d-ag ree-t o y�eld--�}�-�a�se�a s�an--ta-tY�a �b og-e;i <br />'', ! _----�-r_�:mi�e�- �-�--�hP-gr�ntee on s�-r-_ before Sep-t-emb-er-lst,19�2. - _ -----_ -------------�-' ' <br /> (�p.5 0 I.R. Stamps - <br /> I, ------ - --- - ---- -------- <br /> - -- - - - _ -- ------ - --- ----- � <br /> ----- ----- ---- --- <br /> ---- ----- � <br /> -- <br /> anceiie-d ---- ---j� - <br /> - --------- ----- ---- ---- --- --- - -- - - - - ---- - ---- - - - - <br /> --- -------- --_-- <br /> I� <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belorc�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, ' <br /> Dower, Curtesz�, Cladm and Demand whatsoever of the said Gran.tor_H_,;��ec�ef ci�h�s�tleerrt, of, in or to the same, or any part thereof. % <br /> �0 �abP arib t0 �0�� the above described premases, wcth the appurtenances, unto the said Crantee__________and to._,___hf�___________ '' <br /> � <br />''� heirs and assi�ns forever. �nd,__ �!e__.____herebr� couenant______.with the said Grarztee________that__ ___ . _W�! ___ __ _________hold__.___.___said premises;� <br />, by �ood and perfeet title; that____ ._W� ____.___._.____.ha_Y_�.�ood ri�ht arcd lawful authority to sell and conrier� the same; that they aTe;i <br /> , j <br /> ' free and edear of all liens a�id incumbrances whatsoever_____of__r�ll--�-PTB�IIriS___�1-q,l�,j,�g__t_hrtiy-b�--_.O-r=-fTA�t---Lhe--gT�2�La��,i <br />', _ __h�rpin--ar -pith�r -af t�m.- ------ __- -- ---- - --- - -- --- -- - - -- -- -- - - -_ _-- ---_ _i! <br />'I ✓Ircd______ _�te__ _ _.___ .._.___---covenant_:____to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of allj <br /> i <br />' persons whomsoever-------Clalml.ri�; -th2'u.-h�t----Dr_fTO-IA--#,Yis---�Tc�,T1�.4r4--hex-�i ri---DT----e-�_�heT--Of---the-m,------- ------- ------ ' <br /> s Dated the- -- 17 th - . --__--da�J of--.. ..- - -��tr�h -- ----�1. D. 19.__2�_:. <br /> a <br /> 'i <br /> W7TNESS : -------- _�lb_er.�___:3._W�.Llick-- -------,! <br /> -- __ __ -----B. J. Cun ni ng ha� _ <br /> _-- __ Zer�i_�__�..�Py1._lick - __ - ' <br /> _ _ ___ ---- <br /> ST�TE OF NEBR�4SK�, <br /> , ss. <br /> - - -- -Hs`�.�,a, - Count On this- -. --- -1?#�h - ---da� of�-- - -- -- --D�f.ccTC�1 ------✓1. D. 19---22--- before me ! <br /> J, , , . <br /> the undersi�ned, a JV'otarz� Publi,c _. ________ __. ____.within and for said Counta�, personallz� eame_________Alb_8T_t___8��.111Gk.._n.T1d '! <br /> _ZQnia E.�falli-ck,husb�.nd--�nd wifs af-Gr�,�d �s]�nd, - __ _ _ _ .-_ _ _ _ ' <br /> to �ne ersofzall knowrz to be the identical ersorz_8____whose name____ . <br /> P �J P 8--------ii�TB- - ----affixed to the: <br /> ���} ubove irestrument as �Srantor__S_.___, and_._.__ . th6y--------severallz� aeknowled�ed the same to be__ th�:�T' <br />� voluntary act and deed for the purpose thereira expressed, <br /> IN W'IT.N'ESS WHEREOF, I have hereztinto subscribed my name and af�'ixed mz� ofj"icial seal at,';. <br /> G1'a.nd I31a.nd,Nebrcc�.99kd.�fri $�.ld__COLt21ty-, ___on the date last above written. <br /> ; --�----- - - �en,�.J.Cunn�,ngh�m---------�----------- <br /> Notarz� Public. <br /> .My commission expires---- -----A11�u8-�--5 th -1,123• . -- - ----19-=------------ � <br /> � - _ <br /> --- �-__- –_.-_: – -- =-:-. _-_�--=—---_--- <br />