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� �� <br /> ��'���� ���'���� �.��a Q�m <br /> ---- _ _ <br /> -- - __ .___ _____ <br /> _� __._ <br /> _ ___ _ ___--- _.�_ <br /> ._ .__.. 41752�cr.•c.�nuoua.� . . _. ... . <br /> _ _ . <br /> I� <br /> FR�✓� I herebr� certify that this instrument was entered on .Numerical <br /> Index and filed for record this ____.__ ____7__ _____._.dar� of. _kt1�Li�t�______ � <br /> __ .__S�ilhplm._Rob_�r�---Kinkle------------------.__-- ' <br /> ,; <br /> i. <br /> _..... .. ...._ _ _........_ ._... -.-_-. <br /> -.. �larrantp aI. D. 19--22-�-----, at. �:_34 - --- o'cloek------�'-�--.M. i <br /> To �eea �—�—,� <br /> ��.�:���. ��-�z <br /> � <br /> __-- -- - -----� <br /> , ---------------- <br /> Re�ister fSf Deeds, I� <br /> ;. <br /> - - Wm,�i.�IIi lheli�i_._................_........_................................. ',i <br /> B�✓-- _ _ _ _ - <br /> -___ --- � --- -----. <br /> Deputy. � <br /> _ -- - --- _... - __ i <br /> i <br /> , �.r�o�n �Y� �er� �p �C�je�e �re�er�t�: ; <br /> � <br /> .; <br /> That. -- --�tilhelm--Rabert_.Kinkle,-u-�-���1� �M.- ---- -_ -- - ---- --- _. - ---. ;. <br /> , <br /> , <br /> ,, <br /> of the CountJ of----------Hw.l�.-r-----------,----.arzd State of---------------- N_8b_T�tBJ�------------- <br /> ---_-_--___------------------.Grantor._--__---. in consideration ! <br /> , ; <br /> ;' of the sum of.----- -- - - _ __.._.--Elght_ ThOtiB_allGl - -- -- --- --- - -- ---------- ------D OLL.SIRS, ',i <br /> ' in hand paid, do�.s------------herebz� GR✓INT, B.RRG.FIIN, SELL, .RND CO.NVEY' unto_____�•_?'I,.�`llh�_lm�,________________.._._________ _ ` <br />, ----------------------------- ---- ------------------ - ------------- - _ __ - _ _ --------- ---- ---. _ _ ---- --- - -- -- _ - ---- - " <br /> , - �- ----�-._. Grantee------- the ' <br /> = of the Count� of----------------------�iitlls----------- -------and State of.---'-- -- -- N.Qb r�tSkt�. , , followan�s ' <br /> described premises, situated in the County of.__..____________.__��ia�ll�_.___:_ _____________________.________and State of Nebraska, to-wit: ' <br /> ;i <br /> -----The--Nor�h--Ha].f---(N�-)---af the-Northe�s_�- Quarter._(NF:��----nf--S_e�_tic�n--T�x.sntyaight____(2�_�__-i_r�.__�o�v��h��---.', <br /> � <br /> ------Twe�ve----�_l��_-North_Range T en �14.)--lpest--of _the_f� _�•�• _- - - -- � <br /> � --- - __ _ _ _ _ - <br /> - ---- - ----- _ - -- -- _ -----____--:��__.._,...�_.�.. _- --- -___ _ --- __ -- - _ - - <br /> --- - -- -- <br /> -- - <br /> (�8•00 I.R. St� <br /> - _ _ _. . _- -- - -- -- - -- - . � . _ - - _. - - - ------ -_ _- - - - ---- <br /> - _ _ - _ - <br /> � � <br /> Cancellai� _ - - <br /> " - - --- ---- ---- <br /> - -- --- ---- - <br /> -.---- -- - - -- ') <br /> iI <br /> -- --__ -- __ _ _ _ _ <br /> ) <br /> - _ <br /> _ _ -_ __ _ _ <br /> ------- <br /> - --- _- -__ _ <br /> __ __ _ <br /> ;� <br /> T��ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenartces thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, �I <br /> Dower, Curtesy, Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor.___,,�rea�vfreitkerv�F��eriv, of, in or to the same, or any part thereof. Ij <br /> � <br /> �0 �R�1P attD t0 �OID the above described premises, with the appurtenartces, ureto the said Graratee_________and to_____.h�B_-_______ ;I <br /> heirs and assi�ns forPVer. �nd__ Z __herebr� eovenant.______.with the said Grantee_.__._.that________ _I --- ----- .___hold______said premises!� <br /> _ ; <br /> bz� �ood and perfect title; that_________�T.�.. ___.ha__Y_�.�ood ri�ht and lawful authoritr� to sell and convey the same; that they are !� <br /> '; free and clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --',i <br /> ---- ----- <br /> - _ _ -- --- -- - - - --- ____ _ _._. _ _.._ _._ _- _ ----- --_ _ . _-- - -- - -- - - _ _- ---- - -- -- - - <br /> ;I <br /> f premises a ainst the lawful elaims o all�i <br /> ✓Irzd- -___ _------- ---- _� ___. ------covenant_-----to warrant and de ercd the said � f { <br /> ' persons whomsoeUer----------- --- --- ----__._ � <br /> _ - _ . _ _ - - -- -- - - - - ---__ __----- <br /> - - --- - - ----- - ' <br /> - -- - - - - -..:. <br /> ,� <br /> i <br /> --- ----._ ___ - -- -- _ ---- -- - _ . _ <br /> ,� <br /> _ --_--- . -- <br /> ---- - _. __ _. <br /> . Dated the_ _5_~__ - -- _ _ -_.da�J �f-- ---- - -.��u8 fiis-- - ----__.�. D. 19.--�2 --- ---- -- -- _ -- -_ - ------- I� <br /> i <br /> W'ITNESS: -------------------------.--Wi11�.e1m: Robe-r--�-Sinkls---- � <br /> , �� <br /> ,� <br /> , - - - - -- - -_ -- -- � <br /> i <br /> _- - - _ <br /> - _ __ - J._I,�_Cls�.ry . .._ ----- ' <br /> � <br />�, - -- ---_ - ------ -- _ - . _._ -- - -- -- - ----I� <br /> , <br /> - --- -- - -- - - ____.___ -- -- -- -------� <br /> ;i <br /> ; <br /> _ ___ __ ___ _ _ - _ -- --- i <br /> ST�TE OF .N'EBR.�ISK.-4, I <br /> ss. --- -- --� � ,� <br /> .. -- Hrtl1- --.County, _ On this--- -- ..- 5 M - -------da�J of._ UgLi-S� - -----�. D. 19---22�----, be ore me, !I <br /> ,, <br /> ' the undersi�ned, a Notarr� Public_____ _ _____ __ _________within and for said County, personally came___.__ _____. .__.__ ___.__._ ;I <br /> - -- -- -- <br /> � <br /> Wilh8lm_Aabert__Kinkle��a.-.singl e mo.n..._.--- ---- -- - ___--__ __ -_ __- - i <br /> � <br />' • to rne personally known to be the identical person________zvhose name_______ _______�,B________ ______._af�ixed to the i <br /> II ' (SEAL� aboue inst�ument as �rantor._____..__, and___.____hEt-- ---severally acknowled�ed the same to be.__-h�.8___. � <br /> voluntary act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. I <br /> IN YVIT✓l�'ESS YVHEREOF, I have hereun-to subscribed m� rcame and af�'ixed rnz� of�'icial seal at ; <br /> % i <br /> Grz�,21d_ I�ld.rid,�ri--sdf-d--�ourity-,-- - -- -- --------on the date last above written. ! <br /> ` ;I <br /> - - - -- - - ---•.?.•.Ia.�_C_18a1y --- - - ----�- ---- ---- ; <br /> .N'otarz� Publie. � <br /> �: <br /> ; .My commissaon expires...-- - -----�gx'�l 1$_.1�23 -- - - -- _. _ . __ -- -_19.--------------� �� <br /> �. <br /> ; <br /> 'r� �, <br /> ,� <br /> ;i _ _— ' II <br />