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_ <br /> I <br /> R��.J' <br /> R <br /> � I� ������ � � �' ' � °� D �� 0� <br /> ��_J� ���� _�� J ��a ��m <br />_____._________ ___ ____._ __ __�___.______�_ <br /> �a� �:_�__��.� _______ <br />_.. �/ '] -STATE JOURNAL COAIPANY.LINCOLN,NEB. �� � � � � � �� � � - � � � � ' <br /> �'1��.M� I herebz� certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical ' <br /> � ; Index and filed for record this___ 5 of.______1�33gxi�8t____.__ <br /> --------- <br /> ----Gs_oxg.e._.�,_B_olen--&-�rif-e -- - -- --- ----- <br /> ��CCalltp �. D. 19_--22------, at----- ---- -11-' -- - ---- --�'clock-------1�1�_..M. ' , " <br /> _. _..__ . .- .. -- -- - - �- - <br /> �eea � <br /> TO : <br /> __��:����.� �l <br /> _ _ _ _- - -�--- -------��� ------ <br /> Re�ister of Deeds, <br /> ----El_iza a_.�i.tch ..............._.........................._................. ' <br />, B�-- --- ___- - -- - ---- -- --- - - <br /> Deputy. -- <br /> — <br /> �r�o� �Y� �er� �p ��je�e �re�er�t�: <br /> That------- ----11Y��G�_o_�e �.Bo.len_and--Nor�-�..�Q1$n..xusbr�r�d_ and--wif�_____ _-------------- ------ <br /> of the Count�J �f -- -- �ialli.-- .._._.--- -.and State of-------------------------��}�rs`�-1��--------------------------------------Grantor. 4---- , in eonsideration '' <br />�I ,of the sum o}-- - -- --_ _ _ -_ Twent�r Tho_us�.nd_N_o�l�� - __ _ _ _ -- -- - -- _- --- - ------------.DOLL�RS, '. <br /> ---- <br /> I� 'irz hand paid, do_____ herebz� GR.FINT, B.1RG.F1I✓V', SELL, �IND CO✓V'VEY' unto <br /> -- Eliza A.Eitoh - - ---- - - - <br /> I <br /> -- -- ------ -- - - - - - -- - --- -- - - - -- -- - - -__-- - - -__ _ __ - - <br />' of the Count�J ��------ - --H�i,.�.-�,�--- _ . -- -----and State o� -- - - -_.NOb.�.�..�k8i.-- - ----------, Grantee. --------, the followin� '' <br /> described premises, situated i-n the County of.._..___._.__.___.____H2�11�___,_.______ _________._._.._.__=.and State of Nebraska, to-wit: ' <br /> ---The--S�ut.hes�at _.Qua,r-ter- (SE-� of �eaLion- Tw�lve (12)__�.nd- th�--�Io�-�he�t-Q�a-rt-�-�---af---t�--�da���i�e�t'. <br />', ----4����o-r -(N�1�TEE�} of-Sectia�. -�hir�teen- �13} A�l t�- �'av�r�ship--N#r�e -(-9)-l�or'G�_R�nge-�ir�e-{��.�es�„ <br />� - of__'�k�s--S.a.�tk�_-P�-�.-���11 _�ount�.Neb.r.�,slsz�. - - -__ --- ---- <br /> . ._Y-✓",�`-`-`_�. �����.w����.�ww�r����.����w�. <br /> . __.__ �,����' . . . L`1� _ __________ _______.___.___-_ _ _ _._...___ ____ ;.� . <br /> -- - -- <br /> _ _ <br /> - - --_ _ {�'�.Oa _ �tamps- - �-- - ---- - - <br /> ° o�/� � ��� . � �Cdnc el led <br /> - -_ _ - - �� ° - - - • - -- - -- - - - - -- -- - --- -- - --- _ --- <br /> � ��. <br /> �I � ,,�,/�'�� � = - -- -__ <br /> -- -���" �'"�"' ,�' -- -- <br /> - --- <br /> _ __ ___-- ----- _____ _ - <br /> . -- <br /> a��d,� a,� � � �,�;.�� . _ - . <br /> ----- - ---- ----- ----�- -- � �-,� - _----- ---- - _--- --- - -- - -- ---- --- --- -- <br /> --��---� - �-_--- --- , - <br /> � ������� � , <br /> ----- ---- ---- �"_ � <br /> -----� f =- - -- - _- -- ----- <br /> �,� --- � <br /> __ __- - -- <br /> , _ - -- - �--- <br /> �„ -- __ <br /> � � .V <br /> �-- <br /> M - <br /> ------ --------- <br /> --_ _------- _------- ------------ --- ---- <br /> --- -- - - <br /> - -- --- <br /> --- -- -- - --- - - <br /> -------. <br /> �To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenarzces thereur�to belon�in�, and all the EstaLe, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, '' <br />' ',�Dower, Curtesy, Claim and DemarLd whatsoever of the said Gran�or-___., and of either o�'them, of, in or to the same, or any part thereof, ;' <br /> ` �0 �a�1P ariD t0 �AI� the above described premises,. with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_________arzd to___._.h6I'___... <br /> ;heirs and assi�ns forever. .,4nd.______W8_____hereby covenant___,___.wi�h the said Grantee______.that__..______W� _...__, ._.__.hold__________said premises ' <br /> `by �ood and perfect title; that.__.____�� _________________haY_�t____�ood ri�sht and lawful czuthority to sell and convey the same; that they are � <br />', ' free and clear of all lieres and irzcumbrances whatsoever_.________.__,________________________________ ;; <br /> �lnd.____,__ _-_____.. _____YII@__ . _ _- __ ___ warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all ' <br /> persons wyzomsoever - -- - - _ _ ._ __. _._. _ _ _ _ --- - -- ----- ---- <br /> � Dated the----- 27 ---_. --da�J �f�---- ---- --�ILtly' - -- --..---�1. D. 19-,22•_- <br /> W'IT,NESS = � -- - --------�_�:QZgG_._�.8.018X1..---- - --�.-- �; � <br /> :: <br /> �-_ _C.�.-Redm�rt - _ __ - _- , <br /> _- -- - I�a��.-B.-Bolen - - - �; <br /> „ - - _--- - -- -- --- - - ------ -- -- --- - -- --� �i <br /> i� ST.gTE OF NEBR�SK'�/1, � <br /> � ss. � ; <br /> ?. - - - - -HFill- - - County, On this - ---- --27--- - da�J �f�-- -�117.�X ------ ------./�. D. 19----2iZ--_, before me, <br /> the undersi�ned, a✓V'otary Public__�_OILt�T11S�1Q21ed___.__within an-d for said County, personally came________Cs�-p_�g.�__j���3p1-eri..�„&__-_. <br /> _ Nor_t�__B.�olen,_husb�nd &_wi fe _- ---- - -_ __ ___ . - -- - -- __ __ <br /> ; - -- _ _ __ __ __ -_ ' <br /> . . _ _ _ <br /> , ;, <br /> to fne personallz� knowTa to be the identical person_____._..whose name_______.____.,_._____.____._.._________afjaxed to the j'; <br /> (��� above instrumenL as srantor__�____, and_-- ,th6�-- -._._severc�llr� acknowled�ed the same to be_ thgix �'' <br /> voluntar� act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. • <br /> I✓Y' W7T.NESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed mr� name and af�'ixed my ofjccial seal at ' <br /> �OT11�,1h�►r1R1!ICbT _ .. ____ __ __ ___on the date Last above wTitten, <br /> � �i � � <br /> ,; _ ---- _ --- ----- -Ghr�a_._�.R�dm�.n-------�------ ___---- !' <br /> Notary Public. <br /> ;i �lly commission expires-- ----- --D�CBm1�6T._18---1.9_2�• ,.._----- <br /> --- _ - --19.--------------- <br /> I; <br /> r� <br />__ � � <br />