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�� <br /> F <br /> ���'� ������ ��1��� � �� <br />___ _ __ __ .__.__________ __�_� _. ____�_.___._�__ ��__ <br />_ . __ ::____: :_�__.w <br /> � -STATE JOURNAL COMPANY,LINCOLN,NEB. ' <br /> T+1�O.M� I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on JV'umerical ?! , <br /> i Index and itled for record this---------------2$--------------._.da�J o��--------LT�-------------------- ' <br /> !......G�.o.xg.n_..1(�.�:.�.�.� : . <br /> ,.; <br /> ....... ... ..... ......TO .... ...........................,..........--- <br /> �4arrantv .�. D. 19.__.2-2.----, at.......................A:.15-- -- ---o'clock----..P,......�1. ', <br /> �eea - <br /> -- -- -- ���G��_�-------------- -----�.___ ; <br /> , ` Re�ister of eeds, <br /> J�ns� R.2,�as on <br /> -- - -- - - ._ __-- ........__........... -........- -_............_._.. <br />'� B9- -- ----- ___. _ --- - - <br /> . ----- -- - <br /> ' Deputy. <br /> - __ _ __ _ <br /> ----- - --__ _ __ ___ ___ __ <br /> �.r�o� ��� �e� �p ��je�e �re�er�t�: <br /> That----- -------�-e-.G por�� Wat�r-� -�;.nd--iIpl-le,n-?r�g-rs-e�-lia--W�.�ers-�-ea.c-h--in---t-l�i-r---own--ri�ilt---and---as__hus}aa�d <br /> ' -- �-nc� zuifQ- -- __ _ _ _ __ - __ _ _ _ . . _ ___ -- -- __ -- - <br /> f z� f -a .and State of-------------------------------NEhTa.�kd,r---------------------------------------Grantor_-8-----, in consideration � <br /> o the Count o -----------Ha11 _,---------------- <br /> of the sum o}- ------- ------ --- _ _ �J21a__�hOUSci_n__d __Flfty__8c .N:O/10__0------ - --------------.DOLL.IRS, " <br /> in hand paid, do--------------. ._hereby GR��I�'T, B�4RG�I.N, SELL, .�4ND CONVEY' unto..---------------�Tc,�.�Ti68---?3.-�-�;.�0�1--- -------------------------------------- �': <br /> - - ---- ------ -- - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - -- -- ._ _ -- - - - _ _. . _ _ _ --- - - -- -_ - _.__ ; <br /> of the Count� af----- --- �i:aall, --- ---and State of -- --���hra9kii,s - --------, Grantee ---------, the followin� ;i <br /> ^deseribed premises, situated in the County of.______ ___H,d.l1., -------- --- --- -- ----. _.____..and State of Nebraska, to-wat <br /> ' ---Lot-- T-�n---(-1D�--in--B3.�.ck_�1.even (1].) _of-Collp��:_Add-it_io-n-t_o__Wes-�--Laa�n--an---�d_di_�inn---t-o--__�hP___Ci.ty _ : <br /> -----af--�_r;and--Is_l�in��_.Npbraskat�s__surv pY-esi_�_pl�,t.t?s� a_nc�_rpo_o���d-�--- -------- ----- <br /> ___ Sub��ct,ho��ey_er -to -all__un�w_ic�_ �a_v_i,ng_-t�xAs__whj_ch_ the _gran__te? ,_he_r�i.n �sg!,xmQs---and__agr�es to pa�. <br /> ----Also---s_ubt�_e�.�_ to--�,g-a�-�--^f �-60_Q�_�_0 _f�v_9r_ -�f_.Nlelvin._,T._I�Q_�.ex _�vhic_Y�;___thA--g_r�.nt�_P,__h__ar'�f:n _ ' <br /> _-- ;:.�.33�sid�Flp'3 . :�21� -i�Y'1'p�3 '�0 P it�• - _ _- --- �����-��___,_ _-.,-_-..___�, - -- - - - --- ---- - --- --- <br /> --- --- <br /> - <br /> {�.5 0 I.R✓Stamp s ) ! <br /> --- _ __ <br /> ----- ---- ----- _ .--- - <br /> __ -- -_ _ <br /> _ _ Ca.n�+�i l�d _ _ __ ) _ - - --_ - <br /> ------------------------------ -- ---- - -- -- ------------ - ------------- --- -- ----- -- -- - - ---- -- --- - - ------ - <br /> ` To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, ccnd appurtenarcces thereurcto belon�ins, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, ' <br /> Dower, Curtesz�, ClairrL and Demand wh�tsoever of the said Grantor._@.;xr�-e�etit�laere�tlee�na, of, in or to the same, or any part thereof. i,' <br /> �0 ���1P att� tp ' " ' <br /> �p[� the above described premases, watTi the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee.:_______and to_________h�,B__.__.____ ,, <br /> heirs and assidns forever. ,Flnd____1�s�__..__hereby covenant,_______with the said Grantee__.____.that__.____.__ 1N@...__ _._hold_____.._said premises <br /> ;bz� �ood and perfect title.; that___________9P_8--,_-________.___.ha_._Y.B�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are !I <br /> � <br /> free and elear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever._______a�,��p�__a,g.__�,bCU-Y-p::_.�t-c;;.L�d________._.___._:_ <br /> ------ -------------------------- ------' <br /> !; <br /> .Rncl____._ _______ ___'Y8 ___ _____ _.__.___covenant__-____to warrant arcd defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful elaims of all �' <br /> ;persons whomsoever - - - -- - - -- - - -- - -- - � -- , <br /> -- - - ---- ----- ---- ----- - -- <br /> _. -- --_ - --- <br />, --- --- --- --- -- --- --- -- --._._ ._ ___ _ <br /> __ - _ -- <br />� -- - - --- -- - ----• <br /> - <br />�', Dated the---- 2'7�� - - ----da�J �f-:- . --- - -JLtl� -- -- �. D. 19. 22_+__ ', <br /> hi s <br />', W'IT.N'ESS -- - --- -'G.PIIx�A--� Watprg_�- - <br />� mark <br />'�� ' -- - - <br /> - - -_ <br /> - - <br /> -- ----- __�.J_.�i_lki_r.s_on _t_o- mdrk- _�f---�A r�P M��.tprs <br /> - ...- -_._. - -HP�.IEYI-�u-Q�'p�Al-�:�C`� I�ii�1i�°� <br /> �T.V. Hir_cr..m�,n to sigr_atu rp o Hellen MorsPlli �, �f4wtArs <br /> ---- ---- --- ----- - ----- -- ---- -------- � <br /> -_ __ _ -- _ . - - <br /> _ -_ .. -- � <br /> ST.FI TE OF NEBR./�SK�1, <br /> ss. ' <br /> '- - - -_.H'sa�,1.1 - - - -- Countz�, On this 27_th --da� �f�---�- _ - J111,Y- -- ...g. D. 19_.22 -- , before me, � <br /> !the undersi�ned, a Notarz� Public _._ __ . ____within and for said County, personallz� came_ ___.__ _..__ . __.____ <br /> . __ _G ao rg�: _�l�.t__�rs _ �.nd_ H?lI�_n__?�:crrs Qllia__��.Z?rs-_e�ich___in �.�r�ir__oeen y -r�ghx--- ' <br /> �nd as hu�band and wit� <br /> - - _ _ _ _ _ _ __ .__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , <br /> to rn.e personally knozvrL to be the identical person_S___whose name_ . a.T�__.__.______._._.__afrixed to the ! <br /> (SEkZ� above instrument as �rantor___8_._, and_ __ __�h�y__ _____severall� aeknowled�sed the same to be __'�hPl�z"' <br /> i voluntar� act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. �', <br /> I�' W7T✓1�'ES� W'HEREOF, I haue hereunto subscribed my name arzd afj'ixed my ofjicial seal at 'i' <br /> _ GT�+xld Islaild, 'l�l Sc�ld_ COti21L.y_,___.__ __ ____on the date last above written. ' <br /> �; <br /> i: - - - - - _�._.�'._�Rilkine.Qn----------------.. . --- 'i' <br /> � Notary Public. I'' <br /> ,� ,Mz� eommission expires.-- ----- . Oe t_.28_,_1926, . _- ---- . --,- .---.19�------------- , <br />_ — _-.. -- _ . , —, _ ___ -_ <br /> ___ _ .__ _ . __.: _ -- <br />--��--- - _ - – -___—___..__�_ _-- ---- - � � <br /> ;i <br /> ; <br /> � <br />