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<br /> i ��
<br /> ' I+'-RD�VI I hereby certify that this irastrumerct was entered on JV'umerical ��
<br /> Index and filed for record this_____ _______�_Q_ ______.day of. ___�ay__-___ ___.___ I�
<br /> . ` --Folk�t H._Di_rcks- � �rf--- - ------ -- . '!
<br /> ;
<br /> ` .fl. D. 19--22,-----, at------- - --- �--- - --- -- -o'clock.-----P-�__..M. ��
<br /> _.__ ._ _...._ __ - - -- -._ �larrantp --
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<br /> C�=��� � �f ,
<br /> -- - -- - - - -----------� f
<br /> ! Re ister o Deeds, ;;
<br /> �
<br /> ,' --Roy W.HovvaTd---................................................................. �
<br /> �
<br /> B✓---------- -- ---- - ---- .___ ------ ------ ------- -- ,'
<br /> ;
<br /> Deputy. �i
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<br /> ! That ----1�tArFclkA-t--H..Di-r-cka--an_d__�_r-�a�---1�3_rck�..hus_l��.nd--_�.nd._�rife '
<br /> � . : ------ - - -- - -- - - ._- --- - "
<br /> �
<br /> ;�
<br /> ;�
<br /> ------------------,and State o ------- -----------------NebTu.ska--------- ,,
<br /> of the Countz� of.-----.-----I�ill- f ---------------------------------Grantor---$-----, in consideration ':
<br /> h;
<br /> o} the sum o�.--------- - - - Twa-T�i-ous.�.nd-�.nd ns��lU-fi-_ - __ _.--- ---- ---- - -------.D OLL.�RS, ;;
<br /> � , �i
<br /> in hand paid, do_--------- - --hereby GR,/1NT, B.gRG✓�LN, SEI.L, �.ND CONVEY' unto_----------..I�Oy--�.-�io�C�xTd------------------- -----_-------------------- �i
<br /> - -- - ---- ----- -_ - --- - - -- ----- -- -- - ---- ---- ..- --- - _ - --- --- - - - _. -- -- --- ;
<br /> of the Count�9 ��----- -- - �iia�-�.s -- --- -- -----and State o�- - - - NEbTa,Skit�i. - -------� , Grantee-- ----, the followin� .:'�
<br /> i�
<br /> deseribed premises, situated in the Coun,ty of__________..__. ____H�11i________________......_.. .___...__...___.and State of Nebraska, to-wit: '�
<br /> �
<br /> ---Lot _.�hi-r-t-epn---(13-) --in._Bl�ck_ Six _(6--)-_b���,$ _&_Hill! s Addi�ic�r- to G��.nd_ I.s_���d, Neb_raska,�,s--- _ - ------- !i
<br /> �
<br />' ---ausv_Py_Qa_,_�l�stt�d._�.nd- recoraQd. -- '�'
<br /> _ - __-_ _ _ -_ __
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<br /> i;
<br /> ., To�ether with ccll the teszements, hereditamercts, and appurteraances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, ';,i
<br /> ;Dower, Curtesz�, Claim and Demand whatsoever of the sczid Grantor_g_., a�e3�e�ei,�l�er�•.o�'-tk�m;of, in or to the same, or arcy part thereof. ;i
<br /> �; �0 �abP ariD t0 �0�� t,he above, described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee._______and to._________h�S_______._._ ,�,,
<br /> ! heirs and assi�ns foreaer. �lnd.___.W8 ..... hereby covenant__.____.with the said Grantee___.____.that_____.__ 9PQ ' p ,4
<br /> --
<br /> - o _-----saad remises ',�
<br /> ' br� �ood and perfect titde; that._____________S�B_________.haY__E____�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell arzd convez� the same; that they are ;!
<br /> ' free and clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoeaer---- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --'I
<br /> ,
<br /> _ __ _ __ . .-- - ---- -- - -- - -- - ----- ___ - - -- ---- --- --_ _. --- -- - _ - --- --- - _ ---- i
<br /> ___. _ ___ -- _ __ _ _ ,
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<br /> ii
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<br /> _ -- -- --.. _.
<br /> _ _... _____ _--- ��
<br /> �nd._ _ _ __ _ _ YY� __._ _ _ _.._-__.__covercant. _______.to warrant and deferLd the said premises a�ainst the lawful elaims of all �
<br /> ;�
<br /> persons whomsoever__._ _----__ ___ _ __ ._ ------- ;
<br /> -- _ _.. ----- ------ ------- -------_ . .---- -- - --- ----- -- - -- - __.... - _ �
<br /> i
<br /> -- -- ---- - --- ---_ ----- - --- _ - - _
<br /> -- __ _ _ --- ...._ _ _._ _ . _ - --- _
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<br /> ii
<br /> --._. ___ - --__--- __ --- -------- �
<br /> ` Dated the- _ __----_.. __13�h- - da�9 of�---------- ----gpY'�l -- _ - t---�?. D. 19.-- 22- 1
<br /> w'IT.NESS --- -------- --FolkP� -H_._.Li_rc�a - - - -- - --- ------
<br /> ` --- - --- Gr�.ce_ Dircks ---- - _ -- ���i
<br /> _._ 33._,7•�ur��in�nR;,�rx- --- -_ --- ;�
<br /> __.__ ---
<br /> - -- --- - - ----------- ---------- ------- ,,
<br /> ,�
<br /> ;
<br /> ST.1TE OF .NEBR.gSK'�,
<br /> �� ss. z� f � f , �
<br /> '- - -- -- -- I3ia,11 - County, On this- --- --13�h-------da o .---- --- _ x'i1----- __-- - ---.g. D. 19------2�-, be ore me ;
<br /> ' the undersi�ned, a JV'otary Public___. _ _ __ ______ __ _ ._._.._._.within arcd for said County, personally came._.__ ______ _ d
<br /> . - --- -__ - __
<br /> -- -�o1kPt__H._1?ir_�k�---�.nd__GrA�_e__.I?ir.cks,_husb�.nd _�cnd_wife _ __ - ---- ---- _- ----- _ - - 'i
<br /> �
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<br /> _ -__ _. __ _ __. __ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -- - - ---__ _ - :�
<br /> ' ...a xed to the i�;
<br /> to rne personally known to be the identical person__8._____.whose name_.__8__-_---_�.r�_.__.. ... _ fJ"i I
<br /> ' �Ss!�A.L above instrumer�t as �rantor_8____., and_-___-_ - __-�h�..______seUerallz� acknowled�ed the same to be__ ..�hQfT;i
<br /> � '
<br /> volurztary act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. �
<br /> !i
<br /> IJ�" W7T✓Y'ESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and afJ`ixed my ofj'icial seal ut !�
<br /> � C oun ty ;�
<br /> ` -- -G xd.nd I s l,�.nd-�Neb-r�.sk�,�.n---�a�d � -- ---on the date last above written. '�
<br /> �
<br /> __._____ _______._.__.___BP21f�-.-�7s-�`11T't21�-T�-'lk3,ZP.___._...________ i
<br /> Notary Public. ��
<br /> . . . `� __ -- -- -19.---- ------ I
<br /> ' .My commtssaon expares---- - ------.t�.'u�'>Lt��--5 tY1�_1_-_23•__ _
<br /> �
<br />— — ----- -- — — ��
<br /> ;�
<br />� � , � �
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