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� �� <br /> ��1�1J'� � � �1 J � v � O <br /> ���� ������ �f�a ��� <br />�. __ __ _____ __. _ __r---_____ . <br /> . �—t��,�� _ � �_ _ _ -: ----- — ._ ___ _ _ _ . ___ _- <br /> _ 71-[-3O-57AYE14L&NAL CQtdPAHY.LLNCOLN.NEB. . . _. _ . .,......_.. ._ ._. . .. _. ._. ..._ ._._.... ..._._. _ .._� .__... _ <br /> i .F'R�✓VI I hereby certifz� that this instrument was entered on Numerical ! <br /> ' Index and flled for record this___________ 2_Q_. of.______ ___ApTil ____._. <br /> .____._Edxls.--�..Farn,�w�rt�:�,.kiu�.b�n�-�--�------- <br /> 4 <br /> _.._..___...._ ...... ...._._ - ---_._.. -- - - ---�-� <br /> �arrantp .�. D. 19-----2'--2----, at------------3_:_45-- - ------ ----d clock---------P�..M. .. <br /> TO �eea �. <br /> -- - -- ---- ������t--�------- <br /> -------- <br /> Re�ister of Deeds, <br /> '-------�-essi-g--Ki_s.t l�--F�.r.n��.c <br /> 8�----------_ --- - ---- -- -- -_------- -- -------- - <br /> Deputr�. <br /> �.r�o� �Y� ,�er� �p ��je�e �re�er�t�: <br /> That.----_----E�.i.rl�--E._raxnswo_r�n�.riiush�.n-d--�f.---th.e_-g-rant�_�__hP�pi-n-�----------__- ------_.- -------- --------- -- - , <br /> - -. _ - - .__ __ __ _ _.__. _ -___ ____ <br /> --- -- - - ----__ - - - --- -._ -- - -- -- <br /> of the Coui2tz� of-------------���.*----------------.and State of------------------------------NC'bTa.8ki1.,--------------------------------Grantor----------, ira corzsideration <br /> of the sum of.- -- - --__. -- _ 4ne -I1Q1l�.r_ an3_ n�tu�r�l_ l,o�te �nd--�.ffPction .__ - ----------.a9��,Q.�,S, ; <br /> in Tzand paid, do.._..._._._ _____herebz� GR./�.NT, B.F1RG./IIN, SELL, �ND COJV'VEY' unto. _____. _ <br /> Je�s�..�__K�st��_. I'ar�?sworth,wi_fe _ : <br /> `- °f th`°--�;rdnt or h�r��.n,.___ -- -- _- <br /> - - -- - __ __ - . - - - - - ---- - -- - --- --- - -- <br /> of the Countz� of----- -_H�c:11�___ ._____. -----.-----and State of------ ------ -. .N8_�.�u.skt�,�------- -------------., Grantee_ ------, the followirz� <br /> described premises, situated in the Countz� of-_....__________________Hia�ll�.________________._____________.._._____.and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> ;-----_Th�--�a.s-t--half-- (.�.�-} --of th� �o�the��at ��art�x-_t SEg)- �.nd__t�e -I�torth�_e_s.t----��,r�_�r.__(-N�f�}---nf---�.hs ---. ' <br /> __----�_Q�a�_Y�g�st---yuart�x- (S��} _uf_.��c�iQn Thi-r-�AAn--�131 .Towns�i�.�---Elev_s_n__{.�.1,.)_._N��th of_--R�r��_ �lev�.n <br /> '-- - (�-1j-�P��st_.�f .tk��-.6th_P��.,;�nd -�h� VP_est. _h€�.lf- (1�!�}_ af th_�_. W���_�irxlf__�_�►�'�.._of-�k�P Southw�st �, <br /> ------_�uax_�.ea�--�_:3�'l�_}_._of__S�ction_Ei.�;htp-pn _(-1.�� - Tov�n�.hi_p_ Elevsn- -(�,1�___N9�th__��'._I��,�gP---T�r----�14-�---Ne�t._.o�' <br /> '- - _�hA_ 6th_.P_,_�� .in-�.1.1_.1�0 �.c_rP_s__mQr_P_ox_l��a�.___�u?�����_t__t_Q_� fir_a�--m_Qrtg�,��-s�f �14� 0-fl��.�� ._dr���c� <br /> ____ �'�bru_�T__2Q, 19__2_0 in fanor of �?�.c_ob__D.Tnode �nd due bAbxuary 20_,_1925_�_which__mo_r__tg.�.ge__th__e__gr4r�tee � <br /> ---� hPr�3n--hprpby a.ssumes-and �g�A�$-- to ��.y- - - -- - - .. <br /> - --- - -- <br /> ,To�ether Taith czll the teneme�ats, herec�itaments, and appurterGaraces thereurtto belonsins, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Iraterest, ! <br /> 'Dower, Curtes�, Claim an,d I�emand whatsoever of the said Grantor____, cerer�}�e�werefl f�lve�v t�f,«in�eT to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> (�0 �abP al�a t0 �OID the above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Graratee________and to _______._hP_I ._. <br /> heirs and as,sisns forever. ✓�'nd._____�____ hereb� covenar�t-______.with the said Grantee ______.that.__ __ __..I _-__.____.____hold__________said prernises ' <br /> by sood and perfect title; that.______I___ .-_...:.........ha-V�B_-.�obd risht arid lazvful authority to sell and corcvey the same; that they ure <br /> ,free and clear of all liens and irzcumbrartces ivhatsoever__________QXG_Sp'�___'s�,�#__.c�b_OY4•___8'�_c.�t�Sl_._____________________________.___________.___. <br />, <br /> I, - -._.__.__ ._ . - -- -_._... . _ ___ ._._. . -_ - -- - -- -- - - - - --- ---- <br /> ---- - - -- � ,' <br />�', ',�1nd _____. ____I --- -_____cor� warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the law�ul claims of all <br /> I,, persons whomsoever ------G'_X_G P�t _3S. db.OV e---Stcit Qd. ----- _ ---- - - <br /> - ---- - ----- ------ -- ---- --- - ----- - ----- -- - <br />� ' Dated�the-- ----��'�h -- _ -----.__.da�9 ��----- - -----Ap2'i1 _ --- -- - ---�. D. 19-- 22-- <br /> 'i <br /> W7TNESS ------ ....-- - ��.rle--�._F�.rnsw_o.r�h- -- --- -- ----- <br /> • - -- - - ._ _ - - -_ - - - ' <br /> - -- __- <br /> ---- .__RZ_c??��'d �uAnz_ - - - - _- , <br /> ----- -- - -- - . _ . . _ ._. __ . . -- --- -----------� � <br /> ST�TE OF NEBR.�4SK.R, <br /> ss. <br /> --- - - ----.H�11.- --- .Count�, On this - ---__2U�h..-- ----da�J of�-- - - 14pT31 --��. D. 19-2-�- -, before me, . <br /> the urzdersi�raed, a Notarr� Public_ _ .__ _ .___.withira and for• said County, personally came__ ___.__ _____.______.____ <br /> _ ��.rle_�.Farnswo�t�i,-husb�,nd _of -Jessi-e--Kis-t1e -T�.rn-�wo-rth,- _----- --- --- - - <br /> to rrze perso3zallz� kr�own to be the ider�tical person_______whose name__._._______��____________..______af�xed to the ' <br /> h� _-__- -- -_-severa�,'�YCCknowled�ed the same to be_ Y�j.� ' �' <br /> above irastrumerzt as 5i•arztor _______, arzd__ _ -_ <br /> t��'�� volzcntar� act and deed for the purpose thereii2 expressed. <br /> , I�' W7T✓V'ESS W'HF.REOF, I have hereun-to subscribed mz� rcame and af)ixed my of)icial seal at <br /> ! GT�r.21d I91c�t1d,N6�bTa.9�{cL _ . _ _ ___ ___on the date last above written. , <br /> � <br /> -- - - - --_ ._ ----Ri_ch�.rd--Buenz ------------------ --- <br /> JV'otary Public. <br /> ' .A1z� commission expires-- --------Jtll,y----12_.-1926_- -----.._ -.19._ <br />��-— =�___ = .._:- _ _-._. .-_ <br /> _ -- _ _ - -- -------- <br /> �i ; <br />