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<br />�""�"� - IN CONSIDERATION OF the payment of the deUt named therein,the :
<br /> r undersi�ncd,being duly authorized to do so and acting in its capacity as Tiustee a�id not �_
<br /> � in its individual capacity,hereby re leases t he Mortga ge and Trust Indenture dated as of �
<br /> � ApriD 1, 1974, made by the City of Grand Island,Nebraska to the undersigned,then �
<br /> " known as Narthwestern National Bank of Minneapolis,on the folluwing described
<br /> '°"�� � property situate in the County of Hall and State of Nebraska,to-wit:
<br /> ��=�-
<br /> w .�,r�
<br /> .���:�; All that part of the SE 1/4 of Section 24,Township 11 North,Range 10�est of �
<br />'.",•�r��x,�i_+.
<br /> � the Sixth Principal Meridian,in Hall County,Nebraska,bounded and described as _
<br /> `:�, fallows: �
<br />_ ,
<br /> �,�. � -
<br />=��_:i��z" Beginning at the south quarcer corner of said Section 24;thence north along the
<br />�1f��� north and sauth center line of said Section 24 a distance of 1032.0 feet,more or
<br /> ,,;;;a,;, .. less,to a point 200.0 feet distant southeasterly measured at right angles,from the
<br />-'-'`='� center line of the southerly or eastbo�nd main track of Union Pacific Railroad
<br /> �",��-
<br /> ----�i�ti�:1 Company as now consuvcieu uii�u�c�at�c3;t;�:,n��r.�rth-eastPrly al�ng a streight
<br /> ""�°` "'n�j line parallel with and 200.0 feet distant southeasterly,measured at right angles,
<br /> :-t�it-T�
<br />-� �,`;� &om said eenter line of southerly main track a distance of 642.44 feet,more or less,
<br /> ,::.;,��
<br /> T�,,,f�.�, to a point 550.0 feet distant east,measured at riglit angles, from said north an
<br /> --" south cente;line of Section 24;thence south along a straight line parallel with and
<br /> �� 550.0 feet distant east, mea.gured at right angles,from said north and soutti center
<br /> line of said Section 24, a distance of 1357.6 Feet,more or less,to a point in the
<br /> south line o�said Section 24;thence west along the south line of Section 24 a
<br /> � distance of SS0.04 feet,more or less,to the point of beginning;containing an area
<br /> of 15.09 acres,more or less,SUBJECT to the reservation of mineral rights azxd the
<br /> rights of the public in and t�the roadway along the south line of said Section 24, as
<br /> set forth in the de�d from Union Pacific Railroad Company,dated February 26, �
<br /> 1969, filed for record on Mazch 10, 1969,in Book 158 at Page 391 of the Deed
<br /> �---- Records of the Registcr of Desds of Iiall Coustty,Nebiaska. ,
<br /> �vhich was recarded on the 3rd day of May, 1974, in Book 165 of Mortgages at Page 534
<br /> of the mort�age records of Hall County,Nebraska.
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