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� <br /> �, <br /> ������ 1 � L'J,�j��� �� _� � m <br /> � �� �� <br /> e___ _ ___._____�_�...�. ___ ___.__.____.____e_� <br /> r- __ �s.w.� ._:_. ._. ,�.,:,...___� .._._�._._._�.___.�_..__�-----_ <br /> . ._.__._. . _�IZ'ISO-STATEJOIIRNALCO!lPANY,LINCOLN NEH.._ � ���-�' �"-'� "'""'��� �'""' '"�'�"�""'�� ' <br />, <br /> FI�O✓YI I herebz� certifz� that this instrument was entered on Numerical <br /> , 7ndex and fcled for record of.--------_-�rCh_ <br /> ------- <br /> .--------xen-ry-- Po�l:ock.-Fc.--��.--�---------------------�----- -- <br /> .. .. __ .. _......TO... ... <br /> - �--.. a�arrantp .�. D. 19..22-------, at--- --�- ----... - �..:_34 - -- o'clock---------�..✓11. ' _ <br /> �eea � <br /> - --------�_���az�--�,u-�-------------------- <br /> Re�aster of Deeds, <br /> --------chri_s_t__�_._�_�_11.oc_k......................- - - _... <br /> B�._------ ----- - - ---- ------------ -------- ------------ <br /> Deputy. <br /> �.�o� �Y� �er� �p ��je�e ��e�er�t�� <br /> That-- - -- ---�tP_t.�iQnry_ �?oll.a�k--and---l�.u.ry P-�l-1-o_ck,hu�b�nd_�.nd �vif�.---- -- - -- � <br /> Nebr�.ska ------=------- ------------------ <br /> of the County of.--------H�.�1�-----------------.and State of----------------------- -----------------.+ Grantor_--5-----., in eorzsideratior� <br /> of the sum of�----- - - - __ -___.QnP D-ol l�:= un�l �c�a,ng�- of_ .�r op ertY - --- --- - --- ------------..D�9���1�9'-,-�___ <br /> in hand paid, do--_.--------_ .___herebz� GR�NT, B�RG.,4IN, SELL; .FIND CO✓1�'VEY' unto.-----------Ch2'-1-st-__E.-P-ol-1U-C-k-�------.-------------------------------- <br /> � - --- ------ - - - _- - -- - -_ __-- --- . . ----- - _ -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- ' <br /> - - - -- � -------------. Grc�rctee --------, the followin� <br /> of the Courzty of----- - _ H�lli ---- -- ------and State o� - - -- �ebr�.s_k�. - , <br /> deseribed premises, situated in the Countz� -of.__._.___ .__...__H�.1-li _________ _________ _ .__.___.c�nd Stccte of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> -------Th�-�t�s-t--H�.1�' -o-f-#.ha- N�rt hPas t -Q�drt Pr {t��---of_1�'E�}---of___SQC ti nn__Ele�en_--(-11-?_,Townshi�a---T_v��1v e _ <br /> ` -------�12�- H_astht��.nga_..T�n_ �lfl-},Wes� of--th� �ith__P.�,i�_�i�.11 �_o�ara_�y..,Tteb_r�.sk�.,_S_ub�_P��,h�w�_ver+-�o . ; <br /> -------�h�s--conrli-tic�ns--cc�nt�i-n�d- in---�--W�.�-r.��-tS---��Fd- _for- th� b:bovs--de�crib�d _prpr�i-��a--rPCQr-d��--i-n --- <br /> ,-- -�a-�---4� -af--�-�ed-s- a.t -P�g+�_�46, of__t�P _dePd--r�cords-of,- Hq,ll.-- CounLy=,_�Tebr�.akr,,-.---- ---- <br /> _ _ _. _ -- --- _ _ -- _ - - _ -- �_�__.____�-�:�..- <br /> ------- -- - -- --- - - _ ---_ <br /> (��.5C I. R. Stdmps_ __ j <br /> __ _ __ __ _ -- - - _ -- -- _ - <br /> -- --__ <br /> --- -- ----- - - . __ _ _ .(Ca.ncelled <br /> ...._....__..,...�__�._____....,_. �,�.. <br /> To�ethet° with all the ter�ements, hereditaments.; �nd app�rtenances tharet�nto belon�in�s, and all the Estate, Ri�lzt, Title, Interest, <br /> Dower, Curtesy; Claim and Demcznd whatsoever of the said Grant�r___S, �ro�'-eat�,ere��ee;wtr; of, ir� or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �0 �abP atiD t0 �OrD the above d�srribed premises, zvith the appwrtenances; itinto the said`Graritee ________and' to. hiS_________ <br /> heirs and assi�ris foreUer. �Ind.__ _SYe--_ _herebr� coveriarat_ ___:with the said Grantee';_.__:_.that___. _ti�@ __-__. _ _ <br /> _..__hold___:__ __sixid premises <br /> bz� �ood and perfect title; that=-__ .,___;YY_@. ___>_.___,____.ha'.Y_G___�ood ri�ht and lawficl authoritr� to sell and corzvey the same; that they are , <br /> free and clear of all Zien,s and incumbrances whatsoeuer____ ___P��_g�'�.___r,,�._g:$'� _f`OT'th_.ak3IIY_�_..' _________ ________ <br /> I' - - -- -___ - - ------ - -- _ _ -- -----._ ._. _ -_ _._..._ _ -- _. - - --__ - -- - <br /> ___YI_8__- _.-._. _ ._ . ..__'_covenant..__,;.__to warrant ccr2d defend ti�e said premises a�ainst the lczwful cdaims of all � <br /> .,2nd - <br />�' persons whomsoever --__ _.P�ce��--.a.S__S.?t _ f.9rth_ab9v-�--- -------- ------ --------- ----- ------ <br /> -- - ------ ---- -- - - -- - - - <br /> Dated the-- ---Z8Lk1- -- -- --da�J �f-----------IIE�?�kP��.�-- -- -- --✓1. D. 19.. 21___ <br /> `, W7T.N'ESS : . ------------ -HaT1.25'---P.o:11i1Ck- ----- - ------- -------.- <br /> --_ _ --- ]��«ry. ._P_o.11��k --- <br /> �.�7,.�un ni.n�ham_._ . _._ _ - -- - ---- <br /> ST�TE OF ,NEBR.fISK.,4, <br /> �ss. <br /> - - - -_Hi�l�.- --� ..Cour�tr�, Orz this--- 2$-t�- -- ---darJ o��-- - --��C�TiiQ�x a-- -------.q. D. 19-?,.1.----, before me, <br /> 'the undersi�ned, a Notary Public.-_ _ ___ _______.withira and for said Countz�, persorzadlr� came.________A�r1Z'y__P_O_11OCk__arid__�cal'� <br />, __ PO11oC_k,hUSl�_a�nd__�?d__wife, _ - __ _ ____ - - . -- _ __ -- _ ' <br />, <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person___8___whose rcame__..S______-_c3rE____.______ ______.afJ'ixed to the . <br /> �SFAL) ubove irzstrument as �rantor___.8___, and___ ___thLy_._______severallz� acknozvled�ed the same to be___ tY1�1-T - <br /> voluntar� act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> I�' tiTi'IT.NESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and afjixed mr� of�'icial seal at <br />, - G2'ax1 c� I s�.c+.t1d,-N�brG.��cE},it"i -8�.3-d--CoUn-t-�yrz the date last aboUe written. <br /> ` - - - --- --- --Bpn.�.._,7,_G_u.nni-t�hr�m- -------- --- <br /> Notary Public. <br /> i ✓tily commission expires_. -- --ku���-`��.�,1�23••-- - --- -- --19.--- ------ <br />�_�__ � —__:- -.:,: . _ __ --. -- <br />