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� � <br /> � ����� ������� ����a C��� . . <br /> _.__ __ _._ _ ______ _ _ <br /> ____ _ — _ _ _ __ ___ .__ _ . _ ____ _ _ ___ . _ _ ____ _ <br /> 3ff=�siAi�doiiBi�iATt'S�eA�tY Lfxcdl����e. ._._.._ ___ . . _ __ __ _ - °- -- _ __ _ _. <br /> _ _ _ .._.. _.. ___� . --- ... _______ ._�.____ <br /> iI <br /> FI���VI I herebr� certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical �� <br /> Index and filed for record this___. _________1Q_._... of. ____Max�.�1_ ______ <br /> ` ......--.G.�_o.r�?._._I...�.QU_�.s:,_�v,�,d_ow��- --�--�- ------ ' ' <br />� _ _... . . ........ ____ <br /> -- -- ---.. <br /> �larrantp .1. D. 19--22.-----, at--------- --- 4�i�? - . o°�ao�k_------P_.__..�r. <br /> TO �¢¢a ------ � <br /> ------ ----- --------- -----------�_ � <br /> ---- ---------- � <br /> Re�ister o Deeds, <br />�� --- --G_PQT�?-L_,_RO�ts_e.....�T.�'�............................................... <br /> B�-------------- -------- - - ---- ----------- ,' <br />� Deputy. ; <br />� <br /> �� �.r�o�n �Y� �er� �p ��je�e ��e�er�t�: ���i� <br /> _ That - ----I-f-�?_�r��--I...8�ues.�Pi_d_Q�er---s�f--Alc�.�,__ _ -- _ --- - - _ - - - --- - - - - <br /> � <br /> _-- - -- -_ _ __ _. ._-- - -- ___-- -- - - --__ _ - ' <br /> - -- _. -- --- - -- -- -._ _ -- -- - -- --- . <br /> I, <br /> _N�b rus kt�.----------------------------------------- • . <br /> y f r------------------- - - - ------.Grantor------------, ar� consaderatiora , <br /> of the Count o ._____.___.__.. ` 1. and State of_____________.._ <br />� , o} the sum o}.------- -- ___-- -_ -- - --T�ro Thous�.nd. .�.nd_n_Qf�.QQ - -. _ __ __ __. ---- - - - ------D oLL.�RS, ,; <br /> in hand paid, do.________ ._. _. .hereby GR.StNT, B,�RG✓1LN, SELL, .,1.N'D CONVEY' unto._.__Cs-e-Org-�--L_.-I3o-u8-e-.-a'-T-•--r-c2f- -A1dPi__________________________ ; <br /> of the Count�J of------- -- - --H411� -- ------ ---and State of--- --Nebr�.sku - - -- - -----------� Grantee ------, the following '� <br />� >described premises, situated in the County of._._.._.______...._____Hczll_�_________________________________________and State of JV'ebraska, to-wit: � <br /> ' ___Al�.__my _undi.v�d_�s�. �n_�.-hu,lf interest _in �.nd _t_o_-the N�rth�_e$t --Q��.�t_�-r_--tN���--of--�_e.�_t_i_on__�_�_n.. _(].4_)� <br />'�, ----�_owns_hip__T_wP1vA_ (1��.P3'orth,R�.nge EIPvPn_ �11}_,.Wes-� -Qf---xh�.---6th_P_.�_._ir_--�:all--�_o_unt�-*_?�Pb_r�ska,-------- � <br /> -(.5uh�?c_t,_r�:ow�vPr.r.tQ_ a--mo_rtg�-�-- nri---��.i-ci--�xemi_a�e---in_ the $um__Qf- �12.QQ.-0_0._v�hi-c-h-t-hA--g-r�intpe_hPr�Pin <br /> --.-�su�nes _�.r�d- -�g.�?R$--t-o p-�� a$__part _of---t-h�--cQn�_i_dpra�ion- -o�'_ this- d_�,?d,_�.nd .s_ub�_�ct _to_ �,11_ un---- ;j <br /> _-__Faici__t�,x�s which---thP �_rwntep -h�-�Pin--�s�umes--anci--a�rees_.'�o._p_a.y_. This-- d�Pd----is _�ls_o_sub.j�ct__to_. i�he <br /> -� Pp .. y ° . � ,, _ 3�_- � � ���'t� cu��� <br /> ---�_Qx�v_? _�z��.�--o�'----� _ xoxim�tpl _ .onp �.nd__QnP-h�lf dcrps t.o_�_�:P Count � of _H�.�.-1--�.r�d- mo-r_P- �y <br /> i <br /> __.d_e$c_�_�_bPd__��--thp-ilV�,.�x�,.�t3�---�A?d---�P�_ordPd___�r�---Baok_47.._at___�?��?- 470 -of---thP---De_Pd. R�c e_�ds__of �ll_-- '', <br /> _---Gnunty-,�ebr�skz�,_�hi ch }?ar-c_el �f l�,nd c onsi_ats __of__�xp�aroxim�.te-13'--1�_�,.c rP�--Qf ._lur�.d �.nd_w?Zi ch--w�,� <br />� --�_anv.s,�'Pd---�-�--Th'=--C.czun.t��_ of.--Hall--f_Qr__r_�asl-Purgcts�s• -- i <br /> -- - -. ._ ---- - -__. ___ _ _ _- --- , <br /> To�'etlzer with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, I; <br /> '",Dower, Cu,rtesr�, Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantox.__.,ez+�e��f ev�ker-o��tkerri-of, in or to the same, or any part thereof. ;I <br /> ' �0 �abP �IiD t0 �OCD the above described premises, with the appurten¢reces, urtto the said Grantee.________and to._____Yi�B._.___._.___. ;� <br /> heirs and assi�ns forever. .�Ind______I_________herebz� covenant____._____with the said Grantee.._____that___ _. __.I. __________hold_______said premises ',� <br /> ; <br /> i' bz� �ood and perfect title; that_..._________�__ ___.ha__Y_6.�ood Ti�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that thez� ate i� <br /> i <br /> ''free artd clear of all liens and ineumbrances whatsoeaer._._______.EX�S�3_�__�.9___�ibAV_�___S_S.t___f�Z'#,h_.__._____________________________ <br /> -- � <br />' -..- - ---- --_.__ . .---- -- -_ ---- ----- -._ _ _--- -- ----- --- -- ------ -- -_ - -- _--- - -- -- _ _ ..__ - <br /> ii <br /> ' - --- _ -_ __ _ -- -__ _ - - - - _--- ---- - --- -- -- -_,- - -- -- --- - ----- ----- __.___ --- - -- -- – <br /> I <br /> ' �nd-- -- -- I __ _ -- f A � � f f '� <br /> —--_ <br /> ______covenant ________to warrant an e en the said remises a aanst the law ul claims o all , <br /> persons whomsoever-------6XC��'�---s�.�-si.�OV�.---�.et___�OT'��1 ----.-- - . '' <br /> ------ - ---- - ---- _---. __--- --- -- . _ - -- - - -- __ - -- - --- - ----- --- _ _- - --------. ., <br /> I <br /> !:� Dated the---- ---'4._----- ----- ----..da�J �f----------B�ii�Z'G�.1�-------- ---------------.1. D. 19_-22. - i <br /> i <br /> W'ITNESS ; -------------------_-----------------��-ox�?;-�--L-._8o_use� -------- , <br /> ----- � <br /> (�1.50 I. R. St�pe } i <br /> ' (C�.nc elled '' <br /> -- --- --._ _...- - . __ <br /> __ Bi.lp A.Itause _- -- ----- - . -- -- ',i <br /> - -- _._ .y_ <br /> _.__�__ ._�...-....�._�_ <br /> � <br /> --- ------ - --- -- - -- --- ------ -- ---------- ii <br />' ,T ohn Thornss en------ -- -- ,; <br /> � ST�TE OF .NEBR.gSK�, ';; <br /> ''!, �ss. !' <br /> I <br /> ''- - - - -- H��1...-- _...Count�, On this- - -- _4 - -----------da�J �f�-- -- - ----1+��.TQh, -- ----.1. D. 19_22 - , before me, �i <br /> ethe undersi�ned, a Notarr� Public_._ - _ _ ._ __ ____..within arcd for said County, personally eame____ __ ._.__.. _.___..__.__ _ ___ _ ____________ 'i <br /> I ' ' Gporg_p L. Rouse,�_�ir�Q�r�r_o_f__H�.1-1--C�un�3�,?�ebxu.skw____ -_ _ ___ - _ _ _ i <br /> �� <br /> --- - --- - - _ - -- <br /> ' -- - _ _ -- - �� <br /> . i <br />' to me personally known to be the identical peTSOn_______._.whose name_______________l_S____.______________afjixed to the ;� <br /> �, <br />�i ' above instrument as �rantor________., and.________ hS__________.__.seaercal�eecknowled�ed the same to be___ h�H___ li <br /> voluntary act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. �I <br /> (S'.E;AZ) <br /> IN W7TJV'ESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subseribed mz� name and afrixed my ofjccial seal at :; <br /> G rz:rld S S laYi-d,NBbz'4sk-a, l-Yl--stxl-d--C Ou�-ty-=on� the date last above written. iI <br /> - -- -- ..- ----.TAhn--Thanss-en-----------�� - �i <br /> rVotarr� Public. ,i <br /> �' �Iy eommission expires------- ----- --Sa�ta,�1�p��'__27 1927__ _._._-_---------_. .__.19.---- ------ �� <br /> --- - =_— --_--- �— <br /> ,- ,I <br /> il <br />, , <br /> ` � <br /> , <br /> � <br /> „ <br /> :, ll . <br />