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<br /> .... . ��ISO—SYATE JOU&NAL CONPANY.LINCOLNs NEB. . . .. . . ._ . ._... . . .. .._ _ .. ....... . _ __ _. . .�..._..._. ..._.. _�_.—�-.. . _ ... . ..... .... . . .. .. _.... . . ,_
<br /> FRO�VI I herebz� certify that this instrument was-entered on JV'umerical •
<br /> Index and fcled for record this----- ----1Q- -------------day of-------��,���------- -
<br /> ------.�e z?xy.--�nn...�_.��f�...-�--� -� ---��-�------------------
<br /> ' �U1�CCalltp .�. D. 19---`�2i----, cat------- -----a.Qa-15-- -- - -dclock-------A�...M.
<br /> __.. _.... __ .._._ _ .._- - - --.....
<br /> TO �e¢a
<br /> -- ---- --������_������ _
<br /> Re�isteT of Deeds,
<br /> ---------Eiu�_u.s t�.--I d�__Sue g t.?.r................................�........
<br /> 8�--- -- - ---- - ------ -- ------ ----- ------------
<br /> Deputz�.
<br /> ,
<br /> �.r�o�a �Y� �er� �ip �C�je�e �re�er�t��
<br /> That. VdP�=�°nr`�-Hann_ dnd___�ie-dwig--Hann,_�is_ _mi_fe,-_ __- - - -- - :
<br /> of the Count� of.----- -�Ei11�----- --------.and State of------- ------- ------_l�6bT�.9kcl�_, ;----- ------ -------------Grantor.-8-----, in consideration '
<br /> of the sum of-- -------- - __ _ __- __ ��N9Y1Ly-t�O __kllln_c�r!?d QQ�l�Q" _ .-- - - _--- - -----------.DOLL�IR�, .
<br /> .
<br /> 'in harzd paid, do-----------__lLereby GR./INT, B✓1RG�IN, SELL, �1JV'D CONVEY'`urtto.` --------�u�;-u8.t-cs---IS��t_-_KtIQs�!?Z' -- ---- ------------
<br />', of :the County of------ -------:Hc,cll-r____ _ ---------- ---.and State of'-----'- ------ : 11I8bZ'�z.S.ka�-•-_ ---------, Grantee _-------, the followira�
<br />�'', described pre�nises, situated in th� CourLty of_________ ___ __.-__. __H�.11i______ ___.___ ____ ________.and'State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br /> . . ,
<br /> I' -------Lo�s--Elav.en -(-11�---�,nd Twslv� (12) -�n Bl�ck S��c -(6) of H�.nn'-s__Third_ Addit�ion_to__the----C-i-��--c�f-
<br /> _--------Gra.nd.._Is2�nd,�l�ebraska��is �urvPyed-�-}�l�ii..�ted-�.nd _rec_ordPd.------ ----- -- ------ -- -- --- '
<br /> - _ --- ---. _ _
<br /> _ _ .
<br /> _. __ - __s - _��_�_
<br /> _.��_,._ ___ ...._ -- -- - _
<br /> � (�2.50 I. �. Stamps j �
<br /> -- -- - _ --
<br /> . ---- - ---_ - __
<br /> _
<br /> Ca,ncelled - . _. ---
<br /> ---- ----- ------ - -_ __ -_ __ _ ._
<br /> _ ___ _ _ _ _____--
<br /> Tn�e�her zu'ith all the tenemerzts, heredutaments; and`a.ppzcrtendnces the'reu�zto"b�lari�i.n�, an'd all t3�e Estate, Rt"�ht, Title, Ircterest, '
<br /> 'Dower; C"urtes�, Claim and 7�eman,d wlzatsaever �f the said Gra�ztor.8-:,tz�t�`af�t�Tter�'thesTt,'of, iri or tt� the satne, or any part theteo�'. '
<br /> �0 �abP ari� t0 ���a the aFiove described premises,'zvvth� tlie` appurtenanees, ur�to the said Grantee ________and to_'_____'_h�r-_____-___
<br /> Fieirs and assi�rzs forer�er. �nd_ �6. _.__ hereby covenant_ `____.u�ith �Fae said Gran�ee --__�.that:`__ ____ _1W6 -.'_'._________hdd_.____ . saicZ premises
<br /> 'bz,� sood anc� perfeet titZe; ,that._ __..:___.Ylf� _:_____:.__..haY_�3____�ood ri�ht a�d lawful' authority to sell and convey the same; `'thczt they`are
<br /> free and clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoeaer___. __._ ' ' ''-
<br /> �nd-;;___�. __--__ _:�� : :--.' . `.::. .:___� :_.__.coverca�t _____; wa�rartt ez�d'�lefend the said premises a�ainst the Zawful elaims of al'l',
<br /> persons whomsoever_ ____ - - -- --- -- - ._ -- -- -___ - -- -----._ .. .. --- ,
<br /> Dated the----- ---�.�� ---- -- ------da�J ��=---= -„--- ---..�dU.TC-h- -- ----.1. D. 19:--2:2..
<br /> W'ITJV'ESS : ;
<br /> ------------ -----�An�� _�t�.�:r�'-- .. ----
<br /> -_ - --- - H�civ�i� H�nn - --- _- - ----
<br /> _._ _ _ __ -- -- Jq_hn b11�n -- --
<br /> ST�?TE OF .NEBR�SK�,
<br /> � ss. �
<br /> -..I:�i�.11 - - '-= - Coacntz�, On this --- _ :._.18_� - -._. da�J �}�--- -�a.TC h - -- -----,g. D. 19--22-...-, before me,
<br /> 'the undersi6ned, a Notary Public_ _ - __ __ -- ---_----__-within arcd for said Countz�, personally came_. _----- -__-_ .- -_----_ - _-.._ --- --__---__- ;
<br /> _ �¢nry H�.nn_�.nd -Hs_�lv�i�-H�.nn,_hi$ v�if�-. - __ ____ - _ _ -
<br /> to rne persorzally krzown to be the identical pei•sorz_S_-__..whose name_`_�__ .._dT6 ----af�'ixed to the
<br /> ccbove instrument us �rantor.__S___, and-____�h_8y _ _ __ z� � `
<br /> .severall ackriowled ed the same to be-_ the-f Z'
<br /> (�AZ, voluntar� act and deed for t�te purpose therein expressed.
<br /> I�' W7TNESS WHEREOF, I haze hereur�to subscribed mr� name and af�'zxed mz� of)"icial seal at
<br /> ._ Gz'a.rid Is .�;�.rid�lri. -8�d �t3Urity_,_ __.___on the date last above written, '
<br /> --- - - -- - ---Tohn-Allan ------- --- �---- - --- '
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> T .My commission expires.--- - ----,7z�n.5-a 1�24 -_ _ :__ ___ -19.-- -----------
<br />