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<br /> ��J�J,� �1Ll,'�/�/J�� �uJ '�Js� �NJ�Iq�
<br /> __ � __, . �._ _�_ ___ _ - - -- — -
<br /> ']I,�,S4 .STA7E JOU.RNAL COEAPANY,LINCOLN NEB. � . v � � � �
<br /> � Al7?�INISTRATOR'S DEED.
<br /> KA10VG AI�L r,tIEEN BI' THESE PRESENTS: That in pursuance of an order of Bayard H. Paine,Judge o�'
<br /> the District Court of Hall County,Nebraska,in and for the llth Judicial District Court ther�of,
<br /> �nade on the 4th day of October,19z4,I was licensed to sell,by �aid Judge,at public auetion !
<br /> in the manner provided by law,the following described real estate situated in Hall �ountq, ,
<br /> RTebraska,to_wit: Lot Twenty ( 20) of Foeter� s Sub-division of Lots Eleven ( 11� and `T�velve
<br /> ' ( 12) of Wood L�wn Sub-division of part of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast Quarter
<br /> ( SEw NE�) and part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Q�arter (NE� SE�) of 3eetion
<br /> Twenty-four (24) ,To�nship Ten (10) ,North,Range T�elve ( 12) ,�Nest of the 6th P. �d. in Ha.11 Coun�y,
<br /> Nebraska; that thereupon I gave notice of the time and place of said sale as required by laW
<br /> and at the time and pla�e therein specified,and after said sale had been pen one hour,I sold
<br /> said real estate at public auction to I.C.1�illiams,he being the highest bidder therefor; that
<br /> a:�eport on said sale and proceedings thereunder �va�,thereupon filed in the District Court ,'
<br /> of HaZl County,Nebraska,and Honorable Bayard H. Paine,Jud�e of the District Gourt in and for '
<br /> said Countp,confirmed said sale,and ordered a deed of conveyance made to said purchaser.
<br />' NO�,THEREFO RE ,I ,CHARLES R,�lADE,Administrator of the Estate of Fred O�. Bo�den,deceaeed,in �on-
<br /> sideration of the premises a.nd of the sum of T�o Hundred Forty-five ( �245. 00) Dollars,so bi�
<br /> and paid by I. d.Plilliams and by virtue of -�he powers vested in me and of said order and pro-
<br /> ceedings do hereby and by these presents,�rant,sell and convey unto the said I. C. Williams
<br /> an.d to his heirs and assigns,the real estate described �s follov�s:
<br /> Lot Twenty ( 20) of Foater� s Sub-division of Lots Eleven (11) an d Twelve ( 12) of �ood Lawm
<br /> Sub-division of part of the Southeaet Qua,rter o� the Northeast Quarter ( SE� NE�) and part o�
<br />�II
<br /> the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Qua,rter (NE� SE�) of Section Twenty-four (2�) ,To�nsh�.p '
<br /> Ten (10) ,I�orth,Ran�e Twelve (12} ,�est of the bth P. M. in Hall County,Nebraska;
<br /> with all the appurt�nancesthereto '�elonging,to have an d to hold the same to him,the said I. C.
<br /> Williams,and his heirs an d assigns forever,subject to th�e mortgage iM favor of the �Pood
<br /> ;
<br /> River Building & Loan Association. �
<br /> IN �TITNES� 'NHEREOF, I have hereunto det mq hand this lst day of December,A. D. 192�. :
<br /> ;
<br /> �itness: '
<br /> ___
<br /> ----- ----
<br /> I --- -- Charles R. Wade
<br /> R Star�ps
<br /> Bopd C. Evans ��. 5� I. . )
<br /> (Cancelled ) Administrator of the Estate of Fred �P. :
<br /> Bowden,deceased.
<br /> ;
<br /> State of Nebraska )
<br /> ss,
<br /> D 1 2 b f r h r
<br /> Countq of Hall � Nov� on this lst day of ecember,A.D. 9 4, e o e me,t e unde signed,;
<br /> a I�o'�ary Public in and for sai d county,personallq appeared �harles R.�Pade,Administrator d�f '
<br /> the Estate of Fred �V. Bowden ,to me kno�m to be the identical person who executed the fore�oiing
<br /> deed,and he aeknowledged the execution thereof to be his voluntary act and deed for the
<br /> j purposes therein set forth.
<br />�
<br /> �itness my hand and $eal the day and psar last above �vritten.
<br /> ( SEAL) E. B. Per�son i
<br />,I'
<br /> Notary Public.
<br />�'I ����� B�y a�mrnission expires Febr. 6 1926. �',
<br />',i :
<br /> �
<br /> ,� Filed for record this 4 day of December 7.924,at 4: 20 0' clock P. Bd.
<br /> ���y� ��
<br /> e�ister of eeds
<br /> -0-0-0_0-4-0-�-0-0_0_0_0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0_0-0_0-0_0_0-0-�-�-0-0..0_0-0-0_Q-0_4-0-0-�-0-0_0-
<br /> .�-_ _ _ : _._, _ _--._ -_- - .,._-__ ---- -__-- --=- --_
<br />. ;� � :�
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