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<br /> in �nc� -`'or saie. Cou�rlty,per�on�yly c�.�.�e the Lbove n�.?ne.d E�isha H. �rebilcoc�:,s�.�n�le U,'^�o is
<br /> ;�c�•��.-�.�<:.11;� r:n����-« �o :�� �o Ue t':�r i`�e��1�ic�.I persor_ �•:hose na.ne is a.i�'ixe� to the above instrv:�ent
<br /> �s �r�;�-�,ar,�_nc; he �c?.no�n;IEC��ec� -_sCi�� instru:l-e.nt to bc his voluntary acL �.nu deed.
<br /> •:�ITtT�S'� }�x5� ':��:r�c �i�i�. 2dot�rial Seal t'ne ci�-�e la.�t aroresaic�.
<br /> (aEAL} ��2. G. Sy�ain
<br /> Tdot�ry �'u�lic.
<br /> ,Liy com:niswion exy�ir-:;s the: 1� d�;.y o�' Septer��er A.D. 7_Q2F ,
<br /> Filed r�r reccrc�. �?:is 2� d��;r cf �"ovcmber 1�2�-l-,at 11: ?G o' c�ock A. P,�.
<br /> �1���.�.0 (JJ �',
<br /> e�ister of P�.as �
<br /> _p_0_Q � ^ � ^,-^_^_�`_�;_'�_^_�_,�_�_`�_�_�'_�_�_n_'�_�_'%_�_�_U_n_'�_�_�_�_�_�_�_^_�?_^_�?_n_�_�'_�_�'-�_
<br /> _�_.;_Q_,�- . ., t _ _ ., .,
<br /> THAT 1�e,George P.Valerius and Clara valerius,husband and wife,af the County of Orange and
<br /> S�ate of California for and in consideration of the sum oY 4ne Dollar and other valuable co�h-
<br /> �ideration in hand paid do hereby �rant,bargain,$ell,eonvey and eonfirm unto -Barbara Bigley�-
<br /> of the County of Hall and State of Nebraska,the following described real estate eitua.ted ;
<br /> in Hall County and State of Nebra"s��,,To-�it:-
<br /> All of our vndivided one-fourth interest in and to the following described property,to_�i�.t:
<br /> Lot Eight (�) in Block Eighteen (1�) in Ar�old & Abbott� s Addition to the City of Grand !
<br /> Island,Ha11 County,Nebra.aka.
<br /> I The '�est Half of the Southa�est Qua.rter (�7� SWw) of section Twenty-four (24) ,2o�nahip
<br /> ; Ten �'°(ZO) ,Range Nine �9) ,'�est of the 6th P. �d. �n Hall County,Nebraska. '
<br />� The Southwest Quarter (S�t4) and the South �ialf of the South Half of the �dQrthwest Qua.rte!r
<br />�� (S2 S� NV��) of Section Twenty-five (25) ,Township `Ten (1�) Ptorth,Range Nine (g) �eet of the ;
<br /> 6th P. I�. in Hall County,Nebraska.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described,together with all the Tenements ,Heredita� '
<br /> ments and appurtenanees thereunto belon�ing,unto the said -Barbara Bigley-,and to her heirs ���
<br /> ;i
<br /> and a$signs forever. And we do hereby covenant with the said Gran�:ee and �aith her heirs and ;j
<br /> !i
<br /> assigns,that we are la�fullp seized of said premises; that they are free from eneumbrance.
<br /> THAT We have good right and lawful suthorit3r t�o sell the same; �nd �re do hereby covenant to
<br /> ;
<br /> wa�rrant and defend the title to said premises against the lawf;ul claims of ali persons whom-;i
<br /> so eve r. �
<br /> '� AND the said George P.Valerius and Clara Valerius hereby relinquishes all right ,title,claim ;
<br /> and interest in and to the above described prerriises.
<br /> Signed this 1� d.a,y of October,A. D. ,1923.
<br /> „
<br /> In Presence of :
<br /> �. B. Eller George P. valerius
<br /> John E. 0. Knight Clara �'alerius„
<br /> State of California
<br /> ss
<br /> Orange County On this l�th day of October A. D. lg23,before me,the underaigned Lou��.se
<br /> ` Crane A Notary Public,duly commissioned and qualified for and residing in said County,personi�
<br /> ; a.11y came -George P.Valerius and Clara Valerius,husband and wife,�rantors herein,to me knowu! �
<br /> ' to be the identical persons �►ho$e names are affixed to the foregoing inetrument as grantors ;'
<br /> i� and aeknowled�ed the same to be their voluntary act and deed.
<br /> il
<br /> � V9itness ray hand and seal the day and year last above v�ritten
<br /> (SEAL) Louise Crane
<br /> Notary Publie.
<br /> My Commission expires the 15th da.y of November 1923.
<br /> ;; Filed for record this 2 day of becember 192�-,at 10 0� clock A. &I. �
<br /> --=�---=-,_. ___: .- _,-_ , ___-
<br /> _ _ _ ,_ __ ___,
<br /> , ,
<br /> ==_—_ _ -_-__----
<br /> . --.�—. _----_
<br /> ; Re�ister of_ Deeds � '
<br /> !;
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<br />