<br /> P '
<br /> ��j��j'� ��J'���� ��J� ��9�
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<br /> __.._ _:._. ________-_. __:.__. __ _ __> _ __— �_._____�_�_._._____�
<br /> -._._.__._. _ ,.._. ._ _.._ .. .__�. ,_ _..__ . . .... . .
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<br /> to be their volur�tary act a.r.d deed for thc purposes therein expressed.
<br /> �ITPT�SS my h�r�d �r�d I�Tot�ria.l Seal at ��T^od River, in said county,the day and year last
<br /> �boti*e �rritten.
<br /> ( SEAL) C. �. Hc e?�cstra
<br /> Notary Public,
<br /> y�y co�!:.-:i�siarl e��ii:��� �ag 7-1;?25. '
<br /> Sta.t° of Idaho ,
<br /> ss.
<br /> Ge�n County. On this 27th day of �ctober,A. D. ,l;z�,before the undersiened,a No�ary'
<br /> Publa.c vrithin and fox sait� c:,urity and state,persona�.ly appeared Daisy Likes Phillips and Ra.y
<br /> C. Phitlins,hPr �iu:�b�,nd, to me personally kno�9n to be t„�o of the identi��.l persons �rho si�ned:
<br /> the foxe�;oiizg instru::nent ,and they severally ac�.noa�ledged the execution of the, same to be
<br /> their voluntary act anc� cs eed for the pur�oses therein e x�ressetl. '
<br /> IN TE�TIi:iO�?Y '- �U��0�',I ha.ve hereunto set my hand �,nd affixed my Notarial Seal i:� said ' �
<br /> county arid. st�te the d.ay a.nd y�ar last �bove ��vritten.
<br /> ( SEAL) R.B. Ayers
<br /> Notary Public
<br /> Residing at Er�r�ett,Idaho. '
<br /> I
<br />' �y commission exj�ires ?�?ov. � ,l°2�j.
<br /> ' File�� for rec�rd this l� �ay o#' nTove�ber 1924,at � o� clock P. I�.
<br /> . ���
<br />; Regi:�t er o f Deeds �
<br />,
<br /> _p_p_p_p_p_p_p_p_p_p_p_�_p_p_p_q-p_C_0_p_p_p_p_p_p_p_p_p_p_0_0_r_p_0_0_�_0_0_0_0_0_�_n_0_0_1�
<br /> �:�liIT CL.��a�b LEE�
<br />� THI'� Ii,'D�t;TLF�, 'a�'�e thi� lst,d�y of T�cve�n.ber, in thE� ye�?.r ane thousar�a nine hundred and tr�ienty`
<br />,
<br /> I, �'our,bet�een Fr�nic L. �Iicho�,s . a,nd Lillie Nichols husband ana t��ife o.f the first part,and
<br />�
<br />�
<br />�
<br /> Her��^an Ne�.sor_ of �he ^ec�r.��_ ��rt.
<br /> ''�I?"�'ES;ET�=,Uh�,t the sai4 p�.rties of the first p�.rt , in considera.tion of �he sum of Seventy
<br /> Five Dalla,rs to thFrn duly ���.id,the rECeipt :yher��f is hereby ac'�no--�ledged have re.nised,relea�ed
<br /> �tnu �uit-c�airned,an� by these �res;�nts do ,for the;��selves heirs , executors and adr�inistrators,
<br /> rF��ise,rele«.se �.nc3 farFVer �uit-clairn and convey unt� the sa.id party of �econd p�.rt ,and to h�,s
<br /> heirs ��nd assi�;ns �'orever,«,11 their right ,titlE,interest, esta.te clai�tl and demand,both a.t law
<br /> I
<br /> �n� in ec�ui�y,o�',in r.r_c� t� µ7,1 Lot Sixteen Bloc�: Thrc�e in ''ill & Huston� s Add_ition,to Grand '
<br /> Isl�,nd,Nebraska.
<br /> To�ether :-,ith a.11 ��nd sin�ular the �1P.IEC�.].j'ic'3.?TI°Tlt'iS ther��unto belonging.
<br /> TO HAV:� a�T� TG rT0T.,1� thP a.bove descy�ibed �remises unt�_� the s�Y c� He-r:��an rselson and to hi�
<br /> heirs an,�. a.ssians; so �-;r�.t neither of the said gra.ntors ,or :;ny ��P-rson in their name �nd behalf,
<br /> sr��.Il or ����1I2 Il�l"�eai'ter cla.i� cr �e�nand any ri�ht or ti�le to the sa.i� ;�rer_�ises or a.ny part
<br />',
<br /> ther �of,but tney arid_ etiery one o� them sha.Il be these presents be excluued an� forever �arred�.
<br /> IN '"ITN�S� "'HER�OF,the. said. �aarties of tri�; �'irst pa.r�; have �ereunto set their hands �nd
<br /> seal , �he dt,;r �s.r_-a year a.bov�; �.�ritten.
<br /> Si�ned, sealec:. a:n;" c�elivered in r�resence of �
<br /> J. F. Dill Fru.nk L. TUichols
<br /> Statc of PTebr�.ska Li11.i� r�icho].as
<br /> ss.
<br /> Ha.il County On this 20th da3� of I�?avernber,A. D. i�z4,before me,the undersi�nec! J. E. ',
<br /> Dill a Notarc Public ,�?uly* eo�:�:�is.�ioned a.r_u �ualified for and residirlg in said County,personally
<br /> ' came Frank L. TTicb.ols an�s Lillie Micriols his ���ife to �ne kno�m to be the iaentic�.I per�ons ��ho�e
<br /> r.�.�es �re �.f�ixPd to tYle fore�;oin.�; instru<<�ent a.� �r�;ntor� and a.ckno��ledged- the s�me to be th�ir
<br /> troluntary act � �n� d.Eed. � �
<br /> ','�itr.ess my h�n�� and Sea.l the da.y arld year la.st abovF TM;ritten,
<br /> Y ( SEAL) J. E. Di7.1
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> �:y com�:ission expires the 23rd day of July,1Q25
<br /> T • a ' � ��a r.b 1�2 11: 20 0� clock --
<br /> iI or . �a .. 0 d� of .� ve � er . 4 at A. �I.
<br /> _ ed fo r rec c t i 2 � y � , ;;
<br /> � ��� �
<br /> , � ���
<br />