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<br /> _ _,.']1�}-9TATE.IOURNAL COMPANY.LINCOLN.NEB.._.._: ..._ _. _._. . -:.,�.._ �...�....�..�_. ..�.�_._..�.�.,._ _ - .•-�-----
<br /> " W�RR Q�TY vEED
<br /> : TFiIa IN��E�'TURE ,i,�ac.e this 23rc. day of April,in the yea,r of oux Lord one thous�nd nine '
<br /> hundred and t�rre.nty-four ,bett�feen Henry �anser,Trustee,a.nd Er,.ma_ F. rdanser,�ife of sa.id Henry
<br /> °,i�nser,oi Frizitlan�.,County of Payette, 5tate of Idaho ,the pa.rties of the first �axt ,and �a.ry
<br /> B. Li'�es ,of 'Voad River ,County of Hall, State of Nebraska., the party of the second part.
<br /> '"�ITNESSFTH,Tha.t the said. parties of the first na.rt,for a.nd in considera.tion of the swn of
<br /> Six Tr.aus�.nd Dollars,l�,�^�ful money of the United States of America,to them in ha.nd paid b�t the
<br /> said pa.xty of the seconci �aart,the receipt whereof is hereby acknov�ledged,have granted,b�r-
<br /> �:ained �nd. sold.,an� by these nresents do grant,k�argain, sell ,convey ana confirm unto the said
<br /> party of the see�na nart ,a.nd to her heirs a.nd assi�ns forever,all the following described
<br /> re�.l est�te, situated in the County of Ha.11,State of NEbr�.�ska,to-wit: The East Half of the
<br /> Northr�rest �uartex a.na the '��est Ha.lf of the Northeast �uarter of Section Sixteen,To��nship
<br /> TEn Nortri of Ran�;e Eleven �?�est of the Sixth PrincipG.l i<<iericiian ,
<br /> TOGETHE� ���i�Yz all a.nu sin�ul�r the tenements,heredita:�jents and appurtenances thereunto
<br /> belor�biiz� or in znyi��ise �pA�erta.ining, the xeversion a,na reversions,remainder and xe�nainders,
<br />� rents,issues an�. y�ro-F'its thereof; ana a.11 estate,ri�ht ,title and interest• in and to the said
<br /> propertt;,a:s �rrell in la�^r a.s in equity ,of the sa.id parties of the first part.
<br /> T0 HAVE AT�TD TG HOLD ,A11 a:nd singula,r t�re above mentioned and described pre�aises,to�ether v�ith
<br /> the apA�urtena.ncES,unto the par�y of the second part,and to her heirs and assigns forever.
<br />, And the sa.ic� �a-r�:.ies af tlie first part ,and their heirs,the said premisea in the quiet and
<br /> �eaceable possession of the s�.id. p�rty of the second �ar� ,her heirs and assi�ns,aga.inst
<br /> the sa.id parties of the fixst par� ,and their heirs,and aga.inst all and evPry person and
<br /> persons �rrhornsoever,la��'ully �l�.iming or to cla.ini the same sha.11 �:�d will '�ARPANT and by the�e
<br /> presents forever D'�T'r�1D.
<br /> IN '�'IT?�SS '�'HER�'OF,The said parties of the first �art have herevnto set their h�.nds a.nd '
<br /> seals the d�.y an� yea.r first a.bove t�ritten.
<br /> Si�ned, sealed �nd delivered in presence of
<br /> ;'�. F. LticClure __ _________________ Henry _�:��anser ( Seal)
<br /> ( �6. OC? I. R. Stamps ) Trustee
<br /> C. F. Callen (Cancelled �
<br /> Ernma F. 1J.a,nser ( Sea.l) •
<br /> State of Idaho , )
<br /> ) s s. :'
<br /> County of Pa.yF�-�e ) On .t'"is 23rd .da.y of April ,in the ye�.r 1Q2�-,before me,the undersigr�ed,
<br /> � Nota.ry Public ir� a.n�,. for said State,personally �.��eared Herlry �:anser,Trustee,and Emma F. '.��.nser,
<br /> iFTife of said Henx;r ��i�r�ser,kno�^n to }�e to be the perscns ���hose n�:.mes are subscribed to the .._
<br /> .
<br /> .
<br /> I
<br /> �.ithin instz�ument ,and acknos�:rled�;ed to me t?�at theST execute� the same.
<br /> Itd "�ITNES� '':'HE�"0�',I have herEUnto set my hana and affixed my o�'ficial seal, the day a.nd '
<br /> ,
<br /> year in t?�is certifi�ate �'irst above ��ritten.
<br /> � � � (�EAL) �l. R. ulcClure
<br /> rlotary Public for ldaho Residing at '-
<br /> Payette, Idaho.
<br /> i�y Co�:;ission Ex;�ires July 6th,192�.
<br /> Filed_ for recard this l� day of Nove�,ber l�?_4,at �- o� c3ock P. �:2. •
<br /> ��UC��t�t� �.�c-c�-Y,�
<br /> Re�ister of Deeds
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