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<br /> ,�
<br /> Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of
<br /> �SEAL�
<br /> -- By Bayard H. Pain e i
<br />� (�• 50 I. R. Stam s Pres. �i
<br /> P
<br /> �,
<br /> (Cancelled � ;;
<br />� � �� �j
<br /> State of Nebraska, ',�
<br /> ss.
<br /> Hall County On this llth day of Nov,192�F,before me,the undersigned,a Notary '�
<br /> �� Public in and for aaid Coun� ���
<br /> y,pexsonallq ca.me Bayard H. Paine,President of the Grand Islanid ,
<br /> ;
<br /> Land Combany to me personally known to be the President and the identical person �vhose "
<br /> ,;
<br /> ' n�,me is affixed to the above conveyance,�nd ackno:�ledged the exeeution thereof to be his
<br /> '�
<br /> voluntary act and deed as such officer and the voluntary act and deed of the said Gra.nd IsY�;nd
<br /> i
<br /> Land Company,and that the Corporate sea.l of the said Gra.nd Island Land Company was thereto '
<br /> affixed by its authority.
<br /> ;
<br /> Witness my hand and Notaxia.l Seal at Grand I sland in eaid County the day and year l�,st ,;
<br /> above written.
<br /> I�
<br /> (SEAL) _ 0. A. Abbott Jr. i ,
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> Pdy commission e�ires the lst day of Dec. 1927 �
<br /> Filed fo� record this 12 day of November 1924,at 11 o� clock 4. M. I�
<br /> C���� �� ��
<br /> Register of eeds I��i
<br /> -0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-�-0-0-C�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-C�-0
<br /> � '�ARRAI�?TY �EED +�
<br /> �;
<br /> �
<br /> 'i
<br /> That Fred W. Ashton and Carrie R. Ashtan,his wif e; Chri sti�,n C. Hansen,and Siri Ha,nsen,his wife; �;.
<br /> i
<br /> Arthur D. Sears unmarried• Addison E. Cad and Lucile Cad his wife• and Adnell L. P i
<br /> , , y y, , yne and Georg�
<br /> , Pyne,her husband,of the County of Hall and State of Nebraska for and in consideration of the I;
<br /> j� i
<br /> � sum of Thirteen hundred forty five and No/100 Dollars in hand paid da hereby grant,bargain, ,�
<br /> i
<br /> ', sell,convey and confirm unto,Ruby Pearl i�Iikel of the County of Hall and State of Nebraska '�
<br /> �% the following de�cribed real estate situated in Grand Island,in Hall County,and State of
<br /> ',i
<br /> '� I
<br /> !' Nebraslca,to-�rit: Lots Number Twen�y ( 20) ,Ttqenty One ( 21) and Twenty Two ( 22) , in Block Number I�
<br /> ;, ;!
<br /> ' Five ( 5) ,in Ashton Place,an addition to the City of Grand Island,according to the recorded i
<br /> ;,
<br /> ; plat thereof. ��i�
<br /> �
<br /> ';i
<br /> This deed is made subject to the folloiving restrictions and reservations which shall be �i
<br /> � binding upon the purchaser and u?�on his hei.rs and assigns forever. 'I
<br /> , ;;
<br /> 1. No building shall be moved upon said nroperty. !�
<br /> ii
<br /> 2.No dwelling shall be erected thereon that costs less than Thirty five hundred Dollars �i
<br /> �
<br /> �vlzen completed. ;j
<br /> !�
<br /> i;
<br /> � ; �. O�ly one d�velling shall be erected upon a lot. ;.
<br /> �:,
<br /> �-. No part of any dwelli_�g shal]. be nearer the front line of sai3 lot than th,�ty feet. ,I
<br /> 5. This property is sold for residence purnose only upo:� the express covenant that it i
<br /> JI
<br /> ' shall never be otFmed,or occupied,except by one of the �lhite or Caucasion race,except such as !i
<br /> ' are in the e�iploy of the o�vners or tenants. ''
<br /> ,
<br /> T0 HAVE AND TO HOLFI the pretnises above described,together with all the Tenements ,Heredita-i;
<br /> i,''
<br /> �ents and Appurtenances thereunto belonging,unto the sa�:�d Ruby Pearl Mikel and to her heirs ,i
<br /> and assigns ,forever. `
<br /> . � �i
<br /> il
<br /> And we �io hereby covenant with the said Grantee,and with her heixs and assigns that �ve are ;;
<br /> �
<br /> �* lawfully seized of said �re�nises th�.t they are free from encu.nbxance; that �ve have good righ;
<br /> and lawful aui,hority to sell tlle same; and v�e do hereby covenant to warrant and defend the tit e
<br /> ' i
<br /> to said premises ag`inst the lawful claims of all persons �vhomsoever. ;
<br /> �
<br /> -=__-- _------- -
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<br /> ,
<br /> ! � � j'
<br /> i
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