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<br /> �*TT�.�—STATE JOURNAL COMPANY.LINCOLN.NBB. � . ----�—,---- .--------..—__.._.._�__'__.__.__.�
<br /> ' �UIT CLAI�:�i I1EF'D �
<br /> That '�a.lter A. Brand �.na �4abe1 Brand,husbarid and �rife,both of Gra.nd Island of t he County af
<br /> Hall,and State of Nebr�.ska,for the consideration of One Dollar,love and affection hereby
<br /> Quit Claim to Anna Brand,mother of rnTalter A. Brand;.of Gra.nd Island of the County of Hall,and
<br /> State of Nebr�.ska the folio�ring described Re�l Estate,situated in Grand Island,in the County
<br /> of Hall and Sta,te of Nebraska,to_w�.t: the undivided one ha.lf interest in the remainder in fee
<br /> in the East two thiras (E. 2i3rds) of Lot Three (3) ,in Block Sixteen ( 16) ,in the ori�inal
<br /> +o�r�n,r_ovv city of Grand Is1a.r�a,Nebraska,subject to the homestea.�. eetate of grantee herein.
<br /> IN �VITNESS '":'HEREOF,�Je h�ve set our hands this lOth day of November 192�-
<br /> In pr�'sence of
<br /> "Ualtex A. Brand
<br /> A. G. Abbott
<br /> '�xabel Brand
<br /> StatE of Nebraska,
<br /> ss.
<br /> Fall County. BE IT RF':T��:!B�RED ,Tha� on the 14th da.y of November 192Z4�,before the
<br /> un�ersigned Arthur �. Abbott ,a No�ary Public in and for said County,personally came `�alter
<br /> A. Brand �nd �2�be1 Bra.nd,his wi.fe,to me kno�n to be the ic�entica.l �aersons described in and
<br /> who e xe cuted the foregoing �eed as grantoxs and ackno:�2edged said instrument to be theix :
<br /> valunta.ry act and deed.
<br /> �ritness my hancx and I�TOtaria.l sea.l the d�.y and yeax la.st above �ritten.
<br /> ( SEAL) Arthur G. Abbott
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> l�y com�ission ex,�ires �/11/193:4,
<br /> Filed for record t-=is 12 day of Novembex 1924,at 1� osclock A. �q.
<br />� � ����� � �
<br /> Register of Deeds '
<br /> -0-0_-0-0-C�-0-�-0-C�-�-4-�_C�-C�_0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 �`-0-0-C�-�-O_0_0-!?-0-0-0-�_0-�-n-C O-�-C�-0-0-�
<br /> THIS IND�'NTU�3E, rx�ade th3.s llth day of November,A. D. 1g2�,bet�veen Gra,nd Island Land Company a �or-
<br /> noration or�;a.nized and existing under and b� virtue of the la�rs of the Sta.te of Nebraska ;
<br /> �
<br /> pa.rty of thP rirst par�,and S. C. Hustan of the County of H�.11,and Sta.te of Nebraska,party of !
<br /> the s econd pa.rt ,
<br /> '"'ITIvTESSLTH,Tha.t the sai�. party of the fir�t part,fox and. in consideration of the sum of i'
<br /> One Hundred an�. t��denty five (125) Dollars in hand pa.id,receipt v�hereof is hereby ackno�aledg�d,
<br /> ha.s sold an� by these presents does �rant ,convey an� confirm unto the said party of the sec-»
<br /> ond part ,the follo�ving described nrF�nises ,situated in Grand Island Hall County,and S�a-�e of ''
<br /> Nebraska,to_�it: A11 of Fraetional Lot Number four ( 4) in fractional block number four ( �-) '
<br /> in Lambert' s Ad�dition to City of Grand Isla.nd
<br /> TO AAVE AI�?D TO HOLD the pre.Mises above described,tog�thex v�rith all the Tenements ,Heredi-'
<br /> t�_ments and Appurtenances thereunto belonging uz�to the said S. C. Huston
<br /> ,
<br /> And the said Gra.nd Tsland La.nd Company for itself or its successors,do hereby covenant
<br /> and agree to and znitr the sa.id party of the second part and hhis heirs and assigns ,that ��,t
<br /> the time of tk�e execution and delivery of these ?�resents it is la.�fully seized of said pre-
<br /> mises; that it has good right and lawful authority to convey the same; that they are free from
<br /> encumbr�nce and does hereby covenant to t�a.rrant ana d.efend tr�E said �remises a.gainst the la�r
<br /> ful clai�ns of all �ersons whamsoe�arer.
<br /> IN "'dITNESS �NHER'�OF,the said Grand Island Land Company ha.s hereunto caused its coxnorate ;
<br /> sea.l to be af�ixed and these presents to be signed by its President the day and year fi�st
<br /> above �-raitten.
<br /> -.:_�_. ���-- _. _ ,_ � ,-_ .-__ ___- _�-�—�—_
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