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<br /> ' �'ARRA�tTY DEED
<br />: That Pluma Beatrice �din,an unmaxried woman of Hall County,and Sta.te of Nebraska in con- ''
<br />_ sider�,tion of the sum of Fifty-Five Hundred and no/100-_Dollars ,in hand paid by Pauline M. '�
<br /> Okerstrom of Hz.11 County,�.nd State of Nebraska do hereby gra.nt,bargain, sell ,convey,and con- �
<br /> i
<br /> firm unto the said Pauline �i. �kerstrom the following descxibed prernises ,situa.ted in the
<br /> County of H�,11 and State of Nebr�.ska to-v�it: Part of Fractional I;ot Ei�ht (�) in Fractional ";
<br /> Block Two (2) of Arnold Place, in the Ci�y of Grand Island,Nebraska,and part of Fract�ional �
<br /> 'i
<br /> Lot Eight (�) in Fractional Block Two ( 2) in Spaulding and Gregg! s Addition to the City of !�
<br /> J
<br /> Gra.nd Island,Nebraska,more particularly described bv metes and bounds,as follows,towit:Be- !�
<br /> i
<br /> ginning at the South-east corner of Fractional Lot Eight (�) in Fractional Block Two (2) of „
<br /> i
<br /> Arnold Place,running thence westerly along the sautherly boun�?�ry lines of both above des- ''
<br /> ,
<br /> cribed fractional lots for a �.istance of Sixty-Six ( 66) feet to the South-�esterly corner �
<br />� of sa�.d Fractional Lot Eight (�) ,B7.ock T�no (2) ,Spa.ulding �.nd Gregg� s Addition; thence North- '�
<br /> - �
<br /> erly along the westerly boundary line of said last above described lot for a distance of '�
<br /> 132 feet to the north-westerly corner of the s ame lot; thence easterly on tre northerly lin-e '!�
<br /> - i
<br /> of the same lot for a distance of Ten (10) feet Three ( 3) inches; thence southerly,on a Iine '':
<br /> ;' para11e1 �rith the wester].y line of said lot,a distance of Sixty-T�o (62) feet; thence East- '!
<br /> erly on a line paxallel �ith the Southerly boundary lines of �aid lots ,a. distance of Fifty-
<br /> . ,
<br /> Five (�5) feet ,�Tine ( 9) inches to a point on the easterly boundary line of said Lot � Block !I,
<br /> , 2 in Arnold Place; thence Southerly on the easterly boundary linP of last mentioned lot to '� �
<br /> ,
<br /> �
<br /> "i the South_easterly corner of s�.id lot , the place of beginning. Subject to easements granted '
<br /> ij '��
<br /> ij and reserved in Deed from Charle$ B. Freeman & wife to Peter S. Odin and Pluma Beatrice �din
<br /> �
<br /> t; dated Nov. l,7.922, recorded same date Book 61 of Deeds,Page Z2z Register of Deeds Office,Hall �
<br /> i�
<br /> �
<br /> j County,Nebra.ska. 1
<br /> I�j Subject to the unpaid balance of �3110. �0 on two certain mortgages in favor of The Equitable'
<br /> � �I
<br /> �
<br /> Building and Loan Association of Grand zsland,Nebraska,which grantee herein hereby assumes 'i
<br /> and a grees to pay as part of the consiczeration herein above named. �
<br /> ;
<br /> I . �
<br /> ,' Together �vith all the tenements,hereditaments and �.p�ourtenanees to the same belonging,and ;;
<br /> ! !i
<br /> �i al3. the Estate,Right ,`Tit1.e ,Interest,Clairr, or De�and whatsoever; fncluding Dower,Curtesy and 'I
<br /> � �,
<br /> �I Homestead Rights,of the said Pluma Beatxice Odin of,in,or to the same,or any part thereof. li
<br /> q
<br /> �; TO HAVE ARTD TC HOLD the above described pre.mises,�rith the appurtenances ,unto the sai.d ;i ,
<br /> �' ��
<br /> ;; Pauline R�. Okerstrom and to her heirs an�. assigns forever. �� '
<br /> ��,
<br /> �, ji
<br /> ; And I hereby covenant a�ith the said Pauline M. Okerstrom that I hold said ��remises by good
<br /> , ;�
<br /> �' �.nd perfect title; tha'� I have good right and lawful au�hority to sell ��na convey same; that ;i
<br /> ;I
<br /> '` they are free a�d c2ea.r of a11 liens and incumbrances evhatsoever. except as above stated. ;� ,
<br /> ,;
<br /> And I covenant to warrant and defend the said premises against the lawful cl�ims of persons '' '
<br /> . '! i
<br /> r�homsoever, except as above stated. '
<br /> !j
<br /> Signed this 10" day of November A. D. ,1924 ;i ,
<br /> In presence of _____________________ ;,�
<br /> ( �2. 50 I. R. Stamps �'
<br /> �J. B.Hilbert ( C celled Pluma Beatrice Odin �+
<br /> ; The state of Nebra,ska ) ss, i
<br /> Hall County ) On this lOth day of November 1924 before me,�. B. Hilbert,a Notary�j
<br /> �'ublic within and for said County,personally came Pluma Bea.tri.ce Odin to me knoxm to be the i;
<br /> iuentical person whose name is affixed to the above instrument as grantor,and ackno�ledged
<br /> the �execution of the same to be her volun�ary act and deed for the purposes therein expresse
<br /> IN �IITNESS "�AEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my official seal at i,l
<br /> ! Grand Island,on t:�:e date 7.ast above �ritten. ;�
<br /> (SEAL) �P.B. Filbert I
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> '�y commisszon e�ires �Iareh 15 ,1927 �
<br /> " Filed for record thi s 10 day of November 192�F,at �; 20 0� clock P. ?�R. I
<br /> ___,_—�.— __�_-- ---- -- -- -
<br /> � Regi st er of Dee s
<br /> ,
<br /> , �
<br /> ,,
<br /> -- - - - __ I�
<br />