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<br /> ` �UIT CLAI�I DEED '
<br /> i�
<br /> ' THIS INDENTURE ,Made this l�th,day of August in the year one �Ghousand �ine hundred and twenty«.
<br /> four,betviceen Nettie �[. Jackson,a �rido�n,and the sole heir of Henry J. Jackson,deceased,and sole'
<br /> devisee under the ��vill of said Henry J. Jackson,of the first part,and Susan Cori�man Jackson o�
<br /> Hall County;Nebraska,of the �econd part.
<br /> WITNESSETH;that the said ;�arty af the first part ,in consideration of the swn of One and no/1p0
<br /> Dollars to me duly paid,the receipt whereof is hereby ac�ioe�ledged remised,released and
<br /> quit-claimed,and by these presents does,for herself,her heirs,executors abd ad�inistrators,
<br /> remise,release and forever quit-claim and convey unto the said party of second paxt ,and to
<br /> her heir$ and assigns forever,all her right ,title ,interest,estate claim and demand,both at
<br /> laav and in equity,of,in an d ta all of her undivided one-fourth interest in and to lot three '
<br /> (3) in block twenty (20) in the Town of Wood River,Nebraska.
<br /> Together with all. and singular the hereditaments thereunto belongin�.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises vnto the sa3.d Susan Corfman Jackson,
<br /> heirs and assigns; so th�,t nsither Nettie M. Jackson,the said grantee,or a�.y person in her
<br /> name an d behalf, shall or �nil.l hereafter claim or demand any right or title to the said premi�es
<br /> or any part thereof,but they and every one of them shall by these presents . be excluded and
<br /> forever barred. � �
<br /> IN �NITNESS �VHEREOF,the said party of the first part hereunto set her hand and seal the
<br /> day and year above �ritten.
<br /> Signed,sealed and delivered in presence of � -
<br /> Roy C. �errick I�ettie M. Jackson �
<br /> Carson Lat�es
<br /> State of Illinois )
<br /> ss.
<br /> Cook County � On this 26th day of August ,A.D. 192�,before me,the undersigned Roy C.
<br /> ' D�errick a No�ary Public ,duly commissioned and qualified for and residing in sald County,per-
<br /> sonallp came Nettie M. Jackson,a widow,and the sole heix of Henry J. Jackson,deceased,to me '
<br /> kno�an to be the identical person whose name is affixed to the foxegoing instrument as granto�C
<br /> and ackno�ledged the sa.me to be her vol.untary act and deed.
<br /> �itness my hand and Seal the day and year last above written.
<br /> ( SEAL) Roy C. Merrick �
<br /> No�ary Public.
<br /> , Bdy cornmission expires the 30th day of March,lg25
<br /> Filed for record this 1 day of November 1g24,at 10: 15 o� clock A. M.
<br /> ��-�-�� �-�-t�-z..
<br /> Register of eec�s
<br /> ' _0-0-0-0-0-0-0_0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0_0-0-0-0-0_0-0-0-0-0_0-0-�0_0-0-0-0-0-0-0-4-0-0-0_0.» ,
<br /> KNO�N ALL �flEN BY THESE PRFSENTS,That N. P.�odge Jr. and Laura �l. Dodge,husband and wife,in com_
<br /> . ! sideration of Two Hundred Twenty-nine and noj100 (�22g) Dollars in hand paid,cd�..o hereby �ran� � �
<br /> bargain,sell convey and confirm unto John C. Kountz the follor�ing described real estate, situa.�e j
<br /> , in the County of Hall and State of Nebraska,to-wit: Lots Two Hundred Seventeen (217} and T�o ,
<br /> > Hundred Twenty-six ( 22b) in Bel:nont Addition,as suxveyed, pplatted and recorded.
<br /> Subject to any liens or encumbranee assumed or created by purchaser under eontxact dated Nav-»
<br /> ember 22nd,1920,or his a$signs.
<br /> Together �vith all the tenements,hereditamen�s and appurtenances to -�he same belonging,and all
<br /> the estate title,do�ver,xight of homestead,claim or dema.nd whatsoever of the said N. P. Dodge J�.
<br /> a,nd Laura �.Dodge,of,in,or to the same,or a�p part thereof;
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD TAE AB�VE DESCRIBED__PRE�ISES��ITH TH�'_8.paii�.tenances�unto the said Johr� _____,__
<br /> - - : - -__ ---_- _ _ -
<br /> „ !i
<br />