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<br />��,` . _']],']$¢-57ATE JOURNAL COMPANY.LiNCOLN.NEB. _____�„
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<br /> saic� defendants in and ta the 2ands and tenements hereinafter deseribed be foreclosed and
<br /> forever barred,and that the Sher3ff of said Hall Gounty cause the lands and �enements here-
<br /> inafter described to be advertised,and sold according to law;and whereas the said defendanta
<br /> having made default therein,C. J�Palmer,as Sheriff of $aid County,vnder and by virtue of the -� -
<br /> order of said Court to him directed,did,on the llth day of September A. D. 192�-,at the maim
<br /> door of the Cov.rt House in the �ity of Grand Island,in eaid County of Hall, ( the same bein�
<br /> ths place wherein the District Court was lasfiheld in said County) ,having first given due and
<br /> legal notice af the time and place of sa3d sale,not not less than thirty daps prior thereto,
<br /> in the Wood River su3�beam,a legal news�aper printed and in general circulation in said Coun�q
<br /> of Hall,sell the said pxemises at public auction to The Citizens State Bank of �ood River,N�b-
<br /> raska it being the hi�hest and best bidder thexefor) for the svm of seventeen Thousand Seven
<br /> Hundred Seventy Nine Dollars,which sale was afterwards a� the June Term of said Court ,A�D.
<br /> 1g24 examined and confirmed,and the said C. J. Palmer,a� Sheriff of eaid County,was ordered ta
<br /> execute a deed of said premises to the said The Citizena State Bank of �'ood River,Nebr. , '
<br /> NO?� THEREFORE,I ,the said C. J. Palmer,as S���iff of Hall County,Nebraska,in pursuance of
<br /> j
<br /> I the order of said Court,as aforesaid,in consideration of the premises,and by virtue of the
<br /> po�rers in me bested by law,do hereby give,grant ,and convey unto the said The Citi�ens State ;;
<br /> Bank of Woad River Nebraska,its successors,and assigns,the premises sold as aforesaid,-to-�rifi�;
<br /> �
<br /> All of The N'orthwest �uarter (NPl4) of Section Faurteen (2�-) ,in To�vnship Nine �9) ,I�orth of �inge
<br /> T�veive (12) ,�Vest of the 6th P. M. ,in HaZ3 County,Nebraska �vith all and singular the appurtenstncea
<br /> thereunto belonging,�o have and to hold untQ it the said The Citizens State Bank af GPood Riaier,
<br /> Nebraska and its successors and assigns forever.
<br /> ;
<br /> IN �ITNESS ':NHEREOF,I have,as such Sheriff of Hall County,Nebraska,hereunto set my har�l -�
<br /> this 15th day of October A.D. 192�-.
<br /> Execut�d and delivered in presence of
<br /> Bertha Becker ----------------------- C. d.Palmer
<br /> (�I�. 00 I.R. Stamps ) sheriff of Hall County. ,
<br /> Clinton E. John (Cancelled )
<br /> The State of Nebraska, )
<br /> ss.
<br /> �a.11 Gounty. � On this 15th day of 4ctober A. D. 1924,before me Clinton E. John '
<br /> a Clerk of District Court duly elected and qualified for said County,personally appeared
<br /> C. J. Palmer,Sheriff of said County,to me kno�vn to b e the identical person deseribed in and
<br /> who executed the foregoing inatrument as grantor,and a.eknoualedged said instrument to be his
<br /> voluntary act a.nd deed as sueh Sheriff.
<br /> t
<br /> IN �'VITNESS �tHEREOF,I have hereunto set my ha.nd and official seal at Grand Island,in said ''
<br /> ';
<br /> county,the da,y and year l�.st above written.
<br /> Clinton E. John
<br /> (SEAV) �lerk of the Dietrict Court. '
<br /> Filed for record this 2� day of October 192�+,at 3:25 0' elock P. M.
<br /> ��;��� ����,-�-
<br /> egi st er of eeds
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