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<br /> - 'IS�IS4-STATE JOIIRNAL COMPANY LINCOLN NEB , �__,� _..__� "
<br /> Q.UIT CLAIM �EED _
<br /> THIS INDENTURE,�dade this T�relfth day of September,A. D. 1924,between I�ary L. Ashton,a widow, �
<br /> party of the first part,and Walter S. �shton partp of the second part.
<br /> 1�ITPIESSETH,that the said party of the first part ,in consideration of the sum of One Doll�jrs
<br /> to her duly paid,the receipt whereof is hereby ackno�ledged,has remised,released and quit-claimed
<br /> and by these presents does for herself her heirs,executors and administrators,remise,release
<br /> and forever quit-cZaim and convey unto the said party of ��te second part and to his heirs
<br /> and assigns forever,all her right,title,interest ,estate,cl�,im and demand both �� la� and in
<br /> equity,of,in and to a1Z The South East quarter of 3ection 17,"Pownship 9 North,Range 12 �est
<br /> of the Sixth P. � ,in Hall Countp,hTebraska.
<br /> Together v�ith all and $ingular the hereditaments thereunto belonging. �,
<br /> TO HAVE A.N� TO HOLDthe above described premises unto the said �alter S. Ashton,his heirs
<br /> and assigns ,so that ne�ther she the said �dary L. Ashton or any per�on in her name and behalf,,
<br /> shall or will hereafter claim or deman d any right or title tv the said premises,or an�y part
<br /> thereof but they and everq one of them shall by these presenta be excluded and foreTer barr�d.
<br /> IN �lITNESS �HER�OF',The eaid party of the first part has hereunto set her hand and seal tY�e
<br /> day and pear la$t above written.
<br /> Signed,Sealed and Delivered in pr�seace of
<br /> Fred �P. Ashton �a.ry L. Ashton
<br /> State of California
<br /> ss.
<br /> Los Angeles County On this 16" day of 3ept,A. I?. Iq2�,before me,the undersigned R. M.
<br /> Phillips a �Totary Public,duly eom2niseioned and qualified for and residin� in said County,
<br /> personally came �ary 'L. Ashton widoW to me known to be the identical person whose name is
<br /> �ffi�ced to the foregoing conveyance as gran�or,and acknowledged the s ame to be her vt>luntary
<br /> act and deed for the purposes therein set forth.
<br /> 9Vitness mq hand and Notarial Seal the day and year last above �vritten.
<br /> (SEAL) R. M. Phillips
<br /> Notarq Public.
<br /> I�y cammission expires the lst dap of Bday 1927
<br /> Filed for record this 22 day of September 1924,at 4 o'elock P. M.
<br /> �o�� �
<br /> Register of ee s �- '+ "
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<br /> That L.T.Osborn and Franke ��born,husband and �ife of the County of Buffalo a.rid State of Ne'b�-
<br /> raska for a.nd in consideration of the aum of One Dollar and Exchange of values. Dollars in hahad
<br /> paid,do herebp GRANT ,BARGAIN,SELL,CONVEY AND �ONFIRP� unto Frank Sipek of the Countp of Salin;�e
<br /> `
<br /> and State of I�ebraska the followin� descr3bed Real Estate,situa.te in Hall Co�ntq,Co�anty,
<br /> and State of Nebraska,to-�it: The 1�est-Half (W�) of The North-East Qua.rter (1QE�) and The �ag�t
<br /> Half of. The North-9�est Quarter (E� of IJ�P�) of Seetion Ei�ht (�) in Township Nine {9) North, '
<br /> of Ran�e �welve (12) Hall Countp,�tebraska,.
<br /> And we do hereby covenant with the said grank Sipe7�. and his heirs and aesigns,that �e are � .�
<br /> lawfull�r seized of said premises; that thep are free from incumbrance except mort�age of re-
<br /> vord that �ve have good right and lav�ful authority to sell the same,and we do herebq covenantii �
<br /> to warrant a�d defend the title of said premises against the lawful claims of a.11 peraons
<br /> xhomaoever. �
<br /> And the said L. T.Osborn and Franke�sborn,husband and wife,each herebq relinquishes all their
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