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<br /> ']1`I3'�-STATEJOURNAICOMPANY LINCOLN NEB. _ ._ ,_ �.�, . '
<br /> State of Nebraska.,
<br /> s�.
<br /> �Iall County �n this 2nd. day of Septe:nber,l°,24 before me a Notary Public within
<br /> ' and for said County,personally appe�.red Ad�ison E. Cady to me kno�:�n to be the identica.l person
<br /> who executed the foregoing ins�xu�ent in h3.s own behalf and in behalf of Fred �. Ashton,Carri;e
<br /> R. Ashton,Christian C. Hansen,Siri Hansen,Arthur D. Sears ,Lucile Cady,Adnell L. Pyne and George :
<br /> Pyne,and ack�o��rled�;ed that he executed the same as his voluntary act and deed and the voluntaxy �
<br /> act and deed of the said parties herein named.
<br /> In �vitness �rhereof,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal the day and year last
<br /> above t�vritten.
<br /> (SEAL) E.�. Guendel
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My eom�ission expires May 22nd 1925 °
<br /> Filed for record this 9 day of September 1924,at 11: 30 o�elock A. M.
<br /> ����r-� �-u—�-
<br /> Register of eeds '
<br /> -o_o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o_o-o_o-o-o_o-o-o_o_o-o-o-a..o_o-�-o_o_o_o_o_o_o_o-n_o_o_a'
<br /> Q.UIT CLAI1� DEED
<br /> TI�IS I1�TD�'?�?TURE ,Made this 9" day of september,1924,bet�veen City of Grand Island,a municipal
<br /> cornoration,existing vnder and by virtue of the la�vs of the Sta.te of Nebraslca,party of the f�rst
<br /> part and. ���ara,uis L. Depue of the County of Hall,and StatF of Nebras:�� ,pa:rty of the second par�,
<br /> "`�'ITNESSETH,That the said party of the first part,for and in consideration of the su.m of
<br /> One Hundred Fifteen & no/100 Dollars (�11F. 00) , in hand paid,receipt vaher�of is hereby acknow-:
<br /> ledged,ha.s so2d and by these pres�nts does grant,quit—claim and confirm unto the said party af
<br /> th� second part ,the folloz�ving described premises situate in Grand Island,Hal1 County,Nebr�.ska,
<br /> to—wit: All th�.t part of Broadr�ell Avenue lying South of the Southerly Iine of North Front
<br /> Street and South of the Sou�herly line of :�o�vard Street,xeservin� unto itself,hov�ever,that
<br /> part of the tr�ct hereby conveyed connecting the alley in Fractional Block Three (3) of Kernc�han
<br /> & ��c?�er' s Addition to the City of Grand Islan d,Nebraska,and the pro�oased E�st and '�est alley�
<br /> in BZock �eventeen (17) , P�.c�er & Barr' s Sec�nd Addition ta Grand I sland,Nebraska,the same
<br /> being the center t���enty (�0) feet of L�t Three (3� in said Block Seventeen (17).
<br /> TQ HAV�' Ar?�` TJ HOLD the �remises above described,to�ether v�ith a.11 the Tene;nents ,Heredita.-�
<br /> rnents and A�y�urtenances thereunto belonginp unto the said �:I�.rquis L. Depue,his heirs,executor�,
<br /> ad��ninistra.tors and assigns.
<br /> IN T"ITNESS '�:'H�P"'OF,the said City of Grand Island has caused its cor�orate seal to be affiXed
<br /> and these presents to be signed by its �vsa,yor,the day and year first a'bove �ritten. '
<br /> Attest: CITY OF G�AND ISLAfiD ,A muncipal corporatic�n ,
<br /> (CORP) .
<br /> H. E. Cliff_ord (SEAL) By T. J. Ellsberry
<br /> City Clerk �ayor
<br /> State of Nebraska. )
<br /> ss
<br /> Fiall County � Cn thi� 9" �ay of Septe�;�er,1924,before me,the undersigned,a. Notary
<br /> Public,in and for saict County,personally came T. J. Ellsberry,�qayor of the City of Gr�.nd Islan�,
<br /> to me �erscn�IlyT knot�m ta be the �7ayor and the identical �erson ti�hose name is affixed to the'
<br /> abov� insti�ar;lent,anc acknoti�rled�ed the execution ther�of to be his voluntary act and deed as �uch
<br /> o�`ficer,a.nd the volur���.ry act anc� deed of the said City of Gr�.nd Island,a.nd that the corporate
<br /> se^1 of the said City of Gra.nd �sla.nd was thereto affixed by its authority.
<br /> "�itness my han�.� a.nd Not�.rial Seal the day an� yea.r first above �ritten. '
<br /> ( SEAL) S. E. Sir_ke
<br /> Not a.ry Publ ic.
<br /> �y°corrr��issicn expires Feby 24,].�2�
<br /> Filec�. for record this g day of Se�tember 19��;-,at 2; ?0 o� clock P. �. ,
<br /> � ��c�,-r�d ��c,�t�-�-� � w
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