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<br /> That VVhereas ,in a.n action in the District Court of the Eleventh Judicial District of Nebrasl�a,
<br /> within and for Hall County,wherein Goehring-Sothman Company,a eorparation was Piaintiff,and ,
<br /> �enry M. Roehler and I�a.e $oehler,his wife w�re Defend.a.nts,it was by said Court at the May
<br /> ' Term thereof,A. D. 1924,to_�it;on the 7th day of June A. D. 192�},considered,ad�ud�ed,and decreec�
<br /> that in defaul� of the payment to the Clerk of the Diatrict Court of the costs of said actian,
<br /> and to Goehring-Sothman Company �the sum of �11�9. QO �rith interest thereon from the 7th daq
<br /> of June,1924 at the ra.te of 10 per cent within twenty days fror� the date of such �tadgment
<br /> and dearee,tha.t the equity of redemption of each and all of said defendants in and to the
<br /> lands and tenements hereinafter described be foreclosed and fore4er barred,and that the She�iff
<br /> of said Hall County cause the lands and tenements hereinafter described to be advertised,and
<br /> sold according to law; and �hereas the said defendants having made default therein,C. J. Palme�
<br /> as Shexiff of said County,under and by virtue of the order of said Court to him directed,did,
<br /> on the llth day of August A. D. 1924,at the main door of the Court House in the City of Grand '
<br /> Island,in said County of Hall,(the same being the place �herein the District eourt w�¢s last
<br /> . held in said County) ,having first and given due and legal notice of the time and place of �aid
<br /> sale,for not less than thirty days prior thexeto ,in the Grand Island Independent,a legal
<br /> newspaper printed and in genexa.l circulation in sa,id County of Ha11,se2I the said premises �,t
<br /> publie auction to Goehring-Sothman Company,a corporation it (being the the highest and best '
<br /> bidder therefor) for the sum of One Thousand Two Y��dred Forty-seven & 00/100 Dollars,�+hich 'i
<br /> sale avas afterwards at the June Term of said Court,A. D. 1924 examined and confirmed,and the �
<br /> said G, J. Palmer ,as Sheriff of said Cownty,was ordered to executed a deed of said premises
<br /> to the said Goehring-Sothman Company,a corpora.ti.on
<br /> NOVP Th�ERFFORE ,I ,the said C. J. Palmer,as Sheriff of Hall County,RTebra.ska,in pursuance of
<br /> the order of said Court, as aforesaid,in consideration of the premises,and by virtue of the
<br /> powers in me �ested by lav�,do hereby give,grant ,and convey unto the said Goehring-Sothman
<br /> Company,a corpora.tion,its successors and assigns,the premises sold as afor�said,to-wit: All of
<br /> Lot No. Seven ( 7) in Block No. Twelve (12) in Bakers Addition to the City of Grand Isla.nd,Ha11
<br /> County,Nebra.ska. w�.th all and singular the appurtenances thereuato belon�ing,to have and to '
<br /> hold unto it the said Goehring-Sothman Company,a corporation and its suecessors and assigns !
<br /> forever.
<br /> IN '�VITNESS �FiER�'OF,I have,a.s such Sheriff of Hall County,Nebraska,hereunto set my hand tk�is
<br /> 30th day of Au;ust A.D. 192�.
<br /> f Executed and delivered in presence of
<br /> Fred Griffin -------- ---------- C. J. Palmer
<br /> ($1. 50 I. R. �3tamps ) Sheriff of Hall County
<br /> Clinton E. John (Cancelled )
<br />, The �tate of Nebraska,
<br /> s s.
<br /> Hall �ounty. �n this 30" day of August A.D. 1924,before me Clinton E. John a ' I
<br /> Clerk of District Court duly elected and qualified for said County,personally appeared C. J. ' '
<br /> Palmer Sheriff of said County to me knovPn to be the identical person deseribed in and who .
<br /> > >
<br /> executed the foregoing ins�rument as gra.ntor,and acknowledged said instrument to be his
<br /> volun�ary act and deed as such Sheriff. ��
<br /> IN "VITNESS �JHEREOF,I have hereunto set my ha.nd and official seal at Grand Island,in said .
<br /> County,the da.y and year last above �ritten. �
<br /> (SEAL) Clinton E. John
<br /> ' Glerk of the District Court
<br /> Filed for record this 4 day of Septembex 1924,at 9:30 o� clock A. M.
<br /> ��c-e�r�rtid �t--c��-
<br /> Register of eeds
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