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<br /> '{ �1ARRANTY DEED
<br /> THIS DEED,I�ade this ls� day o� August in the pear of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and r
<br /> I ,
<br /> i Twentq;,four bet�reen Bessye M.Hines of the Gity & County of Denver and State of Colorado,of
<br /> t�e first part,and Ed�ard A. Jones,Jr. of the County of Hall and State of Nebraska cif th� ,
<br /> �
<br /> R �
<br /> second part:
<br /> V�ITNESSETH,That the said party of the first part ,for and in consideration of the s.um of
<br /> Fifteen-Hundred (�1500. 0�) Dollars,to the said party of the first part in hand paid by the �►a3d .
<br /> party of the seeond part,the receipt �hereof ie hereby confessed and _acknowledged,has grant�d, �
<br /> ...,
<br /> ' bargained,sold and eonneyed,and by these presents do gra.nt,bargain,�ell,convey and confirm
<br /> unto the said party of the second part his heirs and a$si�ns forever,all :the followring de$c�!ibed
<br /> lota or parcels of land, situate,lping an d being in the Gounty of Hall and State of Nebraska, �
<br /> to-wit: Lot Seven ( 7) ,in Biock Four ( 4) ,in Rollin� s Addition to Grand Island,a.s surveyed,
<br /> platted and recorded,subjec� to a1I unpaid taxes.
<br /> T�GETHER with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging,o�
<br /> in anye�ise appe�taining,and the r�version and regersiona,remainder and remainders,rent s,
<br /> issues and profits thereof; and all the estate,ri�ht ,title,intesest ,claim and deman d what.-
<br /> soever of the said party of the first part,either in law ar equity,of,in and to the above
<br /> bargained premises,v�ith the hereditaments and appurtenances.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises above bargained and described,�ith the appurtenances,
<br /> u.nto the said party of the second part ,his heirs and assigns forever. And the said party of �he
<br /> f1PSt part ,for herself,her heirs,executors,and administrators,does covenant,gza�t,bargain ar�d
<br /> agree to and �ith the said party of the second part,his heirs and assigns,that at the time af
<br /> the ensealing and delivery of these presents, she is well seized of the premises above convey�ed,
<br /> �
<br /> as of goodAperfect ,absolute and indefeasible estate of inheritance,inl�w,in fee simple,a.nd �
<br /> has good right,full power and lawful authority to grant ,bargain,8el1 and convey �he same in
<br />' manner and form aforesaid,�nd that the same are free and clear from all former and other
<br /> grants,bargains ,sales,liens ,�,axee,assessments ,and incumbrances of �hatever kind or nature
<br /> soever,except as above s�ated. and the above bargained premises in the quiet and peaceable p�as-
<br /> ession of the said narty of the second part,his heirs and assi�ns,against all and every per-.
<br /> .
<br /> eon or persons la�fully claiming or to claim the �rhole or any part thereof,the said party
<br /> of the first part shall and will �IARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND.
<br /> IN �ITNESS �iERFOF,The said party of the first part has here�unto set her hand and seal tY�e
<br /> day and year first above �ritten.
<br /> Si�;ned,Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of
<br />� Beasye M.Hine$ QSea1)
<br /> State of Colorado,
<br /> ss.
<br /> City & County of Denver I,Hugh O. Neville a Notary Publie in and for said City � County,
<br /> in the State aforesaid,do hereby certify that Bessye M. Hines who is personally known to me
<br /> to be the person �vhose name ia subseribed to the foregoing Deed,a.ppeared before me this day
<br /> in person,and aekno�ledged that she signed, sealed and delivered the said instrument of w riti«ng
<br /> as her free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein set forth.
<br /> t Given under my hand and notarial seal,this lst day of August,A. D. 192�.
<br /> (SEAL) Hugh O. Neville
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> �dp commission expires July 17th,�.D. 1927•
<br /> Filed for reeord this 2� day of August 192�,at 2 otclock P. M.
<br />, � �
<br /> Register of eeds '
<br /> : ,
<br />� is �� �
<br />