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<br /> `JI�IS4-SiATB JOURNAL COMPANY,LINCOLN NEB � � � � � � �� � � � ��
<br /> ; lawfully seized of said premises that they are free from encumbrance;that we have good right'
<br /> and lawful authority to sell the same; �.nd we do hereby covenant to warrant and defend the ti�le
<br /> to said prernises against the la�ful clairns of all persons whomsoever.
<br /> And the said Carrie R.Ashton,Siri F�nsen,Lucile Cadp�and Geor�e Pyne hereby relinquiah all
<br /> their right,title and interest in and to the above deseribed premises.
<br /> Signed this 19th. da.y of August A. D. 192�
<br /> In Presence of Fred �. Ashton,Carrie R. Ashton,
<br /> -------------------- Ghristian C.�ansen,Siri���Iansen,
<br /> C�as F. �ryer �. 50 I.R. Stamps Ar�hur D. Sears,Lucile Cady,
<br /> �C3aneelled 3 Adnell L.Pqne George Fyne,
<br /> Bq Addison E. �ady Attorney fn faet
<br /> Addison E.Cady
<br /> State of Nebras�a,
<br /> ss.
<br /> �iall County On this 19th da.p of August,1924 before me a Notary Public within andi
<br /> for �aid Countq ,personallp appeared AddisoM E.Cady �o me known to be the identical persons
<br /> �rho executed the fore�oing instrument i� his own behalf �,nd in behalf of Fred '�. Ashton,Carriie
<br /> R. Ashton,Ghristian C.Hansen,Siri Hanaen,Arthur D. Sears,Lucile Cady,Adnell L. Pqne and George
<br /> Pyne,and ackno�led�ed that he executed the same as his voluntarp a.ct and deed and the volun�ary
<br /> act and deed of the said parties hereirl named.
<br /> In �itness whereof,I have hereunto set mp hand and affixed my official seal the day and
<br /> year last above �ritten.
<br /> (sEAL) Chas.F.Drper
<br /> . No�arp Publie.
<br /> My commiasion expires Janua.rp 23rdr-192�
<br /> Filed for record this 20 d.a.y of Au�u�t 1924 at 4 0' clock P. M. ������,L�
<br /> egister of �eeds �
<br /> -0-0-0-0-�-0-4-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0--t�-0-0_0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0_0-0-0-0_0_0-0-0-0-0.-0-0-0-0�
<br /> Q�UIT CLAI�f DEED.
<br /> KN4W ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:Tha� �e,Frank '9�thitehead,a single man,of Academy,Californi�,,
<br /> �allace �hitehead and Neva L.�hitehead,his �ife,of Hall County,Nebra,ska,Charle$ J. Gornwell, '
<br /> a widower,Ada. D. Cornwell,and F3crrence Cornwell,his wife,Edwa.rd Cornwell and Clara L. Cornwel�: ,his
<br /> wife,Frank Cornwell ,single,�alter Cornwell,single,and Gladqs Cornwell,single,of Lineoln Coutn�p,
<br /> Nebraska,the said Frank �hitehead and �allace 11�itehead being ehildren and heirs �t la� of
<br /> Belle �Phitehead,deceased,late of Hall Co�.nty,Nebraska,and the said Charles J:Cornwell,Asa
<br /> . D. Cornwell,Edward Cornwell,Frank Cornw�ll,�alter Gornaell,and Gladqs Cornwell,being the sur..
<br /> viving husband and surviving children,reppectively,and only heirs at law c�f one B�`a.ry J. Cornwell,
<br /> deeeased,who was one of the childre� and heirs at l�w of said Belle '9Vhitehead,deceased,for
<br /> and in coneideration of One �1.00) Dollar and other good and sufficie�t considerations,here�py
<br /> quit claim,grant,bargain,sell and convey unto '�illiam �.'P�hitehead and Glenn E.�Phitehead,of
<br /> Grand Island,Nebraska,two of the children and heirs at law of said Belle �Ilhitehead,deoeased,all
<br /> of our right ,�itle,and interest of �rhatsoever nature in and to the foilowing described real ;
<br /> estate situate in the county of Hall and gtate o�f Nebraska,to-wi�: ',
<br /> I
<br /> Lot Number Four (4) ,in Block Number One Hundred Ten (110) ,in Railroad Addition to Grand ��I
<br /> Island,Nebraska,and Lot Nur.lber 3ix (6) ,in Block Number Sixteen (16) ,in Rollins� Addition to ���
<br /> y ,
<br /> Grand Island,Nebr�.ska,al2 as shown by the reeorded plats thereaf. I�
<br /> And we certify that the a'bove named �rantors and the above named �rantees include all of �the
<br /> deceased, he the a d �da, q J. Cornw�ll '
<br /> heirs at law of said Belle �Ghitehead,deceased,an�d o� sai� �arp �.Cornwell,nbe�ng a d�a��hter pf
<br /> said Belle �Phitehead,deceased,who died �nbsequent to the death of said Belle �Phitehead.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto the said t�illiam �.�Riitehead and Glenn E.�hitehead,and to their '
<br /> heirs and assigns forever. �
<br /> IN VPITNES3 t�PHEREOF,we have hereunto set our hands on this 3rd day of I�ay,1923. �"
<br />=__- � , --: _ - -=_ ---_ ,._-._ -- —_�
<br /> 4.' �. E. . . . . �. .
<br />