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<br /> . . � ��' `.� STATE JOURNAL COEAPANY LINCOLN NEB ___�_._g �` ���
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<br /> ''; QUI,.�.�.�� �
<br /> THIS II�ENTURE,�ade this 14th day of �ctober;in the pear one thousand nine hundred and Twent�
<br /> ' t�o ,between Ben Nolan and �ella Nolan,h�sband and wife,of the first part,and John M. Nolan
<br />, of the second par'�. _
<br /> �tITNESSETH,that the said of the ffrst part,in consideration of the sum of One Hun�-
<br />� dred Dollars to them duly paid,the receipt whereof is hereby ackno�vledged have remised,re-
<br /> I
<br /> leased and quit-claimed,and by these presents do,for thez�selves,their heirs,eaecutors,and
<br /> adminietrator�,remise,release and forever quit-claim and convey unto the said party of se�on�.
<br /> part ,and ta his heirs and assigns forever,all their �ight,title,interest,eatate elaim and '
<br /> � demand,both a� law and in equity,of,in and to all of The East Half of the Southwest Qvarter',
<br /> (E�3�P�) of Seetion Fourteen (1�) To�rnahip T en (10) Nor�h of Range Twelve (12} �est of the 6t�
<br /> P.b�.Ha11 County,Nebra.ska,aceo�din� to the Government survey thereof.
<br /> �'he grantoxs herein covenant with the grantee that Ben grantar herein is the same perstpn
<br /> as Bernard Nolan named in �he spnopsis of the proba�e of the Will of Joseph F. Nolan deceassd;o �
<br /> and the same person as Ben�amin Atolan referred to in said praceedings,and i� th� Last �till
<br /> a�td Decree of Joseph F.I�olan,deceassd. ,
<br /> Togetb:��� �ith all and sin�.�ar the hereditaments thereunto b�Iongin�.
<br /> TO HAVE ARTD TO H4LD the above de�cribed premises unto the said John �d. and to his
<br /> ;
<br /> heirs and a.ssign�; so that neither of the said grantors,or any per$on in their name and beha.l�,
<br /> shall or will hereafter claim or demand any right or ti.tle to the s�id pre�nises or an3� p�rt ,
<br /> thereof,but they and every one of them shall by these presents be excluded and forever barre�..
<br /> : IN �IT�TESS �HEREOF,the said parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands �.nd ,;
<br /> � seal. the day and year above written.
<br /> �igned,sealed and delivered �in presenee of �
<br /> Inez Clements -ry ,--.-. �.�-- Ben Nolan
<br /> �ella Ptolan
<br /> 9tate of �po
<br /> ss.
<br /> Natrona County On this 19 da� of 0atober,g.D. 1922,before me,the undersigned inez �
<br /> Clements a Notary Publie,dulq commissioned and qua.lified for and. residin� in said County, �
<br /> ` persona,l.Iy came Ben Nolan and De1Za NoZanhusband and v�ife to ffie knoe�n to be the identical , �'
<br /> persons �rhose� names are affixed to the foregoing instrument as grantors and acknov�led.�ed the'�!
<br /> . ,;
<br /> same to be their 4ol�;mtary act and deed. �
<br /> �titnes8 my hand and seal the day and year last above written.
<br /> : (SEAL) Inez Clements
<br /> Notarq Public.
<br /> My commission expirea Julp I2,1g26 �
<br /> ' P'iled fvr record this 20 day of Augu�t 1924,at 2:4� o� cloek P. M.
<br />' ��-e��-�-�+C � ,
<br />' Register o— f�eeds�� �
<br /> I
<br />� -0_�-0-�-0_0_0-0-Q-0_0-�-0-0_�-0-�_0-0-0-0_p_0_0-0_0_0-0-0-�-C�-O-C�,0-0-0_0_0-C�_0-0-Q-0-4-Q-
<br /> THI S INDENTURE ,Ma,de this 17th day of �,etober,in �he year one thousand nine hundred and Twent�r
<br /> Two ,between James A. Rolan,a single man,af the first part,and John �. Nolari of the secoz�d part�
<br /> ' �ITNESSETH,that the said part of the first part,i�i consideration of the sum oY 4ne Htuidr'�d
<br /> . ,
<br /> � ��i
<br /> Dollars to him dulp paid,the receip� whereof is herebp aekno�vled�ed,has remised,released and!�
<br /> quit-claimed,and by these presents does,for him�elf,his heirs,executors and administrators,rj�miee, .
<br /> release and forever quit-elaim and convep unto the said party of the second part ,and to his � -""}
<br /> heirs and assigns forever,all his r3ght,title,in�erest,estate claim and demand,both at law a.�d
<br /> in equitp,of,in and to all of The East half of the Southwiest qua.rter (E� S�P�) of Section
<br /> ��
<br /> '
<br /> � i' Ll•. �_� wfl ] /7 .M _ __.
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