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<br /> .^Y, ']1'1`,34-STA7E JOURNAL COMPANY LINCOLN NEB _` - ��� � --
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<br /> !The State of Nebraska
<br /> ss.
<br /> Hall County On this 15th day of B�ay A. �. 1924, before me Clinton E. John a Clerk '
<br /> r�f District Court duly elected and qualified for said County, personally appeared C. J.Palmer, ;
<br /> �`' Sheriff of said Countp, to me known to be the identical person described in and who executed �he
<br /> foregoing instrument as grantor, and acknowledged said instrument to be his voluntary act and
<br />� deed as suc� Sheriff. IN ?�TTNESS �IHEREOF, I have hexeunto set my hand and official seal at
<br /> Grand Island, in sa,id County, the day and year last above written.
<br /> 1 nt n E. John
<br /> I
<br /> C i o
<br /> 192� (SEAL) . Clerk of I3istrict Court.;
<br /> ` Filed for record this 26 d�y of June�at �:30 0' clock A. td.
<br /> �f��� �-u-e�-�-��.:
<br /> Regieter of Deeds. :
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<br /> QU�,.'� CLAI�[ DEED
<br /> ' THIS INDENTURE , Made this 20th day of June A. D. 1924 bet�een Caroline Marie Beckex and Fred G. ',
<br /> Becker, her husband, Augusta �atilda Denman and Albert J. Denman, her husband, Ida �arie Clausi�n
<br /> and Christiar, Clausen, her husband, Odi Henrietta Voss ar�d Adolph Voss, her husband, of the
<br /> i first part , and Metha Rosetta Stender of the second pa,rt. �rIT1�ESSETH, that the said parties
<br /> of the fi rst part, in consideration of the svm of Two Thousand & no/10� Dollars to them duly �
<br /> :" pa3d, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have remised, released and quit-clairiaed, and
<br /> by these presents do , for themselves , their heirs , executoxs and administrators , remise , rele�,se
<br /> ' and forever quit-claim and convey unto the said paxty of second part , and to her heirs and
<br /> assigna forever, all their right , title , interest , estate clai�n and demand, both at law and i�
<br /> eauity, of, in and to all the following described xeal estate: Part of the Noxtheast Quarter';
<br /> , ,
<br /> (NE�,) of Section Tvuenty-nine (29) Township Eleven (11) , North of Range Nine (9) , �est of the
<br /> ' Sixth P. �, , more particu2arly d�scribed as fo�lows, to-wit; Commencing at an iron pipe
<br /> �
<br /> located at a point 1327 feet �Pest of the Northeast corner of said Section 29, being the North�.
<br /> weat corner of the Northeast Quarter (NE4) of the Northeast Quarter (NE�) of said �ection 29 , ;
<br /> ` running thence �Pest along the, North section line of said Section 29 to an iron pipe a distanc�
<br /> �,
<br /> of 75�. 2 feet , running thence South parallel to the quarter section line of said Section 29 t{p
<br /> an iron pipe a distance of 1321. 5� fe�t , running thence East parallel to the �Torth line of sail�
<br /> .
<br /> ; Section 75�. 2 feet to an iron pipe on said quarter secti.on line, xunning thence North along
<br /> said quarter section line 1321. 5 feet to the piace of beginning, containing 23 aeres more or �.ess. .
<br /> Together �►ith all and singular the hereditaments thereunto belongin�. TO HAVE A�7D TO H�LD th�
<br /> ` above described premises unto the said Metha� Rosetta Stender, her heirs and assigna; ao that i
<br /> neither they, t�.e said grantors , or a.ny person in their name and behalf , shall or wi11 hereaf�er
<br /> claim or .demand any ri;ht or title to the said premises or any �oart thereof bu�t the and eve�
<br /> � Y ,Y
<br /> ; one of them shall by these presents be excluded and forever baxred. IN VPI�'NES� �IHEREOF , the '!
<br />�
<br /> i ; said partiea of the first part have hereunto set their hands a.nd seals the day and year above �
<br /> " written. �
<br />' Signed, e�ealed and delivered in presence of: Caroline Bdarie Becker
<br /> Fred C. Bec�er „
<br /> �P.A. Prince , Aup;usta �atilda Denman ,;
<br /> ________________ Albert J. Denman
<br /> ��2.00 I. R. Stamp Ida l�a.ria Glausen
<br /> Gance2Zed � Christian Claueen .
<br /> Od.i Henrie�ta. Voss
<br /> Aciolph Voss
<br /> State of Nebraska ) �
<br /> ) ss.
<br /> Hall County ) On this 26th day of June A. D. 1g24, before me, the undersigned �Pilla�!d -
<br /> A. Prince , a Not�.xy Public , duly commissioned and qua.lified for and residing in said County, !!�° �
<br /> ' personally came Garoline Marie Becker and Fred C, Becker, her husband, Au�usta Matilda '
<br /> , Denman and Albert J. Denman, her huaband, Ida Marf.e Clausen and Chr3.stian �].BUSEn, her
<br /> husband, Odi Henxietta Voss and Adolph Voss, her husband to me knoum to be the ��,entical
<br />_ _ ;�_::— , :--- ----=�---=—_
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