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<br /> � " DEED OF TRUST "� � �'' n n �
<br /> ...r,wr�F'? �, -�.1 � ?1 0
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<br /> ° PARTIEB:Thls Doed of Truet fe made on FF.ARt1ARY 2i, i a�� _,amonp the(irantor, .7RPPRAY P RBCK A.�m
<br /> � �g= n narx„�}((jap**m *+m W�og —� ("dorrowat"),
<br /> 3 AAFNI] R ALnCK� ATT� 1�iF'Y � ,�.
<br /> �l whoae reaidonce eddreas ia ao aox 790. (7rwnA 2w1wnA��lw1_� County, Nebraaka("Trustee'1,end ths Benoficlery, � �ti=
<br /> • ` tr
<br /> uoM� Rk`^nnw• arvrwTne � rn*,,. naep TATTAI�� ,a corporetion orpanlzed \G }
<br /> ' and ezisttnp under the lawa oi_ �nrtecttA who:e eddra�e ii �2i sorrru T.ocRrsT 3TRRRT. ` ,
<br /> ,� '' � nun a .aan. u�a�AKa �aqo�.�onA I'Lender'1. -�-
<br /> • �� �,% CONVEYANCE:For value recefvsd,Borrowsr irrevocebly prsnts and convay�to Trustee,In uuat,with power of eate,the reai property,of which
<br /> Barroelsr i� Iae�fuly sefzed, deac►ibed helow end eli bu(IdinQe, tlMieree, end existlnp end future improvements therean end ell riphta-ot-way, �
<br /> �' e�sement�, �enta, isrues, proffts, Income, tenemente, hereditament�, prMlepes and any eppurtenancea thereunto helonping (all celled the
<br /> "property'1.
<br /> , u PROPERTY ADDAES3:_ zaa� LiT+aunM avF• , nvs*tn rssT.anm ,Nebraska�i8,HD3 --
<br /> LEOAL OESCRIPTfON: �ssr.�u �cicr� nw coaa
<br />� IiAI,L COUNTY, N8HRA9KA.
<br /> . r.`
<br /> . �
<br />�.,. :.; .. -r = , .
<br /> t.� •
<br />�.
<br />�����' •. ��'� ' located in atzn*rn rs . an, HAi.r. County,Nebroska.
<br />��,+.�.�t�,�� TITLE:Borrower covensnU and warrants title to the property,except for
<br /> ----��;
<br /> °��k�.+��' SECUREO DEeT:Thb deed of trust secure�to Lender ropnyment of the neured debt and the performence of the covenente and�preement�
<br />--=- °"'��� contstned In thb d��d of tru�t and In ony otAer documsnt Incorponted herdn.Secured debt,ss u�ed In this deed of truet,tnciudss any amounn
<br /> ----,-"`` Borrovwr owa to Ur�r under this daed of vust or under e�ny Instrwnent secured by thi�de+d of trust,�nd sll moditicaUont,sxtenslons aM
<br />---_-;�s�:��� I�MW+I/thM�O}.
<br /> --�iv�.t s..:,
<br /> ---T;�-�•° •� Th�secund debt i�svld�nced by(List all Insvumente and agreementt�ecursd by thp deed of truat md tM dates thoroof.l:
<br /> -- � •, .
<br /> -------- -j•.�� ��ARnureenev vnrr�n r�tn eg TR7TY A(3RRRMfR1T OATRi] ARA1�LiLRV 7'1� �QQ7
<br /> ��:..i±f��
<br />�•ti�a,"�"L"� �futun l4av�wn The �bovs emount Is securod even thaph �II or pert of it may not yet be advanced. Future edvm�e� aro
<br /> __ ___-�� cont�mplat�d and will bs�ecund to the nms extent n i!mide on the date thb deed o}wat I�sxecuted.
<br /> ---�
<br /> ❑ R�volvkp line of crsdk�r�ement datsd ,w(th initi�l annu�l Interett vate oi 96,
<br /> u ���- All imounts owed und�r thi�ap rNmmt an aecund ewn ttau�h d!amounte m�y not yet bs edvmced.Future advances under
<br /> ��.��� thw aprsemont�n cont�mplatvd�nd wiil be aecured to tM �ame exte�t es!f m�de on the d�ta thi�desd of tru�t ia exec�rted.
<br /> -- -
<br />