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<br />. ']1734_,__.STATE JOURNAL COPdPANY LINCOLN NEB _ �.,� , � ���"� "� �"- .
<br /> _._..._._.__. . __._..._.__..�_.._._...__m.�_�.r. I
<br /> ; WARRANTYDEED No. 22 '' �
<br /> That the Trustees of SHELTON TOWNSHIP CEMETERY ,in the County of Buffalo and Sta�e of
<br /> Nebra.ska,for and in consideration of the s�m of Twenty and No/100 Dollars in hand paid,do hereby
<br /> Grant ,Bargain,Sell,Convey and Confirra unto Isri.al Ayers of the County of Buffalo and State of
<br /> Nebraska the follo�ing described Real Estate for Cemetery purposes, subject to By-la�s of .
<br /> said Shelton Tov�nship Cemetery,to-�vit; The Sou�h Half of Lot 1�0. 4�6 a$ Shown by the Platt of ' 1
<br /> the Shelton Township Cemetery. in the South-East quarter of the . South-East quarter of the Sou�h-
<br /> �Nest Qua.rter of Section No. Six (6) ,in To�nship No.Nine �9) ,North of Ra.nge No. Twelve ( 12) ,
<br /> �Pest ,situated in Hall County,and State of Nebraska,a.nd denominated THE SAELTON TOVGNSHIP CE��'ERY;
<br /> and it is provided that at any time aaid Real Estate shall be used �or oth�er than Cemetery
<br />,
<br /> purposes,it shall revert back to the Trustees of Shelton Township Cemetery,aforeeaid.
<br /> /
<br /> And the said Trustees of SF�ELTON TO�r1SHIP CEMETERY DO HEREBY COVENANT �rith the said Is-
<br /> riael Ayers and his heirs and ass3.gns,that the said Trusteee of SHELTON TO�VNSHIP CEM�'EERY h�.ve
<br /> good right and lav�ful autr.ority to sell the same,and do hereby covenant to warxant and defenc�
<br /> the title to said premises against the 1aw�ul claims of alI persons whomsoever. ` �
<br /> Signed thia 17th day of July,A. D. 192�.
<br /> �Gitnesses:
<br /> Shelton To�►nship Cemetery
<br /> F.A. Ki�nbrough
<br /> . By Herman Schepers
<br /> Pre$id.ent ��ard of Trustees. ,
<br /> At�est A. D. Dickinson
<br /> Secretary.
<br /> State of Nebraska )
<br /> ss.
<br /> Buffalo County � On th3.s 17th day af July,A.D. 1920 before me,the undersigned F.A.
<br /> Kimbrough a Notary Public,duly commissioned and qualifi.ed for and residing i.n said county,
<br /> personally came Her::an Schepers and A. D. Dickinson to me kno�m to be the identical persons '
<br /> . �
<br /> v�hose names are affixed to the foregoing instrument as grantors and acknowledged the sa�me
<br /> t o be thei r voluntary act and deed.
<br /> ;;
<br /> Witneas my hand and Notaria,l Sea1 �.he day and year last above evritten. 'i
<br /> (SEAI,) F. A. Kimbrough
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My commissbn expires the 2g day of Jan,1920 �
<br /> Filed for record this 5 day of Aday 1924,at 3 0' clock P. Pd. --
<br /> ,
<br /> ��/�,�� �ti«.-� '
<br /> Register of Dee�s " `
<br /> 0-�-0=0-0-0-Q-0-0-0_0_0-4-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0_0-0-0-0-0-C�-�-0-4-0-0-0_0_p-p-p_p_0-0-0-0_0-Q-0-� (�-0
<br /> - �ARRANTY DEED.
<br /> That Fred 'P�. Ashton and Carrie R. Ashton,his v�ife; Christian C. Hansen,and Siri Hansen,his �ife�
<br /> Arthur D. Sears,unmarxied;Addison E. Cady and Lucile Cady,his wife;and Adneli L. Pyne and Geor�e
<br /> Pyne,hex husband,of the County of Hall and State of Nebraska for and in eonsideration of th�
<br /> sui:1 of Six hundred ninety an d No/10� Dollars in hand paid do hereby grant ,bargain,sell conv�y
<br /> and confirm unto,Ada C.Eg�;e of the County of Hall and State of Nebraska the following des- '
<br /> cribed real estate situated in Grand Island,in Hail County,and State of Nebraska,to-wit:
<br /> Lot Number Seven (7) and Eight (�) ,in Bloek Number 3ix (6) ,in A$hton Place,an addition �o ! �
<br /> the Ci-�y of Gxa.nfl Island,according to the recorded plat thereof. �
<br /> This deed is made subject to the following restrictions and reservations which shall be 'I
<br /> binding upon �he purchaser and upon hia heirs and aseigns forever. ';
<br /> ; �,
<br /> l. No buildin� shall be moved upon said property. ;;
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