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--," <br /> '.+�t , � , '- <br /> ""t'� � -.,���r.. <br /> :.+/ti. • � - , ,..;oMli�i.u'J•• <br /> �� i •' <br /> .1..._ina�iM�tliMfUlt+'-' :; .. — ._.. _ .. . ._..:.. . . . . . .. .........�r. .• #?�IR�L". . .. ..-.--��v.�u+r-. <br /> �Y•_.-.. ' _.. .. .. " _"'"_"' �{ <br /> . . � +��/r- =�-�.4�l�. <br /> cove��Nrs �7.� 1(�1.3�5 <br /> 9. P�ymsnt�. Borrowur aproon to �nnko n�l poyitionto an tho aocurod dr,bt whon duo. Unlose Dorrowor nnd Londor eproo othorwlae, any <br /> poyment� Lender receivee from Corrower or for Borrowor'e benetit wlil be �p�lled Ilret to eny emounto Borrower owos on the sacured dobt <br /> not�reduce or excuie cny�achedulid pidyrit�inttuntll tfii�ecurnd dibt I�p�ld In}ulj�l propaymee�t of tho eecured debt occu►e for any roeaon,14 will <br /> 2. CIMm�Ap�in�t Tid�.Botrowet wfll pay�fl t�x�b at���sm�nts, �nd other cherpe�attrlbuteble to the property when due end wlil defond titte , <br /> � to the pro erty�admt�ny cleim�whkh w0ul fm �Ir ths Iien of thl��feed of tru�t.Lender may requlre Borrower to eselfln any rlphte,clalma or 1� <br /> l detentei whlch 8orrawnr m�y h�v1�pdnst pa�itl��pWho tupply I�ba or m�terlal�to Improw ar malntefn tho property. _ _ <br /> 3. Insurenee. Herrower v�lll kn�p the property IneureU under tormt acceptabte ta Lender a4 Borrower's oxpanse and for I.onder's benofit.All <br /> _�r <br /> Insurenae policle�ehall include a�nndud mortp�pe el�u�e U hvor of Lender.Lander wlti bo �emed ee lose peyee or es Yhe insurad on any cuch _- <br /> Inaunnce policy.Arty Insurmco proce�ds mey W�pplled,wlthln lender'�dlrcretion,to elthar the re�toretlon or ropelr of the damnged property 4:, <br /> T I or to the aecured debt,I}lendet requlre�mortp�0e Intunnce.Borrower epree�to malnteln such innurence tor ea lan4 es Lender requlrea. ( <br /> A.Prop�rty.Borrower wlll keep the property In pood conditlon snd meke ell ropelrc raasonably neceoeary. ''�- <br /> f� I 6.Exp�nsu.Borrower apreea to Dey oll Lender'e expenaee,Inc!udinfl reaeonable attorneya' fees, If Borrower breake eny covenants In thls deed =�;: <br /> ot truet or In eny obllpstion securad by thls deed ot truat.Borrower wlll pay theee�mounte to Lender ae provlded In Covenant 9 ot thia deed o} �� ,. <br /> .,� truat, .. „ �- .. <br /> I , ._Lc.�.r�a--- <br /> secu�rit�yr Sntereste��8o�ower�will pertorm ellfiott8orrower�e�obligatloiie under any prlor moitpapen deeda of truet�or��other sec 91ty tapreenpentr �� <br /> � Includinp Borrower's covenents to make paymenta when due. _ <br /> '� 7.A��t t of R�nU�nd Pr91fG. Borrower etsipns to Lender tho ronte and proffte of the property. Unle�s Borrower and Lender hevo aprood , y'�- <br /> .r �therw se In writinp, Borrower m�y collect and retein the �ent� at lony ea Borrower ia not In de}euit. If Borrowor defaulw, Lender, Lender'e �.. <br /> epent,or e court eppofnted receiver may teke posseasion enpd menape the property and collect the rente,Any ronts Lender collecte ehell be �T:' <br /> nece�ssefry teleted expensoaf The remalnfnp amount of rente wlll then apply to peymente on the eecured debt es provfded�In Covenent teny other „ � <br /> � 0.L�at�hddr Condamldums; PlNn�d Unit D�v�topm�nte.Borrower egreea to comply wfth iho provlalona of any lease if thie daed of trust Is on �•�'� __ -_-__ <br /> a leasohotd.1�this d3ed of trust Ic on e unk in o condomfnlum or o plennod unk dovolopmont. Borrower wlll perform ail of Borrower'e dutfea - <br /> under the covena.�u,by-laws, dr repul�tions of the condominlum or planned unit devslopment. - <br /> f!. Authority of LM�d�r to P�riorm tor Borrowx. If Borrower feils to periorm any of Barrower's dutlea under this dead of trust, Lender may . � ���`." <br /> . pe�form the duties or aauie them to be peHormed. Lander mey slpn Borrower's name or pay e�y emount tf neceseery for pe�tormance.If any ti,�`__ <br /> conatruction on tha propeny is dl�continued or not carried on in a reasoneble menner, Lender mey do whetever 1�neceaaary to proteat Lender'� <br /> security interest in the property.This mey inctude completfig the constructlon. '��w•��• <br /> '� Lender'e feilure to perform will not preclude Lender irom exercisinp sny of Its other dphta under the Isw or thla doed of truat. �• ��� <br /> �� <br /> AnV�mounte pald by Lender to protect Lender'c security intereat will be secured by thb deed of trust. Such emounts wlll be due on demsnd �_'--'�°�!- <br /> and will bear interoat from tha date of the payment untll peid In full e4 the Interost►ete In ettect on the secured debt. • =— <br /> �;c. <br /> 10. D�f�uit ond Acc�l�ntion. It Borrawar falia to meke eny psyment when due or bea6n eny covenants under this deed ot uust or eny .'� �i_ <br /> o b t i p a t l o n s e c u ro d b y t h f a d e e d o t u u a t o r e n y p r l o r m o r t g a p e o r d e e d o f tr u t t, L endar ma y sccelerate tM m�turlry of the cecured debt and -. - <br /> demend immediate peyment and may Invoke the power of oete and any other romedles permitted by appticabte law. 1 <br /> • 11.R�qu��t for Notk�of O�TaWt.It��hereby requeated that copiea oi iho noiicoa vi doiauii sr�ssfa ba aar+i 2�aaa:s�:ssan�:ha!-e Ftr2; - - -- <br /> . � hereto,at the�ddresi ot eech such person,as oet farth hereln. <br /> ' y� 1Z.Pow�r of Sr�.If the Lender Invokea tha powor of Qale,the Trustea ehell flrst record i�tho offica of the reglsSer of deeda of each county <br /> � � wherein the uuat property or Bome part or parcel thereof is sltuated a notice of default contalninp the Information ►equired by lew. The Trustee s <br /> shall st:o mail cople�04 the �o4ce of defsuit to the Borrower, to each pe►son viho la�party hereto, end to othor persona at prescribed by � <br /> epplicsbie Iaw. Not I•ss thsn one month after the Trustse records the notica of defauit, or two montha if the wsL propArry ls not In nny <br />-' incorpornted city or vilisge and U uaed fn ferminp opentions carrled on by the trustor,the T�wtee�h�ll give public notice of eate to the persom � <br /> �nd in the mannsr prescri6ed bY��ppplicablo law.Trustee, without demand on Borrower,shall sell the property�t pubitc euctfon to ths hiphe�t <br />