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"� .. - <br /> ,�,�,�, . , <br /> .�eeY�inak:.. .. -._. ..._ -�-------1_...,. .,..-. <br /> .,._.o.,. . . • � - �----.� _. ....._ <br /> ...----- - • . . , . ','', <br /> ....--=_"r�e�nr.o.n.....�.�..,._-----... ... � <br /> ��j� �O'�3i7 J •'�---v'� <br /> / .�'•.'v�t,_i_,i. <br /> "I'hc Fundti �hall hc hcld in un intititution whu�.c depotiit+ ar� insur4d by u fedcrid aticnry. intilrumrntality. ur cntiry <br /> ::� <br /> (inrludin� l.�ndcr.if Lrndcr i++uch an in�litution) nr in any Fcilrrd Humc la�an B��nk. Lrndcr shull apply thc Fund,tu p�ry thc . <br /> I:tiC1UlY Ill'IIIS I_cnJrr may nut rh�ir�.c B��rm�vrr li�r huldin��uul applyinE il►c I�imd+, a�nnuiilly:�nalyiin�: Ihr r,rrow arruunt.��r . <br /> vcrilying thc 1:��•r�iw Itrm+, unlr,.I.cndcr payti H��rru�vcr intrrctit un thc I�uiidti�uid applirahlc law prnnttti l.cndt�r ta mahc,uch <br /> - a chur�c. Huwcvcr, l.rndrr muy rcyuirc Hurrotiticr iu p+�y :i unc-timc rli��rgc li�r,u�inilrpcndcnt rral c+tatc tax rcp��rtinE,r�virr . <br /> u+c�l by Lendcr in ruiuiccliun �vith thiti luun, iinlcsti upplirahlc law prnvidc, nthcra•i�c. Unlr., an a�:rccmcnt iti ma�lr ��r <br /> , applirablr I:nv rcymrr,intrrr�t to hc paid. l.cndcr ,hall nut bc rcyuitrd io pay H��rru�vcr any intcrest ur carnin�!s�m thc Funds. , <br /> Bun•owcr�md l.andcr roay aErcc in wrtung. hi�wcvcr. that hucrr+t,hull hc paiJ un thc Fundr. Lendcr sh�ill tiivc ta liorrowcr. <br /> withuut rhur�c. un:innual uccounting of thc Funcis,tih��wing rirditti und dchils tn thr Fuud� cutd thc purpax� for whinc �ach <br /> dcbit tu thc Funds�vas madc.':'hc Fundti are�+Icdged�i,adJitinnal,ecurity t'��r all sumti,xurcd t�y thi�Secunty Imtrumrnt. <br /> ' If the Funeiti held hy Lendrr exeeeci thc umnunt,pennitted tu hr held hy applicahle I�nv. L.rnJ�r.rhull uccuunt to Hi�rrc�wrr � ��. <br /> ' fur thc cx�c�s Funds in uccordwuc with thc rcyui rcments af applicable I,nv. If thc amaunt of thc Fund�hcld hy L.cnder at any <br /> timc i,not suffieient to pay thc Euruw Items when dur. L�nder m�ry tio n��tit'y B��rzowrr in writing. cinJ. in�uch rasc H��rrawer <br /> ;:=r^-'�`� shall pay to l.ender the amuunt neccssa�y to makc up chc dctiricncy. Burru�vcr ,hall makc up thc defiricnry in no nuue than , <br /> _„ .. --�< twclve monthly payments,ut l.endcr's tiole disrrttiun. <br /> � ° Upun paynicnt in full <�I' ull +ums scrurcJ hy this S�curity Instrmnent, Lrndcr �hall prumptly rc�und t�� Burruwer any <br /> Fund,helJ by Lendcr. !1', unJcr parigraph 21,Lcndcr shull acyuirc c�r�ell thc Prupeny, l.endcr. pri��r t��thr aryuisition or salc <br /> of the Property. shall apply any Funds held hy I,c:.nder at thr timc of ucquisition ur�alc u�a rrodi� apain+t the tium�tirrurcd hy .; - <br /> this Sccunty Instrument. _ '� ��'` <br /> 3.AppUcation of Paymentti.Unle.ti applicahk law pr��vides othcnt•isc.all �a��ments rerciv�d hy l.cnder undcr p.uagruph, �: <br /> I and 2 shall he npplied: fint. to�iny prcpayment char�c, Jue under thc Nine:serunJ. tu:unount�puyublc under paragraph 2; �, � _v� <br /> third,t��intcrest duc; ti�urth, ta princ�pal Juc:and la+t,to any latc chw'gc,�uc widcr thc Ncric• '•5` '*- <br /> � � 4. Charges;Liens. Borrower s ha l l pay a l l taxcs, ussessmen ts, c h a r ge s, f i n e s a n d i m p��s i t i u n s u t t r i b u t u b l c tu thc Pru pert y _ <br /> :��._.;- <br /> "' �r� which mey uttain pric�rity ovcr this S�urity lnstrumcnt, and Ic�.,chold puymcnts or ground rents, if any. l3arruN�cr shall pay e_.__ <br /> the,e ubligations in thc manncr pr�rvidcd in puragr:�ph 2.or it n��t piiid in th:�t munncr. Borrower shull pay them un timc dircctly __ <br />' ., , tu thc per��m��wcd p:ryment. [iorrower shall pmmpdy furnitih tci I.cndcr ull nntices of anu�unt�to hc puid undrr thiti ra�,��;►;�pn. �, . <br /> i� If Borrowcr makcs theu paymcnts dirertly. Burruwcr,hidl pmmplly furnitih a,l.endrr rccriptti rvidcnrinE thr paymrntti. _R. <br /> " H��rru«�cr .hall prumpNy�li+cliurgc any licn��•hirh ha,�,riuriiy uv�r thi�ticrurity Insu•untrnl unlr«Borrml•er: (�u�i�rcrti in °:t,;;::-., <br /> � writin�;tu lhc p:�ymcnt ul thc uhliFiitiun,crurcd h�•I hc licn in;i iwmncr+�rrcpia h lr t�� I.rndcr: lt,l runlc�t. in Euo�l I:ulh Ilir lirn „�:���._ <br /> . hy, ur �lcfrndti uEainat cnli�rrcmcnl ul Ihc licn in. Ir�tnl prurcc�lin�;, �vhich in Ihr Lcndrr'� npininn uper�Ur li� prc��rnt Ihc �_� <br /> �, rntittrrmcnl ul� Ihc lirn: �,r ccl ucin•c+ frum Ihc I�uldei nl ilie lirn nn a��:rrr�tunl .nU�l�artur} In l.rnder,uh��r�linuun�� Ihr lien 1�� �;�_---_-. <br /> thiti Srcurily In�,tnnncnt. If l.�ndrr drlrrnunc,Ilisil nnp pai� ut� Ihr I'rupriry iti ruhjrrl a� a lirn wlurh muy +Wuiu �n•iurily �»•cr `� <br /> ^ Ihi, ticcurily Intitnmirnl.�lcr muy�i�•r li��ir���vcr;i nuurc ulculilyin� th�� hrn. H�irru«•rr�hall ,;iU�ly tl�r lirn ur lukc��uc ur E_- <br /> IIU►1'C i11�IIIC UC11�11n f.Ct Ii�Pllt UhuYr w1111111 Ill d;y� ul 111C}:1\'111�! UI u��llcC. �:-- <br /> 0 5� Huiaird nr Nroperty lu�urnncc. Norn.wcr ,hnU I�ccp ihr mipnwcmrntti nuw rxi�tin� or hrrriUtcr rrertcd nn Uu <br /> .. <br /> Pr�+per�y in�ur�d il(:Ulll\I IUSti h�� tire. I�:var�t+in�•luded within Ihc trrro "cxtendeJ ruvcrugc" unJ any uther haiiu•dti. inrludin� <br /> �. Ilu��d,��r tlu�iJing, lin•whirh l.cndcr rrquir�y in�urancc. 'I'hi� intiuranrc rhall hc maintainrd in thr umountti and tiir thc periu s <br /> [IllII t.Ct1Ul•1 ICl�wica. �i iiC. iiiiuT.iii���:i::i:i' j:::::'S�.lin� �1�� in���rsm•�• �hn�� �lP c�IlttiCll hy [iorruwer,ublcct to �.l•�llll'��S iIP�iOV.I� <br /> whirh �hall not hc wircasc�nably withhcld. If Ni�rruwcr fuils tu nr.+inr,iin cuvcrugr dcurihcd uhnvc. Lcndcr may, at l.cndcr's <br /> , , optiim.ubtain covcrugc to protcrt Lendcr's righl+ in thc Prc�perty in accordancc with paragraph 7. <br /> . All insurunce polic�cti and rrnewuk shall be arceptable tu Lender and shull indude a standurd moiKgage rl.+use. Lender <br />-�;:,., tihall huvc the right to hold thc{x�licics anJ rcncwals. If LcnJcr requires. Bc�rrower�hall promptly givc to l.endcr all receipts of <br />'`=.�a'��,�:�-- paid premiums and renewal notices, in the event o(lusa, BorroH-er�hull givc prcnnpt nutice tc�the insurance carrier and l.ender. <br />._�.::;•,.=:::.�• • Lender may make proof of los� if nut made prompQy by Borrowrr. <br />���,,;�^; Unless Le:nder and f3orrower othenvise agrce in writing, insurance prc�ceeds shull be appliul to retitorltion or rep.iir of dic <br />=r'�N+'• Property dama�;ed, if thc restc�ration ur repuir i,economically f'easible and I.cnder's sccurity is not IesseneJ. If the restorution or <br />"'��'"'`' repair is not economically feasiblc or Lender'+�ecurity wuuld be Iessened. the in�urance proceeds�hall be applied to the sums <br />"'�` '`° secured by thi5 Security Instrument, whether or not then due, with any oxce,s paid to B�xrower. If Borrc>wer abundons the <br /> ` ; ��' � � Property, or does not answer within 30 duyti:�nocirc from Lcnder that thc insurance carrier has offered to scttle a claim. then <br /> �'`~.'� Lender may collect the insurance pmcceds. Lender muy u�e the proceeds to repair ar rrsture the Property or ti� pay �ums <br /> \I� A+M <br /> -___-r�"°� _'°*'�°� sccured by this Security Insuument,whether or not then duc.Thc 30-day periai will bcgin when the notice ts grven. <br /> - ��_;,;�,:�� Unless Lender and Borra«�er ntiterwise a�ree in a-riting. any application of prc�cceds to principul shall not extend or <br />�"�J_t.T�"� postpone thc duc date of the munthly pay�ncntti rcl'crrcd te� in paragraphs I and 2 or chunge the umount of the puyments. If <br />�:���:� undcr paragraph 21 the Proprny is acquired by Lcndcr, Borrowcr's riFht to any insurunce pulirics and proceeds resulting from <br /> ry�'�' damage to the Propr.rty prior to thc arquisition shall pa�s to L.endcr to thc cxtcnt of the tiums secured by this Sccurity Instrument <br />�{��. <br />-��•�� immediately prior to thc acquisition. I�orrower's I.oun Applicatiun; Leaseholds. <br /> a�:t� �.;t.L 6. Occupancy, I'reservutlon,141s�intenunec .ind !'rotectivn of the Property; _ __ <br />��T�f'�'� c_--__'__ <br /> .� Borrower shall occupy.e5tablish,and usc the Propeny as Borrower'�principal rr+iilen��within sixty days after the execution ot <br />•-"�`-�'��� this Securiry Instrument and shall continue tooccupy the Prupeny as Borro+��er's principal retiidence for at Icast one yet�r alter <br />-��i� the date of'occupancy, unless Lendcr<�thcrwi+c �Frecti in writing, which roment shall not be unreasonably withheld,or unless <br />_�,,,,,",��� extenuating circumstances exi�t which urc beyond Borrower's control. Borrawer shull not destroy, damage ur impair the <br />-? Property, allow Ihe Property tci dcterioratc,ur commit wa�tc on thc Pr�peny. $orruwer shall he in default if any forfciture <br />'*��'�""""'�" r.ction or pmrecding. whethcr rivil or criminal, is hegun that in Lcndcr's good faith judgmem rould re�ult in forfcuure of the <br />='^+��x�? Property or othcnvitic materially impxir thc licn rreated hy this Sccuriry lnstmment or Lcndcr s securiry interest. Borrower may <br /> _-_���:.W <br />��: cure such a default and reinstatc,ati pruvided in paragraph 18, by causing the xrtiun cir procecding to br dismi�+ed with a ru �ng -__ <br /> that, in Lcndcr's goad fuith dctcrmination. prcdudrti lurfciwrc ��f thc [3orcuwcr's intcrest in thc Propetty or c�thcr matcrial � <br /> impairment ut'the lien crcutal by thiti Sccuri�y Instrumcnt ur IAndcr'� security intcrotit. Bcirr��wer shall also be in defuult if _ <br /> Borrower,during the loan appli�ation prore��.�a��e materially falsc c�r inuccur:itc inftirmation ur stutcments to Lrnder(or tailed W <br /> to providc I.cndcr witli any mat�rial inti�rmatinrt)in cunncctiun with thc lcian cvidcnccJ b)•thc Notc, incluJing, but not limitcd �r�____. <br /> to,rcprescntatium cunccrning Burrowcr'+ ��cru�anry ��f thc Pruperty as a principal rosidcncr. If this Sccurity Instnuncnt a �_�,� <br /> � Icu,chulJ. Bcirrmvcr shall cumpty with all ihu pnivi�iun+ uf'tl�c Ica�c. If Eiorrowcr acyuircti fce titic tc� thc Property. thc _ - <br />' - Y IcaschulJ and thc f'cc titic ahall nut nurgc unlc,ti Lrndcr agrec�tu thc mcr��r in writing. �_� <br />- 7.1'roteetlun of I.ender's RI};hts In the Prn�xrt��. If Be�rr��wcr fails to perfi�rm the covenants and agreement.cuntained in =-_::5�,,,�, <br /> `,�,� � thi,5ccuritv In�trument. ur lhere i�a Icgal pre�rceding that may ,i�niti�antly afl'crt Lcndcr'z rights in thc Proprrty (+uch as a '"'��7,r•-- <br /> .;5.�� <br /> . � 1 prucccding rin b,mkruptcy, pruhatc. li�r cundcmnatiun cir furCcilurc c�r w cnfnrcc la�vti ur rcgulationtil. thrn I.cnd�r may du and ;,;�_T: <br /> . �, p:ry fi�r whutevcr i, ncressary to pratcct thc v��luc o(lhc Pruperty and LenJcr'. right� in thc Pruperty. Lcndcr'ti artiun� mxy �.-. <br /> w'`.��•�_ m�lud� puying any wms �e�urcd hy a licn which ha� priuriry �wcr thi� Sccurity In,trutncnt. appr.trin� in rourt. payin� � - <br /> b �',. <br /> __t�_'. _ w�.G......6 1 . ..1.... . �..4n..•ti..n un.b•r thi�n:tr:1UY:ID�1 = <br /> _.,— ,__-.--__ . . ._. — _ <br />-�___,._.__'___.___�_ . . . .. ' . ...._......... ...._"' "" � . . - ..- <br /> 1'CasonablC att�ttncyti' teC�:utU CntCim�:on �ire i-�u��r��y �v ���.�nc iCf,.i��,. .,�„�....t�� ...,..... .:�; , .- <br /> . 7. Lcndrr ducti nut havc to do�o. . . <br /> ' ' Any .u�wun[y Jisbul'+Cd by L�nd�r uixlcr Ihi� parxgruph 7 �hall hrruttic .tdditiun.d ilcht ul Hurmw�r �rrured hy this <br /> Scrurity Instrwncnt. Unlr�+ Hc�rruti•cr and I.cndcr agrcc to��th�r term+ uF paymcnt, tlirtir amount� tihall hcar intcrc�t t�runt thc <br />� dutc of disburumcnt xt thc Nut� r:UC ancl +h.�ll h� payablc. with intcrest,upun nutirr fYotn Lrndcr tc� Hun�ou-cr rryurtiting <br />- (') payment. <br /> 8.I�iorc�;a�e insurs�ncc. II'Lcndrr rcyuircd murtgagc in,urancc as a cundition�d'making lhr loan ticrurcd hy this Srrurity <br /> ' Instrumcnt. Borrcnti•cr �hall puy Ihc pnmiuros rcyuircJ tc� maint:�in thc nwrtgagc in+uranrc in cl�frct. If. (or any rea�un, thc <br />_' murtga�c insuran�c�uvcra�r rryuim�l hy l.cnlcr I,tpsc� ur rc:ucti ta bc in�tFcct. Bnrr�,wrr �hall pciy thr prrtniuntti rcyuircil tc� <br /> uhtain covcragc�uhtitantiall�� cyw�•alcnl tc�U�c murtg�+�c insuranrc previcwtily in cffcrt. at x ru,t �uh,tantially ryuivalrnt tu lhr <br />_. co.t to Burnn�cr uf thc mortgagc intiwanrc�rc�•ioutily in ettict. frum :�n altcrnatc nu,rtga�c insurrr appravrJ by [.cndrr. If <br /> _ �,o�,7„�� Form 3028 9�90 <br /> 1. • <br /> . � <br /> ' -- -...._...----...---...--_--� --..__._.. , _._ _-- --y <br />