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°� � <br /> ... ��.,,.. . . . . _ . . .. __ .. , _ . .. .. . .-......�"_��.. <br /> ��� <br /> ` _ _ _ __ ' <br /> _, � !v- .i; � .. <br /> ,, o <br /> �y� ,.. <br /> "'_-�!l��,._ , . - .... .�. . _ .. � .. .. ... . - <br /> ��tl��N �""�'l..: ._ . '•n't!L`!t^7�!S: .._ . n. .�e-��..��a.....�...«........._..r��n.�.... . ...._ . . ��. <br /> � YC3':.. <br /> �/�" 1,l/�AS�C7 � � r_. <br /> G. Ciod/t Llm(L 0.Rolmtruroomont �Y <br /> �� �a. L'rodlf Umlf InCrOnso Tho F3o�rowor ngr0o9 ro pay or rounbu�so Nio hlorf�Jn,roc��ur;tny nnU <br /> nll lpos p�ynblo 10 pub6c olliarlls m connoctlon�vfth IMS AgrOOmonf <br /> Tho Borrowor's ciodii Ilmlf ls InCronsod fo$.��QQ(},reA----• And tho rncorclmg o!th�s Ar�roomont,Includmn nny morl,ry�po raplsfry <br /> ❑b. Crodd Llmit Doaonco tax Ihnt Is duo. <br /> Tho Borrow�r e crodit llmlt�s dvcroased to 3 " 9,Ch�nprin•Terma <br /> Th011on of�ho Mortgapo socuros Ihls llno o!crodit up lo the�mounl o/Ihls Tho BOrrowar n�roos thnt tho Bnnk mny m[iko tortnmChnngos�o fho <br /> � no�v crodif Ilmlt t�9!t Is edvr+nced end�emnins oidstending lrom!!mo to NmO. torms ol tho lino of n�dd ertA Nnto nf Spoc�hnAllm�s or upon Iho <br /> {f The refnrenCes In fho Mortgago to fhe maxlmum amount ot the/Ino ol crodlt occurronCe o!spodliotl ovnnfs.Tho l3ank may makou�s/r�nif/cant •;. <br /> , ° ,, n are here6y amendvd lo thv exteNnecessary tn ro�leaf tho ne�v rnaxlmum chnn�es.such as chanpos in thn addros9/or peymeMS, b1111rtr�cycln �, <br /> �"� amount of the Bne ol credlf aho�vn abvvo.F_sch referanco!n tho Mortgago�ymont duo dnfos.dny o!Ihv month on whlch Indnx vnluos Aro <br /> to tho flne ot credlf shall be deemed, on nnd aRer the dato of fhls detvrmfned.lndox or lnlorest rnta roundln�ruloe, andba/ance �� <br /> ;,;wwrrer�� Agreement fo reler to Ihe modllledrnaxlmum amounf uf tho 1lno olCredlf. compufatlon moftiod Q!�hH chnnne producos an/nslgn(licant dllforonce �__ <br /> x3qs�ww�' In the Intarest the Bonowe►wlll pay). Tho Benk also maY make � <br /> M 8. Co-Bo�rower � <br /> + ❑a. Co•8arower changes fhet wfll benelit the Borrower,suCh a9 uddifbnel opNons or a <br /> � The Bonower deslres ta a0d temporery reducllan In rates or fees.!n sccordance wilh ledernl law, — <br /> . as a caborrower on fhe Noro the Bank also may change the lndex and ma�gln the 6enk uses to c <br /> � determine the annual percentage rete!1 that Indox is no longer T <br /> ' � and—. agrees to avallab/e.The Bank can make anyof these changesdiscussed ttbove <br /> be bound 6y all ol the terms of Ihe Note(fncludlnfl any preWous wlfhout�he Borrower's consenf.unless stata law p�oddos othonvlse. � <br /> i' - <br /> mod!llcatlons)and thls Agreament. The Bank will give fhe Borrower nollce of anychangethatls requlred <br /> � . 7. Cledlt Insursnce by law.The Bank also can make chAnges thal fhB Benk and Borrowe� <br /> , ❑a. Credit Insu�ence(revolving) agree to!n wnting. � <br /> The Borrower Is not roquUad to buy credll lnswance.1(the Borrower �0.Stop Payment Conditlona -- <br /> � choases to buy thls insuranca l�om the Bank,!t�vill repay Ihe Home To be eHecdve,a ctop paymeni orde�(an "order')must contaln the =_- <br /> Equity AcCess Line of Cradif/osns it the Borrower dles,su6ject to the Borrower's name and Account number,fhe numherend exact amount °"' <br /> � `` �' tetms and condltlans conlafnad In the CeRlllcate ol InsuranCe. �' <br /> r •! 'r��;; .«r" ol fhe check,end fhe name o1 tha person to whom tne check Is <br /> ��'��` The daif rate for thls lnsurence and the correspondln�amount per a ab/e,and!t must be recelved!n a tlmo and manner thaf glves the <br /> r�` �� `t�"'� � 5100 0l m average dafl 6alanco saCh month as shown below. P y r-. <br /> ;� ;, y Y Bank a reasonable opporlunlry to nct on!t.An orderx!//be!n etfect/or <br /> �Z Single 4i�lnsurance Jolnt Lllo Insurance slx monihs;however,fhe 8ank reserves the dghf toremove en oref <br /> • ""� ' Dally rate o� y order after 14 days H the Borrower lells to conOrm the order!n wdNng <br /> ;.,_,,:.; wlthin that tlme.1'he Bonower may ronew an orderN writing every six <br /> �,.:rr.4�re <br /> �+ �• Corresponding months.The Bank may p�y a check afler an order has exp/red evon <br /> ����''�.�Ir . costpe�S100 ¢per$100 Cper3100 <br /> though the chack!s more than slx monfhs old.The Benk wll!have no <br />°w:�.k�<••; ` llabllity!f any oI the InlormaHon the Borrowe►provldes In hls or her <br /> '•� 1 wanf to buy fhe fnllow/nacredit lnsurance: „��.��r�w:�..w„��tie£lgnsr�ayg(ha rhq�Jr <br /> "#ss:�' ❑Singln Cradit Lfle Insurance ❑Jolnt Crod!►Ll/e Insumnce V <br /> '''�*�;4�� ua�e oT�'-- 1 f.Other Terma Remiln/n EKect <br /> ,�y: �-.f, onaron All orlglnal tem�s ot the Note and Mort�er�e(as amended by any <br /> ;�:�-,ap,;��'a x -.- wditen modlllcaUon)rema/n In eHect except ae Rmended hereby,and <br /> -_-_-����� UNLES9 6EC•flON 7i9 COMPLBTED ABOVE, fhe Borrowe�/Mortgngor s�rees to be bound Dy and ro pedorm a0 of <br /> _ ___ �.� THIB AOREEMEH100E8 NOT 1NC/lFABL�OR FXrEND the Covenanta and 8[�reements In fhe Noto and Mo�gRge,!/appllCable, <br /> —_—_�� ANY BFVOLVINU CR�OIT INBURANCP. at the dme and!n fhe manner provldad In fhe Note and Mortgsge. <br /> n,o,���;i NOTlCE TO CONSUMER <br /> _.. (For pu►pnses o!thls notice,'Consumer'and"1"reter fo the Mortgagor) <br /> THIS IS A C�NSUMER CAEDIT TRANSACTION. <br /> _____.__�-� I underctand that <br /> _--_ •1 should not slgn thls agreement before 1 read the entfrB document even!!othenvise advlsed. <br /> •1 should not slgn thla il it confalns nny blank spaces. <br /> •1 am ent/dod fo an exaatdupllcate of thls and any other agreement 1 sign. <br /> •1 have the right to prepaylhe unpald baiance due under thls agreement at any tlme wlfhout penalry;and f may be entltled to recelve a refund nf <br /> unaamed ch8rges In accordance�wlth the law. <br /> IN WITfVESS WHEREOF,fhe pertles esch executed thls Agreement and ecknowledge ec rpt of ereo!as o�the day and year Ilrst w►ttten ebove. <br /> __ �__-��� . . ON _.. � — .. <br /> —= o ' / ,n �/� iuonga iHo OT <br /> - BV• f'l �! (r4 � <br /> MorlpAgor <br /> T ATTCTiQACC AAAIYTN(_ nrrT_r.Ae <br /> �— lTS: M�+ - - ittor.eagoneorroxro� <br /> -��""-' nfonr�ngori9onower <br /> - -�-��� Si'ATEOF NEBlZAS� ) <br /> - --- ) ss• _ <br />��=��"� COUNTYOF ) <br /> _�:ar. <br /> —�H���� Onthls 7rh dayof, FEBRUARY . 1�_ ,betoreme.a NOTARY Inandforsaldcounry <br /> =�_g3�n:7�� persont►/fy eppourad . TnAN T nTT T RNnA�K ,to me personally known,who bcing by me duly(swomor alllrmedJ dfd say <br /> -_,,,'i�{ �� rhat that penson ts-A CMAT T ,gUSINESS RANKTN(�(Q'�'Q��3Uolt,t hat(t he sea l a f lixe d to sa(d l n s t r u m s n t l s t h e s e a l o f s al d orno se81 has _ <br /> .:. .�� <br /> -.-,:•t=�;��bi been procured by sAld)assoclaUon and fhat setd fnstrumont wAS sfgnod end sesled on behall of the sald assoclafbn by aufhodty olrts board of dlrectora <br /> +����:�(:: and fhe sr+ld eMeT T Ri 7 ST1JR CC $�,�j�g��f�itrtlon ol sa(d lnstrument ro be the voluntery act and deod o/seld aSSOC�atlon by It � <br /> ;;;`, �_:.�i»h vol tadtyexecure . r ( NERRASKA A <br /> � .. . � l�'r-��� - <br /> y:• r vud�e smioo� _ <br /> i _�_�_ <br /> °'-;�•� -�' � (� - <br /> _,�..: . . �� ,...,L'�ia��W9�i���� � � <br /> — x.""." •� �Co�E�p� 1 ss. � <br /> ',u., . ! <br /> . � � � <br /> ,i� <br /> • '' ��_h �nnrien.. ,boforB nIB,a parsonAllyeppoarod <br /> • On thls day ot F • --}�j-7- <br /> mrHrn2u�o s � (husbend aM, - <br /> w1fe,e singfe person,single persons)and ' — (husband <br /> and wlle,a s/ngfe porson,singio porsons)fo me personalty kn�wn to be the nerson(s)namod!n end who executed the�oreyoing lnsUurnent,and <br /> .. acknowledg d that ecute the sama as _ vofuntary act a�wdaed. <br /> , ,. �/ �� �L� NFBRaStCA <br /> ' '�` oruryPU srnroo� <br /> : .I1�.�.. . <br /> - .. . �HII II �JIIIC��IICU�SH. �'"=rnn�r.m,° . . a� °. <br /> ► � $KL1 <br /> �� JOfiN LEIGH DIlLENBACK <br /> My Comm.Exp.Sept 20,1999 <br />