<br /> �
<br /> ��j'�j:.� ��J'� ��.J'-s�� �VJ NJ� �NJ�q;
<br /> ,___-- _.:�__ ,�._-_ _ ___ .._._. _. . ,:-.- .
<br /> _ _. :�_�� .,. - - - -
<br /> �SJ�TATE70URNAL COMPANY.LINCOLN.NF.U., .. . ._..._.�.�_�_.__.......__...»_..._. .. ,.__ .....,, _�:_,...,.r. .. --- ._. ...__��__.�._..-�. .. . . . .... . . _...
<br /> �. S.�isno� �.s to -----_�__..____..-------------------------- HPrman ht.�;;��tley
<br /> Winifred �iuttl e�y
<br /> ,: �
<br /> F.N✓�wder_ ;�s to-__.�___.._________..------------------- ------ Lilli.e �.�c��nnis
<br /> .T.iN.�6cl�anni s
<br /> ' E.p.G�irie� ws to----------------�__..___--------------------} rs�u �.Glover
<br /> Fay Glav er
<br /> Ch�,rl es E.��,t tl ey
<br /> . � . ��....�..��...�..��������.�...�.. xf:1,�r 1.1 E' �.•lilGi.t t1.�°�7 ..
<br /> (�1. Ot� I.R. St�s j Jonut�.n L.���wt t1Py
<br /> (Cwncelled _ �_, _��a) D�uy Z6uttley
<br /> $t�te of Nebr�.ska. ) '
<br /> ). ES
<br /> Count�- of Dawson, } Un this 3Gth d�,y of September h. D. 1922,before me thP undersigned, d
<br /> Not�,ry Puplic duly com7iiissioned �,n3 residin�� in tnP s�.i.d County� ��erson�.11y �peared before
<br /> me Ch�.r 1 es �.�,i�.t tl py und H�.t ti e r�.��.t tley,hus'p�.r.ci un d �i f e, dnd Jonr�t h�.n I:,.�dt t 1 ey dnd &iay
<br /> � 3,�r�ttley �husb�nd wnd wife. to mp known to be tlip �e5sor�s signing �,nd ex�cutin� the forein�
<br /> instrum?,nt �,nd �,cknu�rrledged the ��r�P to b� their. �wn �nd volunt4ry a.et �nd deed•
<br /> Zr. 1[lti�cnes� �vnArAof I have hereonto a.ffixed my hu,nd <:+nd se�.l on tna d�,y� and ye�.r dbove `
<br /> wri��en.
<br /> (�;�Ay) J.P. Serr
<br /> Not�,xy Public.
<br /> �y� c omn,i s s i on exp i.re s �ug 28, i 9�5
<br /> St�te of Nebrusku j
<br /> ) ss.
<br /> Garfi eld Cou.nty� ) On this 20th. day of S���e�:.ber k. �. 1922,before me, thA undpr$i�;ned
<br /> L•�. FPnner �. r�otury Public duly cornrui�si�ned �.nd c�u�lifie� for �nd rpsidin� in s�id County�
<br /> I person�,lly c�ne Idw E,�3�.ker �nd �Villic;�ra �iuker�Husbund �7d vyife tc mP kno�rn to ioe th� ider_t�cal
<br /> r,prsons whase rie�sr�es �.rP �+.f'fixed to the fore�oing instruruent �c gr�.ntors, u,nd �.cknowledged
<br /> thP sc�.mme to be tneir vulur,t�,ry �.ct �;xid d�ed.
<br /> t+�X'j'N�+',�i''; m� hund �nd Notdridl Se�.l the d�.y �.nd ypar last waov e written. �
<br /> f SI�tiL} L.:�.�enner
<br /> N�t�.ry �ublic.
<br />�
<br /> , �y comm�i�sion expir.es Sp�tei�ber lEth, 1925 .
<br /> St�.te of 2�ebruskw)
<br /> �
<br /> Ldnc�.�tar County� ) �n tnis 22nd d�,y of 5ept. � 192�, before me� the undersi�;ned�S• �.�?ishop �.
<br /> :�ot�.ry� Public duiy coilizuission+sd dnd qu�.lified for �.nd residin�; in s�,id county �p�rscn�.11y c4ur.e
<br /> Herman �3.�:�,ttley �nd INinifred i�wttlAy, husb�nd �nd wife,and to me known to �k�e thQ idecitic�.l
<br /> �er�ur.s �,ho executPd the �'vxegoin� ir.strLUr��nt �s gr�.ntors �nd �.cl�owledgPd the sa,me to be
<br />' ihAir v olur��cary dc t �ria deed.
<br />�
<br /> lti'�tn?ss my hund �.nd sa�.l on thP d�,y �.nd year l�.st �,bove written.
<br /> (^��) S. S.Bishap
<br /> Notury Public.
<br /> �y com,missinn PxpirPs ��y �la 1�24
<br /> Sta,te of �iisscuri } : �n tr�i.s �Sth day of Sept. , 1922,before me, the undera i�npd, w TlotarS• rur�lic �
<br />� � �
<br /> County of Twney j c�uly com�:issionPd 4nd yualified for �.nd resi�ing in a�,id counLS� ��ersonially
<br /> c�;,xre �illic ;h.'r.tc�:�,nnis und J.t"w.T�ic��,nnis,husb�.nd �rid wife,to m� known to be thA persons who '�
<br /> �xecutPd the fore�oin� instru.�?nt �� �r�.xltors wrlci �.eknowledgPd the sGme to be their volunt�;ry
<br /> �,c t �.nci cie ed.
<br /> I ri w i tn ps s c�h?r?of I hav e he r eunt� f ixed �i�� h�nd �.nci Pw o t�.ri �,l s pa,l on t he d�y und y sur '
<br /> l�st �:pove wri t�sn.
<br /> (5���,} E.�[.V ud en
<br /> Not�.ry �.'ublic.
<br /> �y- c ommi s si on exp i res Suiy 25 -1 J26.
<br /> State of ATebruska j SS On tYu.� 3Cth c�t�.y� of SeptPmber�l922. befare me the undersi�;rled��. ',dotary
<br /> Cust�r County j xuwlic duly comrni�siur.ed wnd residin� in said county person�l].,y �.p�eure�d be-
<br /> fcr.p me Ixn��, �i.Ulovp.r �.,rd r�.y Glover,wife und husbund�ta me kn�wn to be ths persons signing wnd
<br /> execuiiri� �ii� icre�oir,g ir..strurr,�nt �.n3 wckne�Tled��d tna s�.�;� to bP th��r o�rn volunt�,ry a.ct 'u�nd
<br /> ���d. In witn�ss �rl�Preof I 1�,;,ve herPunto �.ffixed m;,• n�1u wr�d �e�.l cn the dwy wnd yPar �.bove written.
<br /> �. . . �rF,A.L� E.P.G ai ne�
<br /> -�--��.,,, _��� �.w ,r, , +����--_ , o��—�—-
<br /> - ---._—,_ — -------- --__ —
<br /> �iled for recoxc� tr�is 13 d�,y of October 192�, at 9; �;G o' cloc� ti.2�. �° �-�-��-
<br /> i;� ��e���_��
<br /> �� _ ,
<br />