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22 <br /> � <br /> L��J'JJ'� ��j'�/��� �IVJ �'�J� �NJ�I q� <br />_._..��__�� __. v______----______._ ..___.__^: <br />- _—_--__-- - ._��:,�.�� �.� <br />__ ��STATE JOURNAL COMPANY.LINCOLN.NEB. . ... . . .. .... . .... � � .....�.. ��-..' ... .. . ' .�. . '. .. . . ._ <br /> descri.bed premises. <br /> Si�ned thi s �7 tn d�.y of �uy ,�.D. 1922 <br /> In Prespnce of <br /> �7.I�.�cGee --------------------•- Yrs l�ittie �de�.ds ', <br /> Orovi.11e C�,1if (�1.50 I.R. St�.mps ) <br /> (Ca�el led, �_._,A..-,.�_.___.�. W.J.�e�.ds <br /> G r�.c e M.Bul l�,rd <br /> O�oville Cwl <br /> Stats of C�.lifornia. ) <br /> � ss. <br /> Butte County ) Or. th:�s 27 day of M�,yR�.D. 1922,'bPfore mP,the undPrsi�n�d ,T.�,�cG�P <br /> u Notury Pu`olic �duly comrnissioned and �ualifi.ed for anci rAsidir.g in said County �person�.1],y �ame <br /> M�.t ti e �Pads 4nd �9, ,T.I���ds h?r husb�.nd t o me known t o b e th� i dent i c al pe rs ons who se name <br /> �.ffixsd to th� forpgoin� instru�rPnt ws gr�.ntors and acltTLOtrtlAdged th� same to b� their <br /> . <br />' v�lunt�ry act and deed. <br /> �i tness my h�.nd and SA�.1 the d�y �.nd y Par l��st ap�re r�rit t�n. <br /> (�F��,) J.M.DScG e e <br /> �Tot�.ry Public. <br /> T3ut te Co.C�.li f. <br /> J.M.2�,�cG e e <br /> Not�.ry �ublic. <br /> Butte Gounty <br /> My c �nmission expires ths 5th ci�,� of �eptember,1923 <br /> Stute of Californi�., � , <br /> ) ss. <br /> C ounty of But te � <br /> I, C. �.BRlding,Clerk of said C�unty� �,nd Clerk of the Superi or Cour�, <br /> fc.r'r th� Cnurt �.fores�.id��hic h is a Court of record,h�vin� �. sP�.l, do hereby c ertify th�.t J. <br /> �..A�cGee whose n�mmA is subscribed to thp certific;�tp or proof of a.cknowied�ment of the �,nnex�d <br /> Instrumpnt,and therein written,was,�.t th� time of t�.kin� such proof or acknowledgment,� ' <br /> Not�ry Public in �,n� for suid Cc�unty�duly a�pointed uxid c�uwlif�ed �,nd duly a.uthorizAd to t�ce - <br /> the sam�etAr_d� further, ti�,t I �n well �.c�ua.inted with t�iP hu,ndwri ting of the swid J.E,.�:cGsp <br /> and �elieve that the si�n�.ture to thP said certific�.te, or proof of acknowl�d�ment, ' <br /> i.s genuine. I furtnPr esrtify that s�.icl instrumAnt is executed �.nd ackr_owleciged according to <br /> the of this St�,te. <br /> In testiir�ony wher+�of, I heve herAunto set my h�.r.d �,nd affixed the sPal of said Court �.nd <br /> �ounty, �,t Orovi.11e� tnis 27th d�;.y of �[�y k.D. 1�22 <br /> (S��,L) C.r. Beldi ng ClPrk <br /> I3y J chn �iy e rs Cni ef 1Jeputy , <br /> (Com:r:ission Ex��iras 1923) ��� Vd <br />' Re�i s t er of I�?ds <br /> -G-C-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-G-C?-Q-C?-Q-Q-G-G-0-U-U-0-0-G-� -G-O-G-G-0-C-0-G-G-C�-C-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-t7-G-Q-0-0-0-0-0, <br /> ' �A�R�?�ITY PF�D C0 �R�'.TIOAT <br /> �� �.� <br /> T,iI� I�'DF'NTURF,`���e this 31st �wy of �:�.y�k. D. 1922,between Realty Investment Co of Gr�.nd Island <br /> a coxpor�.ti on orgGniz�d �nd existin�; under �.nd by vi,xtue of the laws of thP State of Nzbr�.sk�. <br /> party of th? fixst ��,rt,�.nd .G�rtrud? ���y:nugh of the County �f H�.11� a,nd Sto,t? of Nebr�ska� <br /> ��.rty of th� sec ond p�.rt. <br /> '!�TTr?�',��fi`TH. Th�.t the said p�rty of t:Ze fi rst purt, for �.nd in c onsid?r�.ti on of the sum of <br /> ThreP Hundred Fifty & P�of1UG Doll�xs in h�.nd �awid, rpcpipt whereof is hPrAby �ckno�vlPdgeci�has <br /> sold and by t��:es� �xesAnts do�s gr�.nt,conne5� :�nd cc�nfirm unto tha s�.id lj�,rty of the spcond <br /> �art, Lh� f oll owin�; des cri bed premises situ�.ted in H�.11 County,wnd Stdte of Nebruska,t o-u��it: <br /> All of Lot �pvPn (7) �lock FourteAn (14} in 5chimrr�Pr's �ddition to thP City of GrG.nd �si�nd, ; <br /> �.s survey�d,pl�,tted �,nd xecorded. <br /> TO HA�rF AAT�? TO �30Z� the �remisPs above de:�cribed, to�,;ather u.11 the T�:nPments�Heredi- <br /> turr:Ants �.nr� A���urtenances ther �unto b�lon�;i ng unto thQ s�i d Gertrude �i�yhugh <br /> ,_-_ --=:- _�---_��—��—�_—___--_� __—_=--,._�_._._.._�_ -= <br /> __-,_, _-_ _ : -—=-- <br />----� �:::_� -_--_ _ <br />