<br /> ��jI�J!� ��j'4�J�J�� �V�NJsa NJ�q�
<br /> r�n� �_, _�:�.---_ ��____
<br /> � � � 7 �-STATEJOURNALCOMPANY,LiNCOLN,NEB. .. .:���� . - . . . ... . . ._. . ._. . . . . . . ..
<br />- _ �...,.,..�._._._._..__._.�... ..._._....�. . _ . .._ ..
<br /> li � .
<br /> �gr�ement t�he said �'rederick �.Henningsmsier soZd to the �aaid Lela Knephoff the follov►ing
<br /> described re�l est�te, to•wit: �.ots Foarte�n (14),Fiftgen (15 ).Fixtgen {16 )�Seventeen (17),
<br /> Ei�hte en �18 � �n3 13inete en (19).H�,wtho rne Plaee,bein� a Sub-div ision r�f part of the Noxth-
<br /> ' wsst Qu�.rter of Section 22 in 2ownship 11 North of R�.nge 9,�ast of ths 6" �'.�d. in H�,11 6�unty,
<br /> Nebr�a.ska� :. ..;
<br /> for the' sum of �600.OU payable �1�0• 0� on th� signing of s�id �gre�en� �nd �100. OJ on t1�e
<br /> 23" ddy of �[�.rch, 1921 and e�ch $ucceedin� 23" d�,y of ��rch thereafter until the entire pur-
<br /> ch�se price w�s p�.id wit�i interest at 6ja fram the datA of s�►id contr�.ct with tne aption grar�t-
<br /> fn�,howevgr,to the said Lel� I�nephoff,to p�y thA pntire �anount �t �:�y time��ind it fuxtrier
<br /> �ppearin� to tne Couxt fr�n tY� proofs thut the s�id pi�.intiff h�,s exercis�d her option to
<br /> ��r the �nti r� �mount �nd r�ceive �. Ws�rr�nty DeRd at thQ present tims �nd has tender�d toth�
<br /> said �dministrator thQ naiance due on �aid purch�se price and i� sntitled to d de�d from
<br /> s�id �dministrstor�
<br /> l�ow, tiasrpfore, it is ordered �,nd u.d,jud�ed by the Court tn�,t thg s�id �'. J.�l«�ary�as Admin•
<br /> istr�ztor of tn� T�sta�t� of Frederick yP.iienningsmeier�dsceased,�l�ll. on the paymant by the
<br /> s�,i.d Lel� Ifnephoff of t1ak; balance due on th� purchasc� price as �rovided in s�.id contr�ct m�.1�e
<br /> and execute to tne said Lel�, Rnephoff�pl�.intiffherpin, �. proper deed of tr�nsfer �.nd conveya�ce
<br /> for thA premisps above described,to-xit: Lots F'ourtPen (14}tFift�en (15 �,;31xt�en (16�,;even�eAn
<br /> (17�,Eight�pn (18) r�nd ATin�te�n (19) i�iawthorna P1�.ce �bein� a. Sub-dinision of part of the
<br />� N�rt:�rest au�rter �f Section 22 in Township 11 North of Range 9,�►est of the 6� P.�. 3n Hall ,
<br />� C ounty,l�eb ra�ska.
<br /> �
<br /> It is furti�r ord�red th�.t the �aid �dministr�.tor siza.11 ��r from the proCeedi3 of said rs+
<br /> cei.pts the costg of this action taxed in the sum of �37• 90� the bal�.nce of �aid receipts to �
<br /> bE accountQd f or in thp County Cour� of Hal l County wi th thP other dssgts c aning into the �i w
<br /> hG.nda of said Administra.tor by virtus of his offic� �.$ s�.id Administr�,tor.
<br /> �3ay�,rd H.�;�i n e
<br /> Judgs of the Distriet Court.
<br /> �tate of Nsbr�sk�� j
<br /> � z�s.
<br /> C aunty of Ha].1� �
<br /> I�Wu�lter H.:�wuert Clprk of the �istriot Couxt withfn �,nd for said
<br /> County und St�.ta,do hereby certify th�t I h�ve compa.rsd the foregoing copy of the Decre� in'
<br /> the cG,se of Z�la. Kn�phoff vs.F. J.�:1P�:i�ry�Administr�.tor, filed by said �aurt of th� 29th d�.y
<br /> of l�uy t�.D. . 1922, „v�i_xh tna oxi�inal ffl�d in my office �nd thr�t the siims is a coxrect tr�,nsi�
<br /> e ript th�r�of� dnd of the whole of sai d origi n�l.
<br /> IN T�STI�d��'"Y �'H�.��OF,I have herpunto $et my hand z�nd c�,u$ed to be affixed the official s�ul
<br /> of said Court,at th� City of Gran� Isl.�.nd, this 29th d�.y� of May A..D. ,1922
<br /> ���AI,) �dl�er H.�auert
<br /> C1Ark of the Distric t Court!�
<br /> FilPd for rpcord this 31 ciay of l��.y 1922,�.t 4: 10 o'clock P.�d,
<br /> � �-�c��l ��-�-�/ �
<br /> - �..�..�......
<br /> , Registpr of Deeds
<br /> -0-0-0-0-0-0-fl-J-�J-0-4-�J-�-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-�J-�J-0-0-0-0-0-J-C-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-1�-
<br /> --._— ---- - _=_ - -_- - - , --_..-------- --_._�--,:-:, --�_
<br /> �� _ ,
<br />