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20110810G <br />Any amounts disbursed by Lendec under �this Sectaon 9 shall i�ecame sdditaonal debt of Borrower secured by this <br />Security Insirument. '['b.ese amounts shall bear interest at the Note rate from the date of disbursemeflt and slxal! be <br />payable, with such interest, upon notice €rom Lender to Borrower requesting payment. <br />If th#s Security Insaument zs on a leasekeoIct; Borrawer shall comply with al2 the provisions of the lease. <br />Borrower shall not surrender the leas�hold esCate and interests herein conveyed or terminate or cancel the ground lease. <br />Borrower sha�l nat, without the express written comsent of Lender, atter or amend tkte ground lease. If Borrower <br />acquires fee dtle to the Properry, the leasehold and th� fee title shaIl not merge unIess Lander a�rees w the merger <br />in writing. <br />i0. Mortgage Insurance. If I.ender required Mprtgage Insurance as a condition o€ mak�ng the Loan, Borrow�� <br />shalt pay khe premiums required to maintain the Morcgage Insurance in effec�. If, far any reaso�, the Mortgage <br />Tnsurance caverage required by Lendcr ceases to be availab}e from the mortgage insurer that previously provided such <br />iusurance and Borrower was required to malce separacely designaCed payments toward the premiurns for Mortgage <br />Insurance, Barrower shall pay the premiums required to abCa9m coverage substantia.�ly equivalene ta che Mortgage <br />Insurance previausly in effect, at a cost substantially eguivalent to Yhe cost to Borrower of the Morcgage Insurance <br />previously im effect, from an alternate mortgage insurer selected by Lender. If substantial}y e.quivalent Mortgege <br />Instuance coverage is not available, Borrower shall continue to gay to I.endcr the amount of the separately desi�nated <br />payments that were due when the ir�surance caverage ceased to be�n effect. Lender will accept, use and reta�n these <br />payments as a nan-eefundable loss reserve in lieu of Mortgage Insurance. Such loss reserv� shalf be noa-refundable, <br />noiwitFistanding the Pact that the Loan is ulEimately paid in full, and I.ender shall not be required to pay Borrower any <br />interest or ean�ings on such loss reserve. Lender can no Ionger require loss reserve paymeuts if Mortgage Instirance <br />covexage ('m the anaaunt.and for the period that Lender eequires) provided by an insurer selected by �.ender again <br />becomes availab�e, is obtained, and I.ender requires scparately designated payments towarcf the premftams for <br />Mortgage Insurance. If Lender requireti Mortgage L�swauce as a condition of making the Loan and Borrower was <br />reqt�irecl to snake separately desxgnated pay�ments wward the premzums foz Mortgage Insurance, Borrower shal� pay <br />the gremiums required to maintain; Mortgage Insurance in effect, or to provide a aan-refundable loss reserve, until <br />Lentler' s sequu�nent for Mortgage Insurance ends in accordance with any written agr�ement between Borrower and <br />Lender providing for such terminatian or until termination is reguared by Applicable Law. Nothing in this Secrion <br />lQ affects Borrower's obligaiion to pay incerest at the rate provided in the Note. <br />Mortgage �asurance reimburs�s Lend�r (or any �atity thaC purcitases the N'ote) for certain lasses it may incur <br />if Borrower does not repay the Loan as agreed. Borrower is not a pariy to the Mortgage Insurazice. <br />Mortgage ipswrers evakuate their wtaJ risk on all such insvxance in farce frora ti�ae to time, and may enter into <br />agreements with o#ier parties rhat shara or modify t��i.r risk, or reduce Iosses. These agreeme�ts are an terms and <br />conditions that are satisfactory to the mortgage insurer and the other party (or parties) to these agr�ments. These <br />agreements may require t3�e martgage insurer ta make payments using any source of funds that the mortgage insurer <br />may have available (which may inclutie funds obtained fram Mortgage Easurance premiums). <br />As a cesult of Chese agreements, Lender, anY Purchaser of the Note, another insurer, any reinsurer, any other <br />enriry, or any affitiate af any of ifae fozegoin�, may re�ceive (directly or indirecdy) amounts that derive from (or might <br />be characterized as} a port�on of Borrower` s payments for Mortgag� Insuranc�, in exchange for shacing or modifying <br />the mortgage insurer`s risk, ar reduciag lasses. if such agreement provides that an a€filiate of JLender takes a share <br />of the iasurer's risk ia exehauge for a share of the premivans paid to the insurer, the arrangemenC is often Cermed <br />"capiive reinsucarace." Furtt►er: <br />(a) Any such agree�onents will not affect the amount� tlnat Borrower has agreed to pay fos Mortgage <br />Insurance, or any other terms of the Loan. Snch agreements wali not increase the amaunt Borrower will owe <br />far Mortgage Insurance, and f,hey will not en1i11e Barrower ta any refund. � <br />(b} Any such agreements w�l not affect f.he rights Borrower has • if any - with respect to the Mortgage <br />Insurance under the Homeowners Profaection Act of 1998 or anp ottier law. These rights maY fu'►clude the right <br />to receive certain disc�osures, to zequest and obtain canceDation of the Morfgage Insurance, to liave the <br />Mortgage Tnsurance terminateli automaticaIIy, and/�r to receive a refund of any Mortg�ge Insurance premiums <br />that were unearned at tI�e tnme of snch cance�at�on or teru�inataon. <br />' 1�. .4,ssagwuemt of MisceIlanea�as Fa°oceeds; Forfeiture. Ali Miscellaneaus Proceeds are hereby assigned to <br />and shatl be paid to Lender. <br />If the Praperty is damaged, sach Miscellaneous Praceeds shall be applied to restoraCion oc tepair o� the Property, <br />if the restoration or repair is economically feasnbla and I.endes's secur�ty is nat lessen�c3.. During such repair and <br />restoration psriod, L.endea shall 2iave tlae right eo hoYd such Miscellaneous Praceeds untal Lender has had an <br />oppoctunity to inspect such F'roger�y to ensure fihe work 1�as been completed to Lender's satfsfaction, provided ihat <br />sueh inspectian shatl be unc�rtalc�n pt�omptly. Lender may pay for the repairs and restoration zn a single disbutsennent <br />oa in a series o€ progress payments as the work is completec�. Unless an agreement is mad� in writing or Applicable <br />L,aw requires interest to be paid on sueh MisceiIaneous Proceeds, Y.ander shall not be requi�ed to pay Borrawer any <br />interest ar earnings on such Miscellur�eous Proc�ds. If the restocation or repair is not economically feastble or <br />Lender's security woulcE be lessened, the Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be applied tn the sums secured by this Sec�rity <br />InsGrum,ent, whether or not then due, with che excess, if any, paid to Borrower. Such Miscellaneous Proceeds sha11 <br />be appliai in che order pravided far in Sectian 2. <br />In the event af a total taking, destruction, or loss in value oi tha Property, the MiscelIaneo�s Proceeds shall be <br />appTied to the sums secured by this Security Ins�.rurnent, wheCher or not then due, with the excess, if any, paid to <br />Borrower. <br />In tha event af a paztial taki,ng, d�struction, ar loss in vaiue of the Property in wluclr the fair market value of <br />the Property immediately before the partiaT taking, destcuction, or Ioss in value is equa� to or greater than the amouat <br />NEBRASKA—Singfe Farmily—F�tnnie Mae/Freddie Mac UPIiFORM INSTRUAAH�IT - MERS Doditeglc <br />Ferm 3028 1/01 Page 8 of 11 www.docmaglc.corrt <br />�� � � <br />� <br />