��'�� D . 101
<br /> D��D �.�COR NO
<br /> PLAT, DEDICATTON �'Tr. �/'�
<br /> DEDICATION �,�1 1�DnITI�JN '�0 iHE CI'l.'�.' 0:�' C'rRA�1D ISLAND, NEBRASKA. ,. . .
<br /> proprietors of the land describPd hereon, have caused same to be �urveyecl, laid out, sub div3.ded
<br /> and desi�nated as '�PARKHIT�L TuIRD STJF3DIVISION�' an addit3.on t,o the C3.ty of Cxrand Islancl, Nebraska,
<br /> as on the acccmPanyin� plat; ar:d we un hereby dedicate the streets and alleys as thereon shown, to
<br /> the public for their use for�ve-r, and the easements as thereon shown, for the location, construction,
<br /> and maintenance of public service utili�ies.
<br /> IN WTTNESC r�-�EREOF, ?��r� hazre af�'ixed our si,;natures hereto at Grand Island, Nebraska, this 2 day
<br /> of December, 1952. Trvin P. Meve�
<br /> Ruby M. Meves
<br /> A C KNOTuJLEDC7ME'�?T
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ` � �. On the 2 day of December, 1952, before me, G. W. Monson, a Notary
<br /> COUNTY 0�' HALL ; Public, with3,n and fnr said �unty, personally appeared Irvin P.
<br /> Meves a,nc� Ruby M. MetiTe�, husb�nd and wife, to me persona.11 nown to be the identical pers�ns
<br /> whose aignatures are aif�.xed hereon, and each tn his and her o��n ri;h� did acknowled.;e the execution
<br /> tnereof to b� his and her o.�rn voluntary act and d�ed.
<br /> IN ��IITPIESS �iTHERECF, � h�ve hereunto subscribed my nan�e and a�f�xed my official sea.l at Crrand
<br /> Islanc��, Nebraska, on t�:e date las� above written. ,
<br /> (SEAL) G. W. Monson
<br /> My commission expirAs Oct. 13, 195� , Notary Publi.c
<br /> Submitted to and approved by, the CITY PLANNINC� COMMISSION of the CITY of GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA.
<br /> November 26, 1952
<br /> Date F. H. Vande�rift
<br /> Chairman
<br /> Approved �,nd accep�ed by the CITY CO?1NCIL of the CITY of CrRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA, this 3 day
<br /> of December, 195?.
<br /> 0. E. Cunnin rham
<br /> F. S. White (SEAL) PRF IDE'VT OF ITY COUNC�
<br /> CITY CLF
<br /> I hereby cei�tify, tha�, on Dec. 2, 1952, S completed a surrve,q of ��PARKHILL THIRD SUBDTVISION"
<br /> as shoV�m on the accompanyin�; p?at the»eof; th�t iron markers T�rere place� at all lot carners; that
<br /> the dimensions nf each lot are as sho?��n on the pl��t; that each lot bears its n�rn numbEr; and th�t
<br /> s�id survey w�as made t��ith reference ta known ana recordPd monuments.
<br /> E. H. Cordes
<br /> 0
<br /> �
<br />� A p�.rt of the East Hazf o� thP Southeast �,uarter ( E.2 S. E. ,�-�) of Section Twenty (20) , Tawnship
<br /> Eleven (11) , Nort�, Ran��e N�.ne C9) , West of the 6th P.M. , more particuiarly descri�ed as follows :
<br /> Beginnin�, at a po�nt on the w^Test line of the East Half of the Southeast �aar�er (E.2 S. E.:�) of
<br /> Section Twenty (20) b&0 feet Sou��: of the Narthwest corner of the East �alf of thP Sovtheast
<br /> Qua.rter (E.� S.�'.�) , runninf; '�hen :�e Scu�h on the sa.i�� West Iine nf the East Half af tre Southe�,st
<br /> +�arter (E. z �.�.4) , 644.1 �eet to a point where s�id line intersects the Norther�y r�,;ht of w�y
<br /> line of the Ch�ca�;o, Burlin��ar, and �uinc,y Railroa.d Company Belt Line; running thence E�sterly and
<br /> Northeasterly a1.on� said Northerly ri�;ht of way line �.350.76 feet to a point which is the interseetion
<br /> of said ri�;ht of way line ar,d the Westerl,y line of Arthur �ree't ir�, the ' Ci'ty of� Grand Island, �- �
<br /> . - _ .
<br />� Nebraska; runnin�, thenc� Nor-therly �.l�n,� the Za�esterly line of Arthur Street 673. 3 feet to the -
<br /> r Z .
<br /> Sou�herl 13.ne of Anna S.t_ t in the Cit f Grand sl d �N br � i �
<br /> y ee 3� o an , e �s�a, r xnnin� thence WPSterly.
<br /> . , -
<br /> alor�� the SouthFrly 1in� of Anna �treet 63�.J feet �� a pr��nt wr_icn �.s 392.5 feet East of the
<br /> point of beginn�n�;; rtannin� thence West�,long the South line of Anna Street 392. 5 feet to the
<br /> point of be�innir�g.
<br /> Filed for record th�.s 2� da,y o° DecAmber, 19�?, at 3:00 p � �lock P.M. ��'�r��
<br /> ��er o f e ds
<br /> � e
<br /> 0-0-0�-0-�-00-0-0-0-0-0-0_0-0-0-0-Q-0-�--0-0-0-0-0-0-0_n_�_0--0-0-�-0-0-0-C-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-
<br /> � �
<br /> , ,
<br />