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<br /> ' �� Commvncing at �he Nortiieas� corner oE Crac�ionn.l i.oL• 10 , Cedar 1'arlc
<br /> naaleion, � in �lie City of Grand Islai�d, llall CounLy, Nebraslca, and
<br /> running Soutlieaeberly on tl�e CaeL•erly l.ine o[ s�id Crac4•ionn]. Lot 10 -
<br /> and Weeterly xine of WaeliingLon 5tree�, a clis�aiicR o[ 65.0 Ceet to .-
<br /> . l:he poinL• of beginning1 thence de[lerting Right 9U Degrees and run- °-
<br /> ' ni��g Westeriy Eo l:he•poinL• of inLeroecl:ion H,�I:Il the line between said
<br /> Cedar PaYk naai�ion and F'ractional Lot 17, County Subd�vlsion, in _--
<br />� the Gou�hxesb Quar�er (SW�) o[ SecL•ion 16, Township 11 North, Range =_
<br /> 9 Wes@, in tl►e C1Ly of Grand Ielarid, Ilall County, Nebraslta, a disEance -
<br /> of 10, 1 reebt thence running CasL•priy on said line beL•ween Cedar Parlt -
<br /> Addition and ['rac�ionai Lot 17, Coui��y Subdlvision a distance of •20. 7 -
<br /> Feeb �a Ehe Eae�erly li�te oF said 1'ractional Lot 10,� Cedac Farlt Addi tion
<br /> _ and Cractional Lot 17, CounL•y Subdivision, also being Che WesL•erly l �ne ;�,
<br /> oE Washingl:ou Streetl l;h�nco ruiining Norl:hwesEerly on said Weste�:ly �'=��
<br /> line oF Nashington 5L•ree� a distai�ce o[ 10 Ceet to the point oP -
<br /> beginning. ' �_
<br /> �,�. AND ���_.
<br />� ��k-,��•t���,` i1 itaCL Oi i.�iiv l�� ��1.�. r� FJ . v'f �ainii e-
<br /> �°^,,; island, Nebraska, beiqg a pact oC Lnl• Seventeen (17) in County Subdivisi.on zn the _
<br /> " Southeast Quartet o� klie 5�u�liwesl• Qu�rter (SI:�SW'1) of Section SixL•een ( l�) , Town-
<br />:,:�-;r:-r���. . ship �leven ( 11) ► North, Range Nine (9) , hesF of tl�e Gth P.M. in tlall Cou nl•y ,
<br /> - �'a`�''�'� Nebraska, more par ticu :�ar ].y d�scr ibed as to1].ows: 13eyinning �t the nor thwest�rl
<br />�f:�,;i},;� 'corner nt the intersection oE Washington Street and Itoenig in said City; thence
<br /> running southwestecly on the norl•l�erly li.►�e oL Koenig Street for a c]istance o�
<br /> �`';:fi J ` 52.8 feet to the southeastecly corner of. Lot 9 in C�dar Park Ac3uition tu s2id
<br />'-�`-`' City; thence running noct•herly on the easl•erJ.y line oI s�id Lot 9 for a di stance
<br /> '`^�r•`'�`� oE �15.5 �eeL• to the southwesterly corner of LoL• la in said Cedar Aark P►ddi tion;
<br /> ,_;�.tf�
<br /> -�'�'r'Dr-'"� " thence running e�ster ly on �:�e soulherly line oF sai.d Lot iU �or a distance o
<br /> _ ,_-�.
<br /> - G0.4 feet, more oc less, to rl�e soutl�easterly corner of sa id Lot 10; t ence
<br /> --==����� running soul•herly on the southerly prolongation of the easterly lxne of s�zd
<br /> � ^ �. listanceaoL�56e2t�fseteCocL•l e�pointnof�beginningshington S treet, Lor a
<br /> c
<br /> - �Excepting a cexCain {:ract therefrom as��ecor.ded �n Warranty
<br /> �� --�� D`ed as Document No 93•-lOb4?.2 i.n thc� Reg:.ster �f Deeds Office . _ �
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