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<br /> Comn�oncii�g at I:he Nortl�east cortier oC CracLional LoL• 10, Cedar Parlc • ��
<br /> Addil:lo��, � in �he Ci�y of Grand Island, ilall Counl:y, Nebraelca, and ��`�``
<br /> ' s running Soutlieaeterly on tl�e I:aeL•erly line oE sald Crar.tion�l Lot 10 ����
<br /> ` and l�ea�erly line qC WaeliingL•on Stree�, a disLat�ce oE 65.0 C�et �o ��_�;
<br /> �`� . L•he poinL• of beginning� theiico deClect�ng Right 90 Degrees a�ld run- �=�
<br /> ning WesEgriy I;o I;he•point of inl:ereectiort wiL•h L•he lii�e between said =
<br /> , Cedur Park naai�ion ancl �ractionai Lot 17, Cuunty Subcli,v�aion, in -
<br /> „ , the Bou�hxesh Quar�er (SW�) of S�cL•ion l6, '1'ownship 11 Nor�h, Range = -
<br /> •_;_--
<br /> „ ;, � 9 t�eat, in tlie Cil;y of Grai�d Ialand, Iial.l CounEy, Nebra�lca, a disLance .,�_
<br /> ' � ' of 10, 1 Feei:► tlience runniiig CasL•erly oii said J.ine bel:Neen Cedar Park c;�y_
<br /> Addition ancl ['zacbional L�t 17, Coun�y Subc]lvision a distance oF •20. 7 - -
<br /> � Ceet Eo tl�e Baeterly line oF eaid rractional Lot 10,� Cedar Paxic Addi�ion �,_,-
<br /> , and Cract�onal Lo� 17, Coun�y Subc]ivlsion, also being l;hQ Wester2y 11ne ---
<br /> of Washingl:on 5treetj L•hencv rutining Norl:hwesl:exly on said Westexly
<br /> � line o� i�laehington 5�reeL• a distt►nce oI !0 Feet to L•he point oP
<br /> �`'� beginning. ' -
<br /> _ . � �;:
<br />- �" AND
<br /> ' .. :�`
<br /> :,,c:�s,:�:�:x. _
<br />- � � � 11 tract oi land in the �i ty .o� Gran�
<br /> � �� island, Nebraska, heipg a part oC Lol Seventeen (17) in County Subclivision in the
<br /> �� � � Southeast QuazteY o� l•l�e S�uL•IiwesL• C�u�rl:er (SP:�SW'a) of SecCion Six�een ( 1G) ; Town•
<br /> ���;'Sj�`n shi �leven ( 11) , North, Range Nine (9) . west o� tlie Gth P.M. in Ilall Counl•y,
<br /> . �e�:.n.c . P
<br />-"�'�:xa'x' Nebraska, more partic:uaar ].y descr.ibed as to.ilows: 13eginning �t the northwesterl
<br /> -���.;:�.
<br /> �r�,;-, corner oL the intersection aC w�sl,inqton Street and Itoenig in saicl Cl.tyj t ence
<br /> - r '-:_3•;G Street £or a clistance of•
<br /> ;=�:'•y:ti�,;� running southwesterly vn the nortl�erly 13.ne oL- Itoen9.g
<br />-_����"�� 52.8 feet to the sautheasCer.ly corner ot Lot 9 in Cedar Park /1d�ition �u saic7
<br /> � ��" �'�' Cit s thence running norl•herly on the easLerJ.y line oC said Lot 9 for a c7istance
<br /> ~e;-;�='Et'� Y
<br /> �-� � of E35.5 ieet to the southwesterly corner of Lol• 10 in said Ceciar Park 7ldclition;
<br /> _-� �hence zunning easterly an L•he soul-I�erly li.i�e o� said Lot 10 for a distance aP
<br /> - - � G0.9 feet, more or les�, L-o rhe sou�heasterly corner of sai.d Lor 10; Lhence
<br />--__ �_ running soul:herly on the southerly nrolongation �f the easterly line of said
<br /> _`°-- - diytanceavt�56e2'�feeheLoe�le�pointnof�beg3nningshington 5tre��t, fvr a
<br /> ��
<br /> =f V-:�:3 Excepting 3 certain {:raat therefr�m as.�:ecor.ded �n t9arranty -_
<br /> ---- - - Daed �s Document No 93•-1Oh47.2 in �he Reg:.ster �f Deeds 0£fice. ,
<br /> --__-n�:
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