<br /> S TAT� OF NEBRASKA ) �
<br /> ) ss. On this 20 day of March, 1952, before me, a Notary Public, in and f or said county
<br /> COUNTY OF HALL ) personally appeared Ma.rgaret H. Kehm, a single person, who is personallp known by me to
<br /> be the person whose signature is affaxed to the foregoing deed as grantor, and she
<br /> acknowledged the execution thereof to be her voluntary act and deed.
<br /> Carl E. Willard �
<br /> My cmrnnission expires Sept. 5, 1953
<br /> File3 for record this 26 day of March 1952, at 2:50 o�clock P.M. �
<br /> Register of Deeds
<br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0
<br /> ��dARRANT�� DEED �
<br />� AtiAN�A SCHIJLT2, nis ?�rife, �U"??ST SCH?JLTZ a.nd HATTIE H. SCH??LT7, his tioife, j•JIL?�IAM SCHULTZ
<br /> and HIILDA D. SCHULT7, his wife, in consic,eration of ONE DOLLAR, (�1.00) and other good and sufficient
<br /> consic:eration, in hand p�.i�'_, c'o he.reby grant, bargain, sell, convey and conflrm unto MARTHA McGRAxH,
<br /> of thA County of Hall «��a State of Nebras'z.�_, t'le fcllot�rinJ describea rea.l est<-..te situated in Hall
<br /> County, Nebrask�, to-V�'t:
<br /> The S�uthe���st Qaaarter (SE�) of Section Three (3) , Towrship Twelve (12) , North, Ra,nge Eleven
<br /> (11) , tiJ�st of the 6th P.M. , ancl cnntainin; 160 acres, a little more or less, according to
<br /> Govern ment survey,
<br /> to h�..�re and to hold the �rpmises a?�ove describe��., to;ethe�= �rit?� �.11 the tenPments, heredita.ments
<br /> �.nc� a;apurtenances thereunto helon;ir�, unto the said MARTHA MeGRATH and to her heirs and assigns
<br /> forever. And we �o hereb�j cov�n�.n� T-��th the Grantee a:�d �bTith her heirs anc? as�i;ns, th�_t we
<br /> are lawfuli_;yT seized of said prQmises; th�t they are free from encumbrance an�. that �ae havQ good
<br /> ri;ht anc3 lawful authority to sell the s<�.me; and �re c�o here�y covenant to warrant and defend the
<br /> . title to sai:�. premises a��.inst the lawful cl�.img of all persoris whomsoever.
<br /> Each of tne above naned Gra ntors doPS hereby relinquish all homestead ri;ht, title and interest
<br /> of every nature in �nd to the above premises.
<br /> Signed this 24th day of M�.rch, 1952.
<br /> Pet�r Schultz
<br /> Thekla Schultz
<br /> P
<br /> Cancelled� am s ) Henry Schu]�tz
<br /> �
<br /> Amanda Schultz
<br /> August Schu]�tz
<br /> �
<br /> Hattie H. Sc�ultz
<br /> ` �f-lliar� •Sch.u�.t�ti �
<br /> STATE OF NEBRAaKA )�S : Hulda D. Schultz
<br /> COUNTY 0�' HALL ) On this 2�-th day of March, A. D. , 1952, bef'ore me, the undersigned, A. J.
<br /> Luebs, a Not�ry Public, duly commissionec� and a,ualifiPd, for ��nd residin� in said count;�, personally
<br /> came PETF�'� SCHULT2 anc� THEKLA SCHULTZ, his w3Pe, HENRY SCHULTZ an:� A�•ZANDA SCHULTZ, his wife,
<br /> AU�UST SCHt7LTZ �nc?. HATTIE H. ,SCHULT7, his wii'p, an�� WILL7AM SC�iIILT7 and hULDA D. SCHULTZ, his wiPe,
<br /> to me known �� Y�e the identical uersons whose names are affixed to the above and fore�oin; in-
<br /> strument <<,s Grantors �.nr? acknoTtilec��ec� the s�me to be their voluntary act and deed.
<br /> 1jJITNESS my hand and notarial se�I the day and ye�.r last a��ove written.
<br /> A. J. Luebs
<br /> {SEAL) NO�A UB
<br /> My cammission expirAs July 6, 1957
<br /> Filed. for i�ecord this 27 day of March, 1952, at 2:�5 0 � clock P.hi. � ��
<br /> �
<br /> Re�ister of e�eds
<br /> �-C-0-0-�-0-0--^-�-0-0-Q-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0---0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-C-0-0_n-0-Q-0-0-0
<br /> RF.FERF.E�S DEF;D �
<br /> KNOW ALL AiF�*; BY THESE PRESFNTS; That whereas, in an action of p�rtition pending in the District Court of Hall
<br /> County, Kebraska, wherein T. C. Murphy was plaintiff, and T. C. A4urphy, guardian of Virginia Ann Murphy, a minor, and
<br /> others, were defendanr�, for the partition of the premises hereinafter described, the undersigned referee appointed by
<br /> said Court to make par�ition of real_ estate, ma�e report in writing duly signed, setting forth that partition of
<br /> said real estate could not be made without great prejudice *o the owners thereof which report was duly examined by the
<br /> Court and the Court being satisfied there�aith, approved and confirmed the same and ordered the same to be entered of
<br /> record and directed me as said referee, to sell said premises for cash, 15�! on date of said sale, and the balance
<br /> ixpon confirmation of the sale and directed such sale to take glace in the Lobby ad�acent to the North front door of
<br /> the Court House in Grand Isl�.and, Hall County, A'ebraska, and in pursuance of said order I ca,used notices to be
<br /> puhlishe3 in the Grand Tsland Daily Independent, a legal newspaper printe3 and in general circulati.on in said County,
<br /> that I woulcl offer the real estate hereinafter described on the 8th day of March, 1952, at 10:0� �. hf, of said day
<br /> and at said time and p].a.ce stated in said notices and a.fter said netices had been pi�blished f or more than thirty (301
<br /> days, I offered said real estate for sale at public auction and sold r.he same to ?lartha I�ielsen for the sum of Nine
<br /> � f March 1952
<br /> Thousand Dollaxs (.:9,000.0�), she be�ng the hi�hest bidder therefore and afterwards on the day o , ,
<br /> the Court approved and confirmed said sale and by an order directed. me as sai.d referee, to execute to said Martha
<br /> Niea sen a. deed cor,v�yin� said land to her i.n fee simp]_e title, now therefore,
<br /> I, Lloyd tJ. Kelly, referee, in considerati.on of the premises and the sum of Nine Thousand Dollars (�9,000.00) so
<br /> bid and �Said by the said "4artha ?�ielsen, and by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do by these presents, grant
<br /> se11 and coi�ve� un*o thQ said �tartha Niel.sen, and to her heirs, assigns, the f described property, to-wit:
<br /> S�uth '�'ineteen (].9' ) Feet of Let One (1) and the I�orth '�Tineteen (19� ) Feet c�f Lot 7tao (2) in I31_ock Four (4)
<br /> Hann�s Secon,� :1ddi.tion t;� the City of Grand Isl.and, Hall Cauntv, Nebraska;
<br /> with all the appur�tez�ances t�hereun*.o;ine.
<br /> � To ha��-e. and t� hold, r_.��e to the said titartha \i_elsen, anc? her heirs and assi�r.s forever,�
<br />