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��� DE�ED RECORD NO. 101 <br /> 39508-THEAUGU571NECO.GRANDISLRNO.NEBR. � <br /> CORPORATION WARRANTY DEED--Vesting Entire T3.t1e �.n Survivor � <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE �RESENTS, That PLATTE V�LLEY DEVELOPMENT CO. , a corporation organized and <br />, �xisting under and by v�rtue of the �awa of �he Sta.te of Nebraska, for and in consideration of the <br /> �um of One Dol�ar and other val.uable cons�.dera'�ion DOLLARS in hand paid does hereby grant, bargain, � <br /> n unto '�TILLIAM SCHULTZ and HULDA D. SCHULTZ as JOINT TENANTS, and not as tenan�s in <br /> sell and co vey <br /> comrnon; the f ollowing described reaZ estate , situated in the County of Ha11 and State of Nebraska, <br /> to-wit : <br /> Lot Three (3 ) in Block Two (2) in Meves First Addi'Gion to the City of' Grand Igland, as <br /> surveyed, platted, and recorded <br /> IT BEING THE INTENTION OF ALL PARTIES HERETO, THAT IN THE EVENT OF THE DEATH OF EITHER OF SAID <br /> GRANTEES, THE ENTIRE FEE SIMPLE TITLE TO THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED HEREIN SHALL VES`P IN THE <br /> SURVIVTNG GRANTEE. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, with the af oresaid appurtenances, unto �h� said <br /> grantees as JOINT TENANTS, and not a� tenants in common, and to their assigns, or ta the heirg and <br /> assigns of the survivor of �hem, forever, and the grantor herein, for i�self and i�s guecessorg <br /> doea covenan� with the �;rantees herein and with their �.ssigns and wi th the heirs and assigns <br /> of the survivor of them that i� is lawfully seized of said pr�mi4es; that they free from <br /> encumbrance and that s��.id grantor has good title to and good ri�ht and lawful authority to convey <br /> th� same and it does hereby covenant to warrant and f orever defend said premises unto the grantee� <br /> narned herein and unto their as5i�n� and unto the heirs and asaigns of the survivor of them, forever, <br /> againa� the lat�rful claims of al� persons whomsoever, excluding the exceptions named herein. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said grantor has caused this instrument to be executed by its president <br /> and its corporate seal to be affixed hereto. <br /> Signed this ll�h day of March A.D. lqs2 (CORP) PLATTE VALLEY DEVELOPMENT C0. <br /> (SEAL) A Corporatian <br /> By D. H. Meves President <br /> In the Presence of l. 5 I.R. Stamps Attest A.J. Guendel Secretary <br /> - - - - - ( Cancelled , ) <br /> ST 4TE OF NEBRA.SKA ) <br /> ) ss. On this 11 day of March, 19�2, bef ore me, the undersigned, a No'�ary <br /> HALL COUNTY ) Public in and f or said County, personally eame D. H. Meves, President <br /> c�f the PLATTE VALLEY DEVELOPMENT CO. , a corporation to me personally <br /> known �o be th� Pr�sident and th� identical person whoae name is affixed �o the above conveyance, <br /> and acknowledged �he execution thereof to be h3.s valuntary act and deed as such officer and the <br /> voluntary act and deed of the said PLATTE VALLEY DEVELOPMENT CO. , �,nd that the Corporate seal of <br /> '�he s��.id PLATTE VALLEY DEVELOPMENT CO. , ��ras thereto affixed by its au�hority. <br /> 1�litne�s my hand and Notarial Seal at Grand Island, �.n said cou�ty the day and year last above <br /> written. <br /> Lloyd W. Kelly <br /> (SEAL) Notary Publ c <br /> My Commission expires the 27�h day of October 1�.�'�. � <br /> Filec? for recorr'k this II �ia,y of March, 19�2, at :30 o 'clock P.M. Reg ster of Deeds <br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q <br /> ��7�rt��Tx nFrn � <br /> Kl�OW ALL ��F;1� BY THESE PRF.SF.NTS, That Francis Leon ��iilliams, a. single man, in consideration of Nine Thousand Five <br /> Hundred and nef100 (�9,.500,00) DC�LIsARS i.n hand paid, do hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and conf irm unto Edward <br /> Holechek and Isabell .4, Holecheck husband and �aife, as TOII�TT TF.Iti�ifiTS, and not as tena.nts in commen; the following <br /> described. real esta±e, situated in the County of Hall ar.d State of rebraska, to-wit: <br /> The easterly 32,4 feet of the nartherly 90.35 feet of Lot Four (4) in Block One Hundred Ttzirty (130) of Koenig <br /> and ja'iebe�s Additi.on in t:he City of Grand Island, Ha11 County, �?ebraska, a.ccording to the recorded plat thereof, <br /> subject to a perpetual easement running with ti�e la.nd i.n fa�or 6 the owners of the southerly 41.65 feet of said <br />� Lot Four (4), which easemPnt is upon the westerly 47.A feet of the southerly 8 feet of the Northerly 90.35 feet <br /> of said Lot Four (4) f or d.ri.veway purposes; also granting unto the grantees a perpetual easement. running with <br /> the lar.d over, across an�. upon the southerly S feet of the westerly 33.6 feet of the northerly 90.35 feet <br /> of said I.ot Four (4) for dri.veway ourposes; the cost of maintenance, repair and replacement of said driveway <br /> easements herei.n described sha.11 be borne ene-half by the grantees, their successors in title and assigns, • <br /> and one-half by tbe owner of the southerl.y 41.65 feet of said Lot Four (4) at the time such maintenance, repair <br /> er replacement becomes necessary; also subject to a. perpetual easement running with the land in favor of the <br /> owners of the westerly 33.6 feet of the northeriy 90.35 feet of said Lot Four {4) over, across and upon th.e • <br /> southerly four feet of the �aesterly 19 feet of the easterly 32.4 feet of the northerly 90.35 feet of said <br /> Lot Four (4), far the use,mai.ntenance, and replacement of facilities for drying, airing and cleaning <br /> clothes u�on cl othes 1_ines; . <br /> First parties herewith and hereby further grant unto second party a perpetual easement over, across and <br /> upon the southerly 41,65 feet t�f Lot Four (4) for the maintenance, repair and replacement of electric and <br /> telephone wires above the ground in the approximate location of said wires as they now exist over, <br /> across and upon subservient premises; first hereby further grant unto second party, a perpetual <br /> easement running with the land, over, across, upon anci under tha.t pertion of the southerly 41.65 feet of <br /> said Lot Four (4) where the sewer pipes now exist connecting the sewer in the alley irtnnediately to the <br /> South of said Lot Four �4) with the easterly 32.4 feet of the northerly 90.35 feet of said Lot Four (4), which <br /> easement is for the maintenance, replacement, and upkeep of sai.d sewer line, but any damages dane to the <br /> subservient premises by the owner of the domi.nant premises in the maintenance, repair or replac�ent of saia <br /> sewer line covered by this easement shall be paid by the owner of said dominant premises in the exercise thereof, <br /> said damages being herEby expressly limited to the cost of repair and replacement of improvements now or <br /> hereafter existing upon said subservient premises at the of making such repairs and replacements; first <br /> parties hereby further grant unto second party the express right to re-lay said sewer line under the su�face <br /> of the following ground, to wit: The northerly 102 feet and the easterly 18 feet of said sautherly 41.65 ' <br /> feet of said Lot Four (4) at any time that the owners of the ea.sterly 32.4 feet of the northerly 90.35 f eet <br /> of said Lot Four (4) shall desire, which right shall be a Covenant runnin g with the o�wriers�of said dominant <br /> land, but in the exercise of such right, the awners of said dominant land shaZl pay for all dama.ges occasioned <br /> by them i.n the of said right to the c�wners of the southerly 41.65 feet of said Lot Four (4); the <br /> owners of the subservient premises shall construct no im�rovements on the southerly 4I.65 feet of said Lot <br /> Four (4) upon or under that porti.on of said premises covered by this right and easement last above described <br /> which shall extend lower than 12 inches above the present sewer main running along and under the alley to the <br /> Sou�h of said Lot Four (4); which is described in deed dated January 2, 1952 filed the 21st dap of �anuary*; <br /> 1952 at 9:45 A. M. in Book 101 of deeds at Pa�e 247; <br />