DEED RECORD NO. 101 ��- � �
<br /> ♦1
<br /> THIS DEED made th is 27th daq of December, 1951, by and between Theodore William Baumer and Herbert F. Ma.yer, both
<br /> of Grand Island, in the Conntq of Hal1, 9tate of Nebraska, Executors of the Last Will and Testa�ent and Codic3.�s
<br /> thereto bf Charlotte C. Wasmer, also known as Charlotte C. von Wasmer, deceased, late of Crand Island, in the County
<br />' of Hall, State of Nebraska,parties of the first part, and James E. Wenger of Crand Island, in the County of Hall,
<br /> State of Nebraska, party of the second part:
<br /> WITNESSFTH, that the said parties of the first part, the dulp appointed, qualified and acting Executors of said
<br /> Charlotte C. Wasmer, also knawn as Charlotte C. von Wasmer, deceased, under her Last Will and Testament and Codicils
<br /> thereto, which are of record in the office of the Probate Court of Hall County, Nebraska, bp virtue of the pawer and
<br /> auth ority granted and conferred upon them, under said Wil�. and C�dicils, and in consideration of the sum of SEVEN
<br /> THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED DOLLARS ($7,800.00) to them paid by the party of the second part, the receipt whereof is herebp
<br /> confessed and acknowledged, do by these presents grant, bar�ain, sell, remise, release, alien, convey and confirm unto
<br /> the said partp of the second part, and to his heirs and assigns forever, all of the folla+ring described tract, piece
<br /> and parcel of land, situate, lying and bein� in the County of Hall and State of Nebraska, to-wit;
<br /> The Westerlq 33.6 feet of the northerly 90:35 feet of Lot Four (4) in Block One Hundred Thirtp (130) of Koenig
<br /> and Wiebe�s Addition in the City of Grand Islarxl, Hall Countq, Nebraska, according to the recorded plat thereof,
<br /> sub�ect to a perpetual easement rnnning with the land in favor of the awners of the southerly 41.65 feet of said
<br /> Lot Four (4) and the easterlp 32.A feet of the northerly 90.35 feet of said Lot Four (4), which easement is over,
<br /> across and upon the southerly 8 feet of said westerly 33.6 feet of the Northerly 90.35 feet of said Lot rour (4)
<br /> for driveway purposes; th� cost of maintenance, repair and replacement of the drive�ay covered by this easement
<br /> shall be borne one-half by the owner of the southerlp 41.65 feet of said Lot Four (4) and the other one-half bp �
<br /> the owner of the eas�erly 32.4 feet of the northerly 90.35 feet of said Lot Four (4) at the time such maintenance,
<br /> repair, or replacement becomes necessary; also , subject to a perpetual easement ruim ing with the land in favor
<br /> of the amers of the easterly 32.4 feet of the northerly 90.35 feet of said Lot Four (4), over, across and upon
<br /> the southerly f our feet of the easterly 19 feet of the westerly 33.6 feet of the northerlq 90.35 feet of said Lot
<br /> Four (4), f or the use, maintenance, repair and replacement of �'acilities for drping, airing and cleaning clothes i
<br /> upon clothes lines;
<br /> First parties herewith and hereby further grant unto second party of perpetual easement over, across and npon
<br /> t�e southerly 41.65 feet of s�.id Lot Four (4) for the maintenance, repair and reDlacement of electric and telephone
<br /> wires above the�roand substantially in the approxi.mate location of said wires as they n� exist over, across and
<br /> upan said subservient premises; first parties hereby further grant unto second party, a perpetual easement running
<br /> with the land over, aeross, upon and under that portion of the southerly 41.65 feet of said Lot Four (4) where
<br /> " the sewer pipes now exist connecting the sewer in the alley inanediately to the South of of said Lot Four (4) with
<br /> the westerlp 33.6 fect of the northerly 90.35 feet of said Lot Four (4), �hich easement is for the replacement,
<br /> maintenance, repair and upkeep of said sewer line, but anq damages done to the subservient pre�nises b� the
<br /> �ner of the dominant premises in the maintenance, repair or replacement of said sewer line cooered by this
<br /> easement shall be paid . by the owner of said dominant premises in the exercise thereof, said damages bein� hereby
<br /> expresslp limited to the cost of r�pair and replacement of improvements now or hereafter existing upon said
<br /> subservient premises at the time of making such repairs and replacements; first parties hereby further grant
<br /> unto second party the express right to re-lap said sewer line under the surface of the follawing �round, to-wits
<br /> The Northerlp 102 feet and the easterlq 18 feet of said southerly 41.65 feet of said Lot Four (4) at any time
<br /> that the awners of the westerly 33.6 feet of the northerly 90.35 feet of said Lot F�r (4) shall desire, which
<br /> right shall be a covenant running with the awners of said dominant land, but in the exercise of such right, the
<br /> owners of said dominant land shall pay for all damages occasioned by them in the exercise of said right to the
<br /> awners of the southerly 41.65 feet of said Lot , Four (4); the awners of the subservient premises shall construct
<br /> no improvements on the southerly 41.65 feet of said Lot Four (4) upon or under that portion of said premises
<br /> covered by this right and easement las t above described which shall extend lower than 12 inches above the present
<br /> sewer main running along and under the allep to the South of said Lot Four (4);
<br /> t ogether with ,all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belon�ing or in anp wise
<br /> appertaining; and also all the estate, right, title, interest, property, possession, claim and demand whatsoever� whi¢h
<br /> the said Testatrix had in her lifetime, and at the tiaie of her decease, and which the said parties of the first part
<br /> have by virtue of the said Last Will and Testament and Codicils thereto or otherwise, of, in or to the abobe granted
<br /> premises and every part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances;
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises, the tract of land af oresaid, with the hereditaments and appurtenances
<br /> thereof, unto the said partp of the second part, his heirs and assigns forever.
<br /> And the said parties of the first par.t, for themselves, their heirs, Fxecutors and administrators, do covenant,
<br /> prcx�ise and undertake to and with the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, that they are lawfully
<br /> the Executors of the Last Will and Testament and Codicils thereto of the said Charlotte C.. Wasmer, also known as
<br /> Charlotte C. von Wasmer, and have p�rer to convey as af oresaid, and have in all respects acted, in making this convepance
<br /> in pursuance of the authority granted in and by the said Last Will and Testament and Codicils thereto, and that they
<br /> have not made, done or suffered any act, matter or thing whatsoever, since they were Executors as aforesaid, Whereby
<br /> the above granted premises, or any part thereof, are, shall or map be i.mpeached, charged or encumbered, in any manner
<br /> whatsoever, excepting only as hereinbefore stated.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEAEOF, the sa�d parties of the first part have herennto set their hands the day and pear first above
<br /> written.
<br /> ($8.80 I. R. STAMPS) Theodore William Baumer
<br /> (CANCELLED ) Herbert F. Mayer
<br /> E�cecutors of the Will and
<br /> Testament and Codicils thereto of
<br /> Charlotte C. Wasmer, also knawn as
<br /> Charlotte C. von Wasmer, deceased
<br /> ) ss: On this 2nd day of January, 1952, before me, a Notary Public, within and for said County,
<br /> COUNTY OF HALL ) personally appeared Theodore William Baumer and Herbert F. Mayer, Executors of Lhe Estate of
<br /> Charlotte C. Wasmer, also knawn as Charlotte C. von Wasmer, deCeased, to me knon�n to be the
<br /> identical persons and Executors described in and who executed the above and foregoing instr�nnent and thep ackn�+ledged
<br /> the same to be their voluntary act and deed as such Exectt�ors for the uses and purposes therein mentioned.
<br /> IN WITNESS tdHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and pear last above writ-�en.
<br /> My co�fssion expires ,july 15, 1956. (SEAL) Gladys L. Simpson
<br /> Notary Ppb�ic
<br /> Filed for record this 18 day of January 1952, at 9:00 O�clock A. M.
<br /> ��_
<br /> Register of Dee
<br />