� D�ED RECORD NO. 101 ��;'
<br /> city equal in number to thirty per cent (3�) of the electors of the City of Grand Island' voting at the last regu�lar ��
<br /> election held in said Citp be filed with the City Council within thirtq (30) days after the passage and publication
<br /> of this ordinance, �^uch property shall not then, nor within one year thereafter be sold,
<br /> SECTION 5. If no remonstrance be filed against such sale then the sale of said real estate is hereby ratified,
<br /> a roved and confirmed and the President of the Cit Council and Cit Clerk shall u on demand make execute and
<br /> PP Y Y � P s
<br /> deliver unto the said Elden Rasmussen a Quit Claiia Deed for such property and the execution of snch Deed is herebp
<br /> authorized withoat further action on behalf of the City Council.
<br /> SECTION 6. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, appronal and publication
<br /> as provided by law.
<br /> Pa�,ssed by a majority vote of all of the members of the City Council, this the Sth day of December, 1951.
<br /> �C I��
<br /> ATTEST: SEAL 0. W. Johnson
<br /> President of the C3.ty Council
<br /> Flo�d S. White
<br /> City Clerk
<br /> ORDINANCE N0. 2559.
<br /> An Ordinance vacating a part of First Artistic Homes Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br /> and vacati.ng a part of Anderson Avenue lping south and a part of the alley lying west of Block Three (3� in said First
<br /> Artistic Ho�nes Addition, and reserving to the Citp of Crand Island title to the alley and said street so vacated.
<br /> WHEREAS, under date of February 4, 1943, the Mapor and City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska,
<br /> accepted and approved the plat� surneyorts certificate and dedication of ttBetter Homes Sub-divisiontt which included as
<br /> a part thereof Lvts One (1), Two (2), Three (3), Four (4), Five (5), and Six (6), of Block Three (3), First Artistic
<br /> Homes Addition to the Citp of Grand Island, Nebraska, then a+ned by Better Builders Inc., a corporation, and
<br /> WHEREAS, that part oP the plat of First Artistic Homes Addition above described and replatted as Better Homes
<br /> Subdivision was never vacated by the City Council, and
<br /> WHEREAS, on the 17th dap of March, 1943, the Mapor and Council of the City of Grand Island passed and approved
<br /> Ordinance No. 1948 authorizin�, directing and confirming the sale of a part of Anderson Avenue lyi.ng to the south of,
<br /> and a part of the allep lying to the west of Block Three (3), First Artistic Homes Addition to the City of Grand Island,
<br /> Nebraska, without first vacting said alley and said street, and
<br /> WNEREAS, because said original plat of that part of First Artistic Homes Addit ion abave described, and tha.t part
<br /> of Anderson Aeenue and the alle� above referred to were not vacated, a cloud appears upon the title to the real estate
<br /> in Better Haaes Subdivision and upon the lats, tracts and parcels of land naw situated upon that part of Anderson
<br /> Avenue and the alley above referred to. ,
<br /> NaW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COONCIL of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska:
<br /> SECTION 1. 'That that part of First Artistic Ho�s Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, more
<br /> particularly described as:
<br /> All that part of Lots FJne (1), Two (2), Three����dFour (4) Five and S� (6) of Block Three (3), First
<br /> Artistic Homes Addition to the City of Grand/, e raska, e�ccept that part of Lot One (1) previoaslp condemned
<br /> by the City of Grand Island, Nebraska and described as beginning at the Northeast corner of said Lot One (1),
<br /> thence �outh along the East line to the Southeast corner of said Lot One (1), thence in a Northwesterly
<br /> direction to a point on the North line of said Lot One (1), a distance of ?0 feet Westerly from the Northeast
<br /> corner, thence in a Northeneasterly direction along the North line of said Lot One (1) a distance of 70 feet
<br /> to the point of beginning,
<br /> be, and the same is herebp vacated and to be hereafter known and described as being a part of Better H�aes Subdinision
<br /> to the Citp of Grand Island, Nebraska.
<br /> SECTION 2. That that part of Anderson Avenue lying to the south, and that part of the allep lqing to the �est of
<br /> said Block Three (3), First Artistic Horaes Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, as originally platted and
<br /> dedicated and more particularly described as follows:
<br /> Beginning at the Southwest eorner of Anderson Avenue going East along the South line of Anderson Avenue a
<br /> distance of 156 feet to the West line of California Avenue; thence North 60 feet along the West line of
<br /> California Avenue; Thence West 140 feet along the North line of Anderson Avenue, being the S a�th lineof
<br /> Lot Six (6) of said Block Three (3) to the alleq;;�thence North 318.85 feet along the East line of the
<br /> alley to the South line of Phoenix Avenve; thence Southwesterlp 18.2 feet along the South line of Phoenix
<br /> thence appraximately 436 feet along the West line of the alley to the point of begirtning,
<br /> be and the same is hereb� vacated. It being understood that the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, reserves unto itself,
<br /> title to that part of said alley and street so vacated.
<br /> SECTIOIV 3. This ordinance shall be fn force and take effect from and after fts passage, approval and publication
<br /> as provided by law. �
<br /> Passed and approved by a ma3ority vate of the members of the City Conncil, this the 7th dap of November, 1951.
<br /> �
<br />' 0. W. .T ohnson
<br /> (CITY) President of the Citp Coancil
<br /> (SEAL)
<br /> Attest: Floyd S. White , Citp Clerk
<br /> State of Nebraska )
<br /> County of Hall ) s.s. I,. F. S. White, duly appointed� qualified and acting City Clerk of the Citp o�' Grand Island,
<br /> City of Grand Island Nebraska hereby certify the foregoirg ordinances 2559 and 256? were regular�g passed by the
<br /> council 6 the citp of Grand Island meeting �n regular session.
<br /> Further certify Ordinance 2559 was published in the Grand Island Indep endent on November 10, 1951 and Ordinance
<br /> 256? was published in the Crand Island Independent December S, 1951.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I herebq set my hand and affix the official seal of said city this 12th dap of January, 1952.
<br /> (CITY) F. S. White,
<br /> (SEAL) Citp Clerk
<br /> Filed for record this 12 dap of Januarp 1952 at 10:20 o�clock A. M. C���l�
<br /> Register of Deeds
<br />