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<br /> � 18.Foreclasure Procedure_It i.ender requtres immediate payment in full under paragraph �Len er may � _
<br /> �''"".� invoke the power ot sale und any other remedits permitted by ap��Lca61e law.Lender shall be entitled to collect _-
<br /> all expenses incurred in pursufwg the remedies under th[�paragrap6 18,Including,but not lim[ted to,reesissonable ,,. -
<br /> attorneys'fee.v and costa ot dtle evidence. . .
<br /> It the power o!sak Lv invaked,Trustee shall record a aotice of default In each rnuaty In wblch any purt of
<br /> the Property t� located and st�all matl copies of such aotice in the mAnuer prescrt6ed by appllcable law to ����
<br /> � „ Borrower and to the other persons prescribed by appUcabk law. After the tfine reqnired by appQcubte la�v, ;•�;�-'�-'
<br /> , -�-
<br /> Trustee ehaD bive p�i61k nqd�e of sale,to t4�pB., ns sutd W the manner prescr[bed by applicable Inw.Trustee, • ,;;:r
<br /> � �� without demaad o Durrower.�tlutil seY+tbe Piroper ttt publlt auctlon fo the highest bidder at t6e time and place r'-�'�
<br /> 1,�`'' qnd under the terrt�,s deN�noted•fat6e wotioe•otsa in one or mflre ps�rcels And in any order Trustee determines. -_
<br /> •. 'I'�us�ee�aay aostpone sale af sall o.any pA=cei o!t e���.ty by pvbfk QnGau�ceraent a4 the time and place o4 `_==_
<br /> . any prevbusly schedukd sak.[.ender or ite desi�nee may purchase the Property at any sak. ' ���'
<br /> It the Lende�'e (ntereat fn this Secu�tty Instrument � held by the Q'iccretary ond the &ecretary rsquires -'-
<br /> immedlate pAymen!Iu fuU under Ps�r�grAph 9,the 1RecretAry mey(nvoke the rtar�Judki�l pawe�at e�k provlded ==�
<br /> in the 31n�b Family Mort��Qe Foreclaure Act o� 1994 ("Act") (�1 U,R.C. 37Si et seq.) by requatin� a �
<br /> �oreclaure rnmmfealnner deai�aated under the Act 7o canmence foresfaure wnd to sell the Piroperty �u '�"=_-
<br /> pmvlded In tl�e Art. NothlnR In the precedinR untenre alull deprlve the 8ecreu�y ot �ny rtRhW olhenvMe `:,
<br />_ �v�q�bk to�L.cader uader thM Pr�q��pA ia o��ppik�bk I�w. -
<br /> Upon recelpt of p�yment d tha prke bW,Trwtea�haU deliver to the purchpeer 7'rue�tee'e deed conveying
<br /> tbe Property.Tlb recib�In t6�Trwtee'e deed sb�ll be prima��cb evldence of the truth ot the et�tements mode ���-
<br /> ' therela.Teuttee�6vU�pply•t6e proaed�of the ewk In thc folbw(ng order: (�? to all co�te And expensa ot ��`--�
<br />_ �� �- .:ns:..�'�:..�f:n'v j..:.:�:L�'aiw,�:,�::;C'o�w,::.:SL'.'�.:�f :uv';.:.j�"u�.:::.!:�.•T::i'w,�v�".'n�:.o°^.:0::�:;:.^.^.:ir.."�..q .�.Q!:.Z �'_`�_:.
<br /> exceed 3.000 96 of tde princtpwl amount of the aote At the tlme o!the dtcl�ration of defAUlt, �;_
<br /> aad reuoasbk attorneys' fae w permitted by Wwi(b)to all sums secured by thL�Secur(ty Instrument;and(c) �,,
<br />' any excesa to the person or persons kgally entitkd to i� �-
<br /> _ �.
<br />=,;,,•. -
<br />_:�;t:,., --
<br /> ; 19.ReconveyAnce.Qpon payment of aU sums secured by this Seciuity Insuument,Lender shall request Trustes to F=-
<br />�.. �� . r�convey the Property and shall surtender this Security Inst�ument and all notes evidencing debt secured by this Securit; -
<br />_�-��.-.�_.:� °-�
<br />,y��,,� Instrument w'I'rustee.Trustee shall reconwey the Prope�ty without werrr,nty and without charge to the person or persons f,-
<br /> ;�-„-_,.:.;�: ' legally endded to i�Such person or�:rsons shall pay eny rccordarion costs. r-:
<br />_��,,.. �. L..
<br /> -_ �'�•�•� �~ . 20. Substitute Trustee.Lender.at its opdon.may from dme ta time remove Trustee and appoint a successor �.,
<br />�:.,',�:�.,'.�°. hvstae to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recordecl in th�,county in which thls Security Instrument is a_
<br /> _ ..:. :� �
<br />�:^R,���,� , � reeorded. Without eonveyance of the Pcoperty,the suceessor tcustee shall auccoed to all the tiUe,powe�and dudes -
<br />��::_';�'"� . conferred upon'hustee herein and by applicable law. °=-
<br /> �.��.1•,
<br /> =.;�a.:;�,.-;::. -
<br />�;=„$,;; 21.Request tor Noticaa Borrower requests that copies of the nodces of default and sale be sent w Aorrowu's ---
<br />-1r` ::'�`:� address which is the Property AddrGSS.
<br />�q./l'..,,:.::L.
<br /> p_=�'}�. •_:r � �irnr .___-.-.
<br /> _ 5� F`7"_
<br />-�'���"" 22.Itiders tu this Sccurit Instrumen� If one or more rlders are eaecuted b Borrower and recorded to ethe�r
<br />—�';;;�z,:' �' Y 8 _ _.
<br />��;,_ with thfs Security Instmment, tl�e covenants of each such rider shall be incocporated into and shall amend and -__
<br />= �='� supplement the cavenants and agmements of this SccurIry Inswmcnt as if the rider(s) were a part of thLs Securlty
<br />