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<br /> Borrower shell also bc in dcEault if Borrc�wcr, during thc loan applicadon proccss,gavc matcrlally falsc or inaccuratc ,
<br /> informut�on or stetcmcnts w L.cndcr(or failed to providc Lcndcr with uny matcdal information)in connecdon with the • .� .�=
<br /> loan evidenced by d►e Note. including,but not limited to, representadons wnceming Bonower's occupancy of the � �. .
<br /> Prapeny as a principal residence. If this Sccwity Instrumcnt is on a lcaschold, aarrower shall comply with thc � � .;.�;;.y.=
<br /> provi3ions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fec tide to thc Propeny,the lcaschold and fce tiUe shell nut bc merged �.-�;�.��;_
<br /> unless L.ender agrees to thc mergcr in wridreg. =
<br /> 6.Condsmnation.The proceeGs of any awerd or claim for damages,d'ucct or consequential,in connecuon with = _ __
<br /> any condemnadon or other taking af any part of the Property,or for conveysnce in place of condemnation,are hereby `
<br /> assigned and shnll be paid to Lender w ihe extent of the full amount of the indebtedness that remains unpaid under the
<br /> Note and this Security InstrumenG I.ender shell apply such proceeds to the reduction of the indebtedness under the Note
<br /> and this Security Instrument,fust to any delinquent amaunts applled in the order provided in garagraPh 3,and then to •
<br /> prepayment of principal.My application of the proceeds ta the principal shall not extend or post�ane the due date of the � . __
<br /> monthly payments,which are referred w in pucagraph 2,or change the amount of such payments. My excess proceeds
<br /> � over an amount required tn p1y all outstanding indebtedness under the Note and this Security Instrument shall be paid to ,,'±'''�, -
<br /> ,r., _
<br /> .. the endty legally endded thereto. •:;": :,,'�--
<br /> 7. Charges to Borrower aad Protection of Lender's Rights in We Property. Borrower shall pay all
<br /> � governmentel or municipal charges,fines and imposipons that are not included in paragraph 2.Borrower shell pay these . �:
<br /> . • obligadons on time direcdy to the entity which is owed the paymenG If failure to pay would adversely affect I.ender's .•;;;,•'��;
<br /> � interest in the Pronerty, upon Lender's request Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender receipts evidencing these ' a"�
<br /> �.. payments. ` �`� s
<br /> ,. If Borrower fails to make these payments or the payments required by paragraph 2,or fails to perfurm any other ..:.. ���
<br /> covenants end agreements contained in Ihis Securiry Instrument,or there is a legal proceeding that may significandy "'r;c.' , �Cy.
<br /> _ -' .�_f sff�t L�ns�:r'� t1ghL it1 the Ptog�`_t't; l���rh a� a pr�rrrllinw in hankrunLCy, for condemnadon ot to enforce laws or _ ;'�";, �_ .�^
<br /> � reguladons),then Lender may do and pay whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and L.ender's rights �� �'�
<br /> in the Property,including payment of taxes.hazard insurance and other ltems mentioned in paregraph 2. �, , �t
<br /> '� � Any emounts disbursecl by Lender under thls paragraph shall become an eddidanal debt of Borrower and bc3
<br /> secured by this Securlty Instrumen�'Itiese emounts shall bear interest from the date of dfsbwsement,at the Note rate. ,� ,.��
<br /> ` � and at thc opdon of Lcndcr,shall bc immcdiatcly duo end payablc, �
<br /> � '' Bnmowar ehall prompdy dlschargo any Qen which hav priority over this Security Inswment unloss Borrower.(a) � - �i
<br /> S' agrccs 1n writing to tho paymcnt of the obligutlon secured by the llen in a manner acceptabla to Lender; (b)wntcsts in �
<br /> ' � . good fa[d�tho Aen by.or defends egainst enforcement of diu Ilen in,legal proceedings which in the I.ender's opinIon
<br /> operata to prevent the cnforcement of the llen;or(c)secwes from tha holder of the lien an abar,ement sadsfectory to _
<br /> Lender subordinating thc lien to this Security Insvumen�If Lender determines that eny part of the Property is subject to
<br /> . a licn which may auain prioriry over this Securiry Instrument,Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. s,��
<br /> �, Bomower shall satisfy the llen or take one or more nf the acdons set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. —_
<br /> 8.Fees.Lender may collect fces and charges suthorized by the Secretary. -___—-
<br />- • � 9.Grounds tor Acceleration ot Deb� _ ____
<br /> (a)Dets►ul� Lender may,excepi es ILnited by regWadons issued by the Secretary. in the case of payment "`=
<br />_ �,�::—
<br />- � defaults.require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument if: ^;�=`--
<br /> �...:;.:�•—.
<br />- , (i)Borrower defnults by fuling to pay in full any monthly payment required by this Securiry Instrument •;:r� �s
<br /> --�;:•�—�L__�--
<br /> prior to or on the due date of the neat monthly payment,or ;::-"�� _=-
<br /> (u)Bortower defaults by failing,for a perlod of ihirty d�ys,to perform any other obligadons contained in =----= ----
<br /> ';;���: -
<br /> - ' . . this Security Insuument. a.�'�—°,° ,�.,,.
<br /> �;,:.-
<br /> (6)Sak Without Credit Approval.I.ender shall,if permitted by applicable law(including Secdon 341(d)of '`•':�i�s#�e��:::
<br /> ` the Gam-SG Germain De sato Instituaons Act of 1982,12 U.S.C.1701-3 d))and with the prior approval of '` 4�-�-`�--i—�
<br /> � ' ry J ( ':��'��;;:-,�,:
<br /> > the Secretary,require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument if: � t"`'•°�,��,,�.-,��.�_
<br />_. „ . `,:��-.f:r`��_
<br /> ' .{n..r< rr . ?i �
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