<br /> � �'� DEED RECORD NO. 101
<br /> together with all the �enements hereditaments and appurtenances to the sa.me belonging, and all the Estate, Right, Title,
<br /> Interest, Claim or Demand whatsoever; including Dower, Curtesy and Homestead Rights of the s�id John Schuller, of, in or
<br /> to the same, or a.ny part thereof.
<br /> TO HAVE AATD TO HOLD the above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the aaid Kansas-Nebraska 1�'atural
<br /> Gas Company, Inc., and to its �uccessors and �ssigns forever. And I hereby covenant with the said Kansas-Nebraska rTatural '
<br /> Gas Company, Inc., that I hold said premises by good and perfect title; that I have go�ci right and lawful authoritp to
<br /> :;sell and convey same; that they are fre� and clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever. I covenant to warrant and
<br /> defend the said premises a.gainst the lawful claims oF all persons �rhomsoever.
<br /> Signed this 3rd day of April, A. D, 1951.
<br /> In presence of:
<br /> John Schuller
<br /> Herbert F, Mayer .
<br /> ) ss : On thi� 3rd day of April, 1951, bcf ore me, Herbert F. Mayer, a Aotary Public within and
<br /> HALL COUNTY ) f or said County, personally came John Schuller, a widower, now ur�married, to me known
<br /> to be the identical person wh ose nam� is affixed to the above instrument as Grantor,
<br /> and acknowledged the execution of the same to be t�is voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein expressed.
<br /> In witn�ss whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name �nd affiued my official seal at Grand Island in said Countp
<br /> on the date last above written. ,
<br /> My commission expires May 17, 1956. (SE�L) Herbert F. May�r
<br /> Notary Public
<br /> Filed f or record this 31 day of Octob�r 1951, at 8:30 otclock A. M, n �
<br /> �� ��
<br /> R�gister of Deeds
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<br />, SHERZFF� S DEED �,
<br /> THAT, ��HEREAS, in an action in the Distr3.ct C�urt of the Eleventh Judic�.a1 District of the State
<br /> oP Nebra.ska, tirithin and f'or the County of Ha1. l wherein H�1� County, Nebragka is plaintiff and
<br /> A. J. AfI'lerbau�;h, also I�no�,m as Alvin J. Afflerbaugh, and Afflerbaugh, real true name
<br /> unknown, his t,rife; et �,1�. , �,re defend�nts, i�o. 20, Doc. 1 Pa.ge 2'�5-2.8,� , the plaintiff did on the
<br /> 16th day of June 19.�1 , obtain �, decree finding there to be due from the defendants for general and
<br /> special im;?rovemen� taxes u,nnn a Certificate of Tax Sale and subsequent t�.xes, in Catts� of Act�an,
<br /> No. 3 the su�n af �1, 79'�.Ol, �.ccruing intereat �.nd costs of the suit, and, wherea�, it was� �h�n and
<br /> there further ordered in the sa.id action that in default of the x�ayrnent of the sum so found due
<br /> f rom the said defend�,nts that the Sheriff of said County of Hal1 should cause the lands and tenements
<br /> hereinafter described to be adv�rtised and so Ld according to 1ati�r to pa.y the sane, and, t,rhercas,
<br /> default having bee:� m�zde therein, the said Sheriff of said County, under and by virtue of �he said.
<br /> decree and the order of sale to him duly direeted, did, on the 28�h day of August, a.9.�1, at the
<br /> Nort"r� Front Door of the Court House in the City of Gr�,nd Island, in said County of Hall, having
<br /> first given due and legal notice of tne time and p��.ce of sa.id sale for no'� less than thirty days
<br /> prior thereto 3.n the Gra.rid lsland Daily Ind�pendent a legal netwspa?�er, printed and in general
<br /> circulation in �aid County of Ha11 sell sa3.d premi�es at 7�ublic auction to Leo B. Stuhr for the
<br /> sun of Three Thousand Two Hundred Fif�y---Dolla.rs, (the �otal accrued costs of suit a.nd sal� being
<br /> �21� . 06) , trrhich sale was af�erwards on the 21st day of September, Z95z, examine�?. and confirmed by
<br /> the said Court and the said E. H. StobUe as sueh Sheriff, ordered to convey the said prem3.ses in
<br /> fee simple to the s�.id Leo B. S�uhr.
<br /> NOW, THEP�EFORE, I, tne s�.id Sheriff af th� County of Hall, as aforesaid, in consid�ration of �he
<br /> premis�� and by virtue of t�le LL�oti�rers vest�d in me by lat�r and the decree of said Caur�, do hereby
<br /> give, grant, and convey to the said Leo B. Stuhr, heirs and assigns, the �remises so as af oresaid
<br /> sold, to-wit ;
<br /> Lot Tnree (3) ��nd tne �aTest Tt�JO-thirds (W 2/3rds} o�' Lot Two (2 ) in :31ock Seventy-one (�l ) in
<br /> Original Tot��rn, now City of Gra,nd Island, H�.1Z County, Nebragka, as aurveyec3, �latted, and recorded,
<br /> -
<br /> ti�ri�h the api�urtenances.
<br /> TO H?�VE AND TO HOLD THE S�It�� unto the said Leo B. Stuhr and h�s heirs and assigns forever.
<br /> IN TESTIMONY 'vJHEREOF, I h��.ve as auch Sherif f hereunto set my h�nd this 22nd day of October, 195i.
<br /> Executed and delivered in the presence of E. H. Stobb�
<br /> i Patricia Yount Sheriff of Hall Coun�y,
<br /> N�braska.
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASK�1. )
<br /> ) �s. On this 22nd day of October, 19�1, befor� me, the undersigned,
<br /> County of Ha11 ) M. E. Moses, a Clerk of Dist Co�art and qual�.f�ed for and residing in
<br /> sai_d County, ?�erson�,lly appeared the sa.id E. H. Stobbe, as Sheriff of
<br /> said County, to m.e rersonally ��nown to be the identical person who signed the foregoing instrument
<br /> as �ran�or, and ackizo�,rledged the same to be his voluntary act and deed, as such Sheriff, for the
<br /> uses and ��urposes therein set forth.
<br /> TrJITNESS my hand and offici�.l se�.l the day and ye��r above tiTritten.
<br /> M. E. Moses
<br /> (SEAL) Clerk District Court
<br /> Filed for record tnis 31 d�.;� of October 195�, at 11: 00 0� clock A.M. C�� C��
<br /> 6
<br /> Register of Deeds
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