<br /> � ���
<br /> � DE�D RECORD NO. 101
<br /> T�1 A
<br /> y,�t���.��?�3'�I �'�"�:D r.
<br /> Kr�Ov�' «�;I, �t�?� nY TH :;1�; ��� .r��P'T.S ; Thar �-iC`T;'��'� 5T'��.",�TS and �T �:l�T:�TT4�; STi��.PNS, his wife, of the �ounty of Hall, State of
<br /> I�ebraska, for and ir, c�nsi�eration of the sum of One Dollar (�l.00� ard other good and sufficient consideration in
<br /> hand paid, do hereby grar:t, hargain, sell and confirm urLto n�I�? CT�I�'I�' IrRIGATICt; CC, of the County of Hall, State of
<br /> Nebraska, the follo�air,g described rea� estate situated in ��all rounty; �tate of r'ebraska,to-wit:
<br /> �"�� certair� pa.rt of �-h�e P�'orthe�.st �uart;ei° of the P'orthwest �uar.*..er (r'�'�1`,�d;;) of �ection T�w�nty (20), Township �
<br /> ''leven (7_l�, I+'orth, ''ange r"i.ne (9), '�'est of the 6th P. '�1., more particularaly describ�d as follows : �eferring
<br /> to the P�Tortheast corner of *he ''ertheast �uarter of the *'orthwest �uarter (rd �r�!�;) of said Sectio� �aer.ty (24)
<br /> runrinb thence :aest al_on; 4.he rorth lir:e of said quarter section 490.9 feet; thence deflecring 91�05f to the
<br /> lef� rlirnirg southerl_y, alorg rhe ti�est line of the uublic roadway G72.5 feet to the r.orth�:resterly right-of-way
<br /> l.ine of ?'ederal Sta�-e ?'i�:nway r'o.30; therce deflectiro 48°l7� to the right and running sout�iwesterly a.long the
<br /> said rig�*-of-way 1_ire tc T�:leral Sta*e uig:n�aay P�o. 30 a distarce of 644.2 feet to a point ef curvature, whi.ch
<br /> poir�t is �he act.ual p�int c�f '�eoinnin.g; ther:ce deflec�ir:g 9J°OOt to the left and runni�g southwesterly 100.0
<br /> feet ther deflect.ing 90°OOf tc the lef� and running soutnea.sterly 1";�,? feet to a point or. the r�orthwesterly
<br /> right-cf�-�aay lire cf I'ederal �.tate `�i�.'�way ?'o. 3(J; rurnind thence rortheasterly alor�g the;Federal State
<br /> T'i��i�aay ^To.3�' beir.� on a circular curve of 2�?24.93 feet radius a d.istar,ce of 100 feet to t`�e actual point of
<br /> '�egir,r,in;, cor,*ai":iN; G,'!^ � �res, �c�re or less, ard IJ21::g tlze sarne premises corveyed to the Grar,tor r.ereir
<br /> V C.il..
<br /> �y '!ees record.ed i.n ^ook �.�, r'age 36? of the Deed "eco-r�3s of ,T?�7_1 �ottnty� '�'ebraska.
<br /> T�` ". '^ °*'^ m''; "< s^ '_' A � -�•�- � -� '�, �, `o�et'r�er �ai`�z all *he tenemer,ts, ':�ereditamer.ts an3 appurtexiances
<br /> a�� . ... . ,_ ,.�i„ �rc,��Z„�s a� _ve �escri,.e.. ,
<br /> ���`siereun.+o �e]_or.•gir�, ur:'.;o t��ze sai��_ "air� ";��.ief 7rrigatior �'o. aru `o its stzccessors and a.ssigns foreser. .�r��� we do
<br /> }�ere'�y covendi�t wit!� �,:�e r���. �;e� ar.:?. i,�it� i�s successors ard assigr�s tha` �oe are lawfully seize�? of sai� premises;
<br /> t'7at 'L:Zey are free frorz erctz,�orar-:ces ar�d `:2a.t we have good ri,ght a.nd lawful authority to sell tt�e same; and tiae do
<br /> here'ily covenar;� to w:�rral�t; �_�a� 'efend i:'�_e title to said premises ag�inst the lawful clair�.s of all person.s tvhom.somver.
<br /> ."z�r�ed trlis 31st :aay �f '•�arc��, 1951,
<br /> ��Il,OC T, ", �'T,?�nc1 tJc��ai�d �tearr.:s
<br /> , � (�'r;r'-'�?r?1 � ,?eanette Stearr�s �
<br /> C�+�mr, �F TT�rn�c7J,� �
<br /> tY 1�.: .. .� _ij�,-1_
<br /> ( ss : �r� ;,':is 'ys� c'�y cf '�".�rclz, ° , �., 1c51, bef�ie �e, the un�?ersig.:ed, ^ . �. T.;ue�?s, a r:otary
<br /> ^„'�?TY �`F "��T.a: ? �1z;�1ic, aul;� �o�^r:;issior.e� fo�� �r:�'� �u:lifie� fer a.n� residing in said county, persor.ally
<br /> i""';' I�C'��1Y'? `;t���:Y:S �21�. Te�:Y'iett2 �tP�.Y'7";S� �"11.5 ,^�ife, t0 ,i.E �irt0'dl"i "�0 �@ '�;12 lueritlCa�. �'8:'SCriS
<br /> SAiiOS? i':iiiTcS �Y'E,' a.f�1�E.'u i3O .,�c' i�Ct2V.^,�_I'_�, 1Y2SriUt??E,'T'it ?.S rY'cY«tOY'S� c^�1;`� FiC�:riOW1�Ci�'£'..'� tlle SSIi12 t;0 i�2 t�121Y' VOZU11taY'3T c'�Ct
<br /> ;a i a
<br /> o..Yi+.t �:i°f,'.lt.
<br /> � �,+TmT�r'C'rr t ..1 ` >> :�., -7 � .�
<br /> ._ _ _ _ .;ly zai�,_. <,z;c' nec��ri-�:� se:�l t�.e �:.y ar� year la.s;, �.bove writter.,
<br /> lcTibl'� �R=• .1. �Ll@�S
<br /> '�y c�mt::issior expires �'ul�r �, l��l. P'otary "ublic
<br /> File�� for recor� t'zis 2� c?ay ��' CctoLer 1951, �t 2 :3�0 o�clock ?', '+!. ��,,� �� �
<br /> °egister of Deeds
<br /> 0-0-�-�-^-O-C-C�-�-`'�-C-CS-�-�-C-G-�-0-C-0-^-0-Q-0-0-0-0-C-0-�-0-0-C-0-0-0-C-0-C-0-0-�-0-c'-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-C-0-0-0-G-0-�-0-0
<br /> S HER IFF t S DEED �,
<br /> THAT, ��fiEREAS, in an action in the District �ourt of the Eleventh Judicial District of the State of Nebraska,
<br /> within and f'or the Countp of Hall wherein The County of Hall, State of Nebraska, is plaintiff and A. J. Afflerbaugh,
<br /> also known as Alvin J. Afflerbaugh, and Afflerbaugh, real true name unknown, his wife; et als; are defendants,
<br /> No. 26, Doc l, Page 275-285, the plaintiff did nn the 16th dap c�' June 1951, obtain a decree finding there to be due
<br /> from the defendants for general and special improvement taxes upon a Certificate of Tax Sale and subsequent tasces,
<br /> in Cause of Action No. 8, the sum of $17.98, accruing interest and costs of the suit, and, whereas, it was then and
<br /> there further ordered in the �aid action that in default oF the payment of the sum so f ound due from the daid
<br /> defendants that the Sheriff' of said County o� Hall should cause the lands and tenements hereinafter described to be
<br /> advertised and sold according to law to pay the same, and, whereas, deFault having been made therein, the said Sheriff
<br /> of said County, under and by virtue of the said deeree and the order of sale to him duly directed, did, on the 28th
<br /> day of August, 1951, at the h?orth Front Door of the Court House in the City of Grand Island, in said County of Hall,
<br /> having first given due and legal notice of the tirne and place of said sale for not less than thirtp days prior thereto
<br /> in The Grand Island Dailp Independent a legal newspaper, printed an.d in general circulation in said County of Hall se��J.
<br /> said premises at public auction to John A. Biacenmann and Armiltia Bixenmann, as JOINT TENANTS WITH SURVIVORSHIP AND
<br /> NOT AS TENANTS II� COMMON; for the sum of" One Hundred Five and no�100 Dollars, (the total accrued costs of su�.j�/and
<br /> sale being $36.66), which sale was afterwards on the 21st dap of September, 1951, examined and confirmed by the said
<br /> Court and the said E. H. Stobbe as such Sheriff, ordered to convey the said premises in fee simple to the said ]ohn
<br /> A. Bixenmann and Armiltia BiYenmann as Joint Tenants with Survivorship and not as Tenants in Common.
<br /> rOW, THEREFORE, I, the said Sheriff of the County of Hall, as af oresaid, in consideration of the premises and by
<br /> virtue bf the powers vested in me by law and the decree of said Court, do hereby give, grant, and convep to the said ,
<br /> John A. Bi�enmann and Armiltia Bixenmann as Joint Tenants with Survivorship and not as Tenants in common., her heirs and '".' '
<br /> assigns, the premises so as af oresaid sold, to-wit: Lot Seven (?) in Block Thirty-eight (38) in Packer � Barr�s Second �
<br /> Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, as surveyed, platted, and recorded, with the appurtenances.
<br /> TO HAVF. A1\TD TO HOLD THE SAME unto the said John A. Bixenmann and Armiltia Bizenmann as JOII�T TENANTS WITH
<br /> SURVIVORSHIP AND hOT AS TENANTS IN COMMON, and their heirs and assigns f orever.
<br /> IN TESTIMOrY WHFRFOF, I have as such Sheriff hereunto set my hand this 22nd day of October, 1951.
<br />, Executed and delivered in the presence of E. H. Stobbe
<br /> Sheriff' of' �----- County, Nebraska
<br /> Patricia Yount
<br /> ) ss. On this 22nd day of October, 1951, bef'ore me, M. E. Moses personally appeared the said •
<br /> County of Hall ) E. H. Stobbe, as sheriff of said Count� to me, personally known to be the identical person
<br /> who signed the foregoing instrument as grantor, and acknowledged the same to be his voluntary
<br /> act and deed, as such sheriff, f or the uses and purposes therein set f orth. '
<br /> WITNESS my hand and official seal the day and year above written.
<br /> (SEAL) M. E. Moses
<br /> Filed for record this 24 day of October 1951, at ��.:30 oTClock A. M. ����,,,�
<br /> Register of Deeds
<br />